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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • yay! haha.. i was a bit pissed off when i read your last posting, coz.. u didnt mention/reply my second "attemp" to you! i thot you're just being ignorant or sumthin. haha

    glad, i checked the previous page tho. hehe.. and yes, indeed, there's always space for new friends.

    feel sorry for your sickness and all that, but dont think about it too much, stop complaining(or whining?) bout that - cause it sounds really gay, haha- and you better concentrate on your last chance to pass your units. haha. i know it sounds tough to concenrate when you get "vodoo-ed", but yeah.. just try to survive and um.. deal with it! haha.

    anyway, how long are you staying in indo hey? i'm like have to stay over for at least one more month before i can fly back to sincity (read: jkt), as I am accepted to work in software company/consultant. Wanna refuse the offer but, if i do so, my dad+mum+hubby will kill me for sure. haha

    klo ga, skalian ketemuan sama satria aja gmana? haha. i've had a talk with him for "gathering" and we kinda agree to meet by end of jan or so. keen to join?

    all the best mate!
  • Matt wrote:
    So, the technical difficulties seemed to be ongoing... :(

    Anyway, I'm officially sick now, had a really fever, broke up to abt 104oF in the past two nights... I feel like being tortured, I feel really hot and then really cold. My throat is swollen and even drinking water is amajor challenge for me. Antibiotic hasn't really kicked in yet although it's been abt 2 days now... really bad. I feel like hitting my head to the wall... What have i done wrong to deserve this. I couldnt even sleep last night....

    The worst case ever (flu plus fever plus lots of infection) in the middle of final.... one week away from my trip back omg.......I got a weird feeling someone's vodooing me, with "PELET" or "Jampi2" or "Spell" or something like that, so I screwed up... if only they have a witch doctor handy here :( :(

    Doctors here suck! they couldnt do anything.... "Drink plenty of fluids..", that's all they recommend and wait for the swab result... duh, cant they imagine the pain...??

    Enough with bitching... wannna share a really nice clip... love the song, the collate looks great too... they are all looked genuinely happy...

    Also, in the light of continuous torrent of people lipsyncing in youtube... (i even herad there's this duo (2 guys with average looking) became really popular after publishing several linsyncing clips including Backstreet boys, lol).... I wsa thinking wouldnt you agree that a lot of them are SELLING THEIR SKIN for gay people and those teenage girls maybe to boost up their audience. Like this one here:

    well, it's not that i'm complaining, but isnt that a bit I dunno... sad??? (lack of word to describing it)...

    Anyway, have agood weekend guys... Wish me getting well soon.... Thx :)

    Dude.. sori to hear about ur sickness.. Hope you get well soon :)

    Anyway.. didnt really read through the whole threads.. but u did mention you are in Canada right? which part are you in?

    If you are in Vancouver, did u manage to see the Spice Girls in concert? or do you hear anything about it? I know it sounds pretty lame.. but im kinda into them hahaha..

    And Good luck for your papers...I know how sucky they can get :)
  • hold on, is biteme == bimi???
  • Ha, glad u did check the previous page... otherwise I'd have left a really bad impression on your notebook.

    I OKed u on msn already, btw.

    Well, cant help not to complaining. Complaining is very much a part of human nature.... and complaining is also an important aspect of communication... how would others know your feeling if you don't complain, right... ??
    As long as you are not overdoing it, I guess complaining is good... just like gossiping.... in fact one study shows that gossiping creates bonding within a group and strengthens the group dynamics.
    So a right dose of gossiping (and complaining) may actually enhance the quality of living :)

    I'll only be staying in Jakarta until mid of January, wish could stay longer but even with my current plan, I've pushed it beyond Christmas holiday schedulle.
    yay! haha.. i was a bit pissed off when i read your last posting, coz.. u didnt mention/reply my second "attemp" to you! i thot you're just being ignorant or sumthin. haha

    glad, i checked the previous page tho. hehe.. and yes, indeed, there's always space for new friends.

    feel sorry for your sickness and all that, but dont think about it too much, stop complaining(or whining?) bout that - cause it sounds really gay, haha- and you better concentrate on your last chance to pass your units. haha. i know it sounds tough to concenrate when you get "vodoo-ed", but yeah.. just try to survive and um.. deal with it! haha.

    anyway, how long are you staying in indo hey? i'm like have to stay over for at least one more month before i can fly back to sincity (read: jkt), as I am accepted to work in software company/consultant. Wanna refuse the offer but, if i do so, my dad+mum+hubby will kill me for sure. haha

    klo ga, skalian ketemuan sama satria aja gmana? haha. i've had a talk with him for "gathering" and we kinda agree to meet by end of jan or so. keen to join?

    all the best mate!
  • Thanks... hope this ordeal's over soon.

