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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness

edited November 2016 in BoyzStories
It's all start with Hello..


  • yo, welcome matt.
    nice to meet you...

    *duh kaget pas liat fotone , dikirain foto ric,
    ric pernah seperti itu pas pakai kacamata, (skrg kan gak pake kacamata),
    nanti cari dolo fotone... :mrgreen:
  • whoa... looks innocent nd bedazling :wink: welcome, i'm itchi BTW!
  • Hey matt... welcome to the club... :wink:

    Nice one u are, hehe.... of course we'd loved to have chit-chat with you... and you can OL at YM or MSN or others chat Messengers with us... just look up our id Messenger at "Buku Tamu BoyzForum" :wink:
  • edited November 2016
  • Nggak kok masih cakepan R1c :oops: :oops:

    But..your okay matt...really, your okay ..........
    n welcome to boyzforum...stop by at my blog di bfroum ini ya..

    Menteri Sosial of BForum
  • Gosh, just got a message from pak menteri from ministry of social stuff of BForum... awesome.
    so , pak menteri ini live in bandung ya??
    Bandung, a nice cool city, not hot like Jakarta, plenty of good food too...
    Matt misses those indonesian foods, haven't had chance to try batagor, siomay, or empek empek or rujak for almost 1 and half year now, too bad...
    What is fei doing now? still at school or working already?


    Nggak kok masih cakepan R1c :oops: :oops:

    But..your okay matt...really, your okay ..........
    n welcome to boyzforum...stop by at my blog di bfroum ini ya..

    Menteri Sosial of BForum
  • Cute...cakep koq :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • Matt wrote:
    Huh? Really??
    No way... show it to me....

    R1C wrote:
    yo, welcome matt.
    nice to meet you...

    *duh kaget pas liat fotone , dikirain foto ric,
    ric pernah seperti itu pas pakai kacamata, (skrg kan gak pake kacamata),
    nanti cari dolo fotone... :mrgreen:

    bener...tapi lagi dicari sabar matt...
  • btw, iyak .. serius .. klo diliat2 kok mirip ric yak :shock:

    cuman ric agak gedean dikit ...

    hmm hmm .. hmm hmm

    lain bapak lain ibu kale yak (yaah emang :D)
  • Matt wrote:
    Gosh, just got a message from pak menteri from ministry of social stuff of BForum... awesome.
    so , pak menteri ini live in bandung ya??
    Bandung, a nice cool city, not hot like Jakarta, plenty of good food too...
    Matt misses those indonesian foods, haven't had chance to try batagor, siomay, or empek empek or rujak for almost 1 and half year now, too bad...
    What is fei doing now? still at school or working already?


    heuheuheu.... mau dipaketin gak? somay, batagor, empek empek, dan rujaknya? semuanya my fave food juga tuh...
    tinggak kasih alamat, ntar dipaketin deh ... :D
    matt, where do you come from? where was you born? jakarta mana si?
  • For sure!!! Hell, ya!!!
    I'm kinda tired of western, chinesse, and japanese food here...
    want real indonesian food... nyam nyam..
    I'll be waiting for them.
    mmm.. I was born Jakarta, spending most of my life in Jakarta Timur



    heuheuheu.... mau dipaketin gak? somay, batagor, empek empek, dan rujaknya? semuanya my fave food juga tuh...
    tinggak kasih alamat, ntar dipaketin deh ... :D
    matt, where do you come from? where was you born? jakarta mana si?[/quote]
  • Matt wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Matt, 19, currently studying in Vancouver, Canada.
    I was born and raised in Indonesia, used to be fluent in Indo but really want to be good in english.
    I'd like to chit-chat with anyone letting me know what's going on in Indonesia. so, feel free to drop me some lines. See ya.

    take care,

    Cooking, pondering, bengong, watcing TV, all... @ the same time....

    Hey Matt...

    So I wrote this really long reply to your message, and guess what? My explorer crashed. I did select the whole thing and Ctrl+C when I sensed that it was gonna crash, but I guess it didn't get copied 'cause I tried to paste it later, nothing came out.

    Today IS the worst day of my life *sigh*. Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up on that. I'll probably reply to it tomorrow or something (if I can remember what I typed before).

    Hey everyone, Matt here is a... how do you say in bahasa... seorang pujangga, yang pandai merangkai kata, LOL. (that's one of the very few Indonesian songs that I know).

    Must be chilly up there in Vancouver. Button up! Don't wanna catch a cold like me right now... bla, stuffy nose (at least it's not runny anymore), sore throat, headache... I think it's becoming more of a flu now. More of a reason to get some sleep. Need all the rest I can get.

    Cute picture, by the way, and funny caption. Somehow, I can imagine you actually doing all those things at the same time. Though you're probably missing the most important thing of all (the reason you're there), and that is to study, LOL. Those books and notes on the picture are just crying out for you to use them, lol.
  • Matt wrote:
    For sure!!! Hell, ya!!!
    I'm kinda tired of western, chinesse, and japanese food here...
    want real indonesian food... nyam nyam..
    I'll be waiting for them.
    mmm.. I was born Jakarta, spending most of my life in Jakarta Timur


    SERIUS ... Message me your mail address, (for package) ... privately,
    i will try to send to you ASAP... (nasi gak usah ya??? )
  • edited September 2005
    Hmmm... It's a bit chilly outside but not that cold. It's just nice. Matt is lucky living in Vancouver, it's one of the warmest and nicest city in Canada... Many people stereotype Canada as if it's located in Arctic (well actually pretty close by) but many places in Canada are nice, warm, and cozy. The weather had been fabulous in the past 2 weeks, no rain at all, sunny everyday; but today was a bit drizzling though.

    Just now, Matt was walking on campus, so fucked up (hey.. hey... it's just me or what, I wrote "f*cked up" here but after I post it, the word transformed to making love and funny) after had to finish lab reports and those friggin' things but on the street Matt saw lots of cherry blossoms ( japanese: Sakura, I guess)....My.........they start to blossoming with their pinky color on bare dead looking trees...Matt instantly felt better after that... So Matt supposes SPRING IS COMINGGGG!!!!! Can't wait for spring!!


    PS : Hey T1m here has very very sharp eyes... I didn't even realize that there were piles of crap there... My roomie took it for me ...I hate those notes arghhhhhhhhhhhhh...
    Speaking bout study, if I'm not wrong, T1m has graduated already rite? from what school? in paris? if so, what's t1m doing now then?
  • Wah, r1c is very nice person ya...
    sampe mau kirim pake kilat khusus segala...

    Matt now live on campus area, it's really nice that way.
    no.. no rice, Matt has enough rice here to feed 10 families
    just siomay, batagor, empek empek, rujak (rujak bebek, serut, etc).. nyam nyam...can't wait any longer...


    SERIUS ... Message me your mail address, (for package) ... privately,
    i will try to send to you ASAP... (nasi gak usah ya??? )[/quote]
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