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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • lol, only your eyes? :p
  • Matt wrote:
    In my oppinion, one more thing changed in Jkarta within the past few years is the presence of more buffed up people. I notice, on the street, in the mall, in the restaurants, there are more buffed up people than ever before.

    perhaps ... you can get anabolic steroid easier now in jakarta ... :roll: :roll: :roll: ( there must be a reason or two )
  • Hahaha, what else... you "thing"??

    Oh, I got a new cell already. What's yours?
    segay wrote:
    lol, only your eyes? :p
  • Hahaha... maybe.... maybe I should join the crowd :p
    satria wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    In my oppinion, one more thing changed in Jkarta within the past few years is the presence of more buffed up people. I notice, on the street, in the mall, in the restaurants, there are more buffed up people than ever before.

    perhaps ... you can get anabolic steroid easier now in jakarta ... :roll: :roll: :roll: ( there must be a reason or two )
  • Just got back to Jakarta today after spending New Year out of town....

    First of all, I wanna wish you all a Happy New Year. hope this coming year brings plenty of joy and happiness for you and those you love.

    Almost 2 weeks here, tried some good food but still havent had a BREATHTAKING FOOD.... food that takes my breath away, taht makes me happy and speechless...
    Hmm, so the question is WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A GOOD PLACE TO EAT IN JAKARTA? Suggestions are urgently needed.

    Experienced a place caled "Surga" last week. It was OK, not that crowded but there's still a healthy stream of people coming in and out. Didnt really get to know new people though (I was shy, LOL). The drinks sucked so bad (OMG!! ) and the water was so damn expensive (35,000 for a tiny bottle of water!!). I know drinks are expensiove but didnt expect them to be THAT expensive. And they didnt have "cold water" (which is very important for poor people like me). Duh...
    Fortunately, the bunch I went with was pretty nice and friendly.

    So if anyone is planning on going clubbing here or there, please let me know as I wish to tag along and explore the city.
  • ^ happy new year matt, and welcum to JTown...have a nice day
  • huhm.. go try some foods along tebet, uh.. cant be bothered to remember the street name, but if you willin to go, tell whoever person that will take you there to get you to SMP 115 off casablanca st. lately, the place become quite famous, i suppose, since many "tempat gaul" lined up along the street.

    I'd say try this "bebek ginyo", or.. flame burger, or blenger burger (lotsa hotties, well.. twinks, alias AGJ), and.. my fave ayam kalasan's ever: MAS MONO! heheh.. i notice that you complain alot with the amount of zeros in the rupiahs u spend for your food (haha), it's likely you're not gonna complain this time (at least bout the price). Rp 10.000,00 will be enough for one portion of ayam bakar, nasi+lalap, tahu/tempe, and a bottle of teh botol! how good iiisss that?! haha

    or.. if you fond of soto betawi.. try to find this shop around the back of Pasaraya Manggarai. i duno the exact address and stuff, cant really help you much.

    eh.. jadinya di indo sampe kapan? and happy nu year for ya, may this new year bring much happiness and joyful to you (and bring many hunks too, lol)

  • edited January 2008

    Dilemma of Eating Too Much

    One trend that's very noticable on people living baroad and visiting home is a healthy gain of weight. I've seen people packed a various amount from a lean 3 kg to a solid 10 kilos in just weeks.

    So far in about 2 weeks, 've gotten about 2-3 kg... hahaha... a combo of eating a lot of grease plus eating frequently plus driving car all the time plus having people helping me out to do all sort of thing... and lack of exercise, of course.

    But oh well, who can resist the temptation from pempek, batagor, rujak, asinan, sate atau otak2??? Hey, another reminder, if you know good places to eat, please share here... would be really appreciated!

    LOL, I just hope that all of those wont stuck up on my tummy.
  • edited January 2008
    here comes the hottie! lol. um.. well, i dont follow that trend that you mentioned above. Ofcourse there's some "perbaikan gizi" whenever I go back to indo, regarding the fact as mentioned on your posting (eat frequently, drive everywhere, etc).. but.. i think i dont have the trait to get fat. lol. i wish i could gain a bit more tho (currently im like 175++cm by 55kg -- and it become 52kg after poo!!)

    no matter how vast the amount of foods i eat, i will always be this tiny. i tried appeton weight-gain, beras kencur, some traditional chinese medicine, even jamu buyung-upik *haha* to increase my weight a lil more, but the result is quite dissapointing. sigh.

    btw.. kok jadi mirip temen gw ya mukanya?