    Yeah, I heard about Spice Girls... a few of my friends went to their concert last week. I kind of want to go but I knew abt the concert a little bit late so I couldnt get the ticket. I heard taht the ticket was sold out within 1 minute or so, so it's pretty brutal. The second hand market for the ticket was double to triple the original price so I dont think it's worth to go there. And there was a free Avril Lavigne concert on the same day too. I went to Avril's and it was dead cold and snowing like crazy. The snow was the size of pea, falling straight to your face. It was pretty insane for Vancouver.

    Oh my friend said that they looked hotter than before, haha..

    I think some people uploaded the concert vid to youtube... you may want to check them out there.

    Oh yeah
    here they are:

    2 Become 1 ..

    and many more there... almost the whole concert... enjoy!
    biteme wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    So, the technical difficulties seemed to be ongoing... :(

    Anyway, I'm officially sick now, had a really fever, broke up to abt 104oF in the past two nights... I feel like being tortured, I feel really hot and then really cold. My throat is swollen and even drinking water is amajor challenge for me. Antibiotic hasn't really kicked in yet although it's been abt 2 days now... really bad. I feel like hitting my head to the wall... What have i done wrong to deserve this. I couldnt even sleep last night....

    The worst case ever (flu plus fever plus lots of infection) in the middle of final.... one week away from my trip back omg.......I got a weird feeling someone's vodooing me, with "PELET" or "Jampi2" or "Spell" or something like that, so I screwed up... if only they have a witch doctor handy here :( :(

    Doctors here suck! they couldnt do anything.... "Drink plenty of fluids..", that's all they recommend and wait for the swab result... duh, cant they imagine the pain...??

    Enough with bitching... wannna share a really nice clip... love the song, the collate looks great too... they are all looked genuinely happy...

    Also, in the light of continuous torrent of people lipsyncing in youtube... (i even herad there's this duo (2 guys with average looking) became really popular after publishing several linsyncing clips including Backstreet boys, lol).... I wsa thinking wouldnt you agree that a lot of them are SELLING THEIR SKIN for gay people and those teenage girls maybe to boost up their audience. Like this one here:

    well, it's not that i'm complaining, but isnt that a bit I dunno... sad??? (lack of word to describing it)...

    Anyway, have agood weekend guys... Wish me getting well soon.... Thx :)

    Dude.. sori to hear about ur sickness.. Hope you get well soon :)

    Anyway.. didnt really read through the whole threads.. but u did mention you are in Canada right? which part are you in?

    If you are in Vancouver, did u manage to see the Spice Girls in concert? or do you hear anything about it? I know it sounds pretty lame.. but im kinda into them hahaha..

    And Good luck for your papers...I know how sucky they can get :)
  • In the mood of writing although supposedly studying....

    So, this week The Golden Compass is released... really wanna see it... have been wanting to read the trilogy "His Dark Materials" for a while but havent had chance to do so...
    Here's the preview

    and this is the first 5 mins of the movie:

    I always like fantasy movies. Some released recently that I have NOT seen are;
    The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
    30 days of night (not so much fantasy).

    I foresee lots of movie watching this coming holiday :)
  • Matt wrote:
    In the mood of writing although supposedly studying....

    So, this week The Golden Compass is released... really wanna see it... have been wanting to read the trilogy "His Dark Materials" for a while but havent had chance to do so...
    Here's the preview

    and this is the first 5 mins of the movie:

    I always like fantasy movies. Some released recently that I have NOT seen are;
    The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
    30 days of night (not so much fantasy).

    I foresee lots of movie watching this coming holiday :)

    Hahaha thanks.. yeah, i know some fans uploaded the concert footage on youtube.. but they arent exactly the best quality..Heard Avril snubbed her fans in Vancouver by showing up 2 hours late though?

    Anyway, you might wanna rethink the golden compass.. i watched it last week and i have to say it's one of the most boring movies ever..Nicole Kidman's acting is seriously going down the hill (rather her choice of movies).. but then i also felll asleep half way through Echanted.. guess you have to judge it for yourself :)
  • edited December 2007
    eh, um.. in addition to the review above, u might want to reconsider watching bewoulf. it was kinda boring, esp in the middle. the only hot part there was Mrs. Pitt (well, provided you like ange so much), oh.. and the scene where bewoulf had a fight with this gross thing (which happened to be the son of previous king with ange)--> he was naked! haha.. too bad animator always find ways to cover up his hidden part, or parts i should say (one shaft and two balls, haha).

    oh my. seems like our plan (or my plan) wont be feasible hey. badluck. but hey, um.. nah.. *forgot what i had to say* lol.

    biteme: you hvnt answered me yet!

  • hold on, is biteme == bimi???

    Sori.. kinda missed your question, but..

    truth be told.. biteme isn't bimi...
  • Ah.... really... I've been anticipating this movie for a while... I'd imagined the movie is pretty condensed (AND simplified) because the trilogy I think is quite complex (though I havent read them).

    Ah, yea, it was pretty bad, snowing like hell, colddd... and she was late...
    NOT NICE at all.

    hahaha, I'm always amused by people telling me that they fall asleep through a movie. All these times, I've never fallen asleep when watching a movie... well, maybe yet, lol
    biteme wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    In the mood of writing although supposedly studying....

    So, this week The Golden Compass is released... really wanna see it... have been wanting to read the trilogy "His Dark Materials" for a while but havent had chance to do so...
    Here's the preview

    and this is the first 5 mins of the movie:

    I always like fantasy movies. Some released recently that I have NOT seen are;
    The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
    30 days of night (not so much fantasy).

    I foresee lots of movie watching this coming holiday :)

    Hahaha thanks.. yeah, i know some fans uploaded the concert footage on youtube.. but they arent exactly the best quality..Heard Avril snubbed her fans in Vancouver by showing up 2 hours late though?

    Anyway, you might wanna rethink the golden compass.. i watched it last week and i have to say it's one of the most boring movies ever..Nicole Kidman's acting is seriously going down the hill (rather her choice of movies).. but then i also felll asleep half way through Echanted.. guess you have to judge it for yourself :)
  • geezz... go watch porn... hahaha... there u can see plenty of shafts and balls :p
    That reminds me that I've been watching way to much porn lately...


    Ah yeah, that's too bad though, maybe some other time.

    eh, um.. in addition to the review above, u might want to reconsider watching bewoulf. it was kinda boring, esp in the middle. the only hot part there was Mrs. Pitt (well, provided you like ange so much), oh.. and the scene where bewoulf had a fight with this gross thing (which happened to be the son of previous king with ange)--> he was naked! haha.. too bad animator always find ways to cover up his hidden part, or parts i should say (one shaft and two balls, haha).

    oh my. seems like our plan (or my plan) wont be feasible hey. badluck. but hey, um.. nah.. *forgot what i had to say* lol.

    biteme: you hvnt answered me yet!

  • let me guess, your porn source would be hey?

    i love that forum! i mean, they have so many range of gay porns. hihihi.. just name it, and you'll find it there. haha. well, i dont wank that often.. only when i finish download movies. and.. the thing is, last time i wrote that posting above, i had just finished downloading like 5 porns or so.. so yeah, kinda "busy" doing "something". hahaha

    uh.. badluck abis ga bisa ktmu. haha. padahal baru saja saya mau mengajak anda berkegiatan sosial.

    It's all done and I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    OMG... I'm so happy I was almost jumping around today...
    WEnt out with friends after locking myself up in a cvae for the past 2 weeks or so, hahaha

    So much shopping to do though...

    And I dunno whether this is considered creepy or flatterring but when I checked friendster today (after a while) I just came across into some profile uisng my old pics... I was like... OK....

    3 more days.... 3 more days... :)
  • i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city
  • Ahhh... finally watched Golden Compass yesterday. Anticipation and excpectation, the movie was kind of disapppointing.... I think the story is just way too complex to be condensed into 2 hr movie. My friend was even said "I didnt get the movie".... I havent read the book (the movie was based on the troligy His Dark Materials, the first book, titled Northern Lights (Or in the uS: Golden Compass)).

    So yeah, I think the movie wasnt good, but I really wanna read the book though.
    mslbm wrote:
    i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city
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