    PS: i posted sum suggestions bout foods on your other thread at BoyzStyle, and yeah.. Bandung won't let you down. everytime I go back to Indo, i'll go there almost everyweek, just to hv my dinner and drive back to jkt =)
  • ^

    aku saranin Coba ke bandung aja kalo mau hunting Place To Eat yang enak & murah, disitu ada serabi imoet di setiabudhi...yoghurt cisangkuy plus roti bakar specialnya yang dijamin delicious bgd, belom lagi mie bakso ceker , mie pangsit & mie kocok di karapitan :wink: Hei ...nice pics ! Cheers
  • edited January 2008
  • Hahaha... I think u should "see" me so I can "diagnose" you properly. For most people, unless there's some inherent problems (e.g. endochrine problems or poor absorbtion, etc), gaining weight shouldnt be that difficult. Amongst many, tehre are 2 streams of gaining weight: simply gaining mass or gaininbg lean mass. If u simply wnat to gain mass, the main thing you have to pay attention is the caloric balance. Using certain formula, u can estimate your daily caloric expenditure and to that, you add EXTRA calorie which eventually translates into body mass. An excess of about 500 calories/day could translate to a gain of about 1 lb or roughly 0.5 kg/week. Ideally this excess calorie should come from a balnaced meal of approximately 60 carb, 20 protein and 20 fat.
    Gaining lean mass is more tricky because it requires you not only to eat but also to EXCERCISE. The mass gained is considerably less than "regular method" mentioned above, although the gain is mostly muscle mass.

    There are several medicines you can take to increase your appetite or improve nutrition absorbtion. Certain vitamins (e.g. B-complex) is believed to increase appetite on certain cases.

    here comes the hottie! lol. um.. well, i dont follow that trend that you mentioned above. Ofcourse there's some "perbaikan gizi" whenever I go back to indo, regarding the fact as mentioned on your posting (eat frequently, drive everywhere, etc).. but.. i think i dont have the trait to get fat. lol. i wish i could gain a bit more tho (currently im like 175++cm by 55kg -- and it become 52kg after poo!!)

    no matter how vast the amount of foods i eat, i will always be this tiny. i tried appeton weight-gain, beras kencur, some traditional chinese medicine, even jamu buyung-upik *haha* to increase my weight a lil more, but the result is quite dissapointing. sigh.

    btw.. kok jadi mirip temen gw ya mukanya?

    PS: i posted sum suggestions bout foods on your other thread at BoyzStyle, and yeah.. Bandung won't let you down. everytime I go back to Indo, i'll go there almost everyweek, just to hv my dinner and drive back to jkt =)
  • edited January 2008
    Where have u been, Mr.

    hmm that skinny boy become muscle man Matt "the muscle" guy!!!... :D

    "Matt&quot wrote:

    Dilemma of Eating Too Much

    One trend that's very noticable on people living baroad and visiting home is a healthy gain of weight. I've seen people packed a various amount from a lean 3 kg to a solid 10 kilos in just weeks.

    So far in about 2 weeks, 've gotten about 2-3 kg... hahaha... a combo of eating a lot of grease plus eating frequently plus driving car all the time plus having people helping me out to do all sort of thing... and lack of exercise, of course.

    But oh well, who can resist the temptation from pempek, batagor, rujak, asinan, sate atau otak2??? Hey, another reminder, if you know good places to eat, please share here... would be really appreciated!

    LOL, I just hope that all of those wont stuck up on my tummy.
  • Finally went to Bandung a few days ago.... got some clothes in famous factory outlets there, although the journey wasnt that easy.
    First, I dont really like shopping for clothes...
    Secondly, I'm rather conservative, so, my style is really boring and monotonous...
    and alstly.... it's soooo hard to find my size!!! I dunno why, whetehr I'm way too tiny or Indonesians have grown really big... but most clothes here either L, XL, XXL, or XXXL, OMG.... what's wrong with this picture here.
    But, after a lot of digging, bugging and shouting... I managed to get a few decent clothes with reasonable price...

    Good places I found: Rumah Mode and cascade.


    Managed to go to Mangga Dua... because some people said " Orang Jkaarta jauh2 ke bandung untuk beli baju tapi orang Bandung malah ke Mangga Dua".... so I decided to check this place out.
    OMG OMG... There's no way I could find anything there... most stores there only have ALL SIZE CLOTHING. WTH, there's no way you can find a good fit in all size system. It's simply BS. And when I asked those people tried to convince me to just buy these clothes because according to them , these sall size stuff would fit me just fine. My... so disappointing.
    Most styles there were also really tacky... really weird and bizzaare. So in short I do NOT recommend Mangga 2 as a good place to buy clothes.


    Went to Plaza Indonesia, and this place's getting nicer than ever. I was surprised to find not only luxurious and top notch brand here but also stuff I thought I couldnt find here like Banana Republic.
    As a friend put it " You can get anything you want here in jakarta"... for a price obviously.
    Also, noticed that there were plenty of men there with "unusual" gaze, a mix of "checking people out, lust, and a hint of curiousity" which made me wondering... were these people gay or what??



    That's another question I often ask to my friends; seeing taht there're so many special offers and promotions here and there as a part of lotyalty program or simply to attract people signing up for credit cards.
    It seems taht soon enough you need THE SECOND WALLET to hold all your credit cards... just like the SECOND CELLPHONE that many of friends have! hahaha... it's so funny to see people carrying 2 or 3 cellphones...


    STill searching for a pair of LOW RISE JEANS (or HIPSTER according to some store reps...)... any suggestions where I can find these low rise jeans aka hipster for a reasonable price. I really love Abercrombie and FItch style (theirs are pretty low so u can almost see your pelvis and most of your hips). ANYONE????????????????

    ___Still in the quest of finding a food that takes my breath away... that could make me shed the tears of joy _____
  • working in jakarta now, dude...long time no see... :D
    "Matt&quot wrote:
    Where have u been, Mr.
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