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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Matt wrote:
    Ahhh... finally watched Golden Compass yesterday. Anticipation and excpectation, the movie was kind of disapppointing.... I think the story is just way too complex to be condensed into 2 hr movie. My friend was even said "I didnt get the movie".... I havent read the book (the movie was based on the troligy His Dark Materials, the first book, titled Northern Lights (Or in the uS: Golden Compass)).

    So yeah, I think the movie wasnt good, but I really wanna read the book though.
    mslbm wrote:
    i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city

    wow i really want to watch it though.

    thanks for the info.
    it didn't produce big buck at the box office too.
  • Matt wrote:
    Ahhh... finally watched Golden Compass yesterday. Anticipation and excpectation, the movie was kind of disapppointing.... I think the story is just way too complex to be condensed into 2 hr movie. My friend was even said "I didnt get the movie".... I havent read the book (the movie was based on the troligy His Dark Materials, the first book, titled Northern Lights (Or in the uS: Golden Compass)).

    So yeah, I think the movie wasnt good, but I really wanna read the book though.
    mslbm wrote:
    i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city

    Hahaha.. didnt i tell you the movie suck right down to the core?

    and i seriously think u were being way too nice when u said "the movie wasnt good".. that's like the understatement of the year..
  • oh.. then i wont watch that one too. anyway, are you into some indie stuff? well, indie movie for this context. if so, try download the bubble. it's about 3 roomates in tel aviv, and another palestinian guy, i mean gay. i love it because the moral of the movie is good. they try to spread the message of peace which is quite a significant issue there (you know, israel/palestine, jewish/muslim, gay/hetero kind of conflict).

    so yeah, it's a 2 hrs movie and the ending is quite shocking *at least for me*. hehe.. but having said that, some critics say the movie is not that good in terms of some technical thingy and stuff. after all, the viewer has his own way to judge the movie, for the reason that personal preference is one part of art it self =)

    eh.. poto2 klo dah dijakarta! haha.. cheers.
  • Ah yea... what can I say, I am nice guy, hahaha....
    biteme wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ahhh... finally watched Golden Compass yesterday. Anticipation and excpectation, the movie was kind of disapppointing.... I think the story is just way too complex to be condensed into 2 hr movie. My friend was even said "I didnt get the movie".... I havent read the book (the movie was based on the troligy His Dark Materials, the first book, titled Northern Lights (Or in the uS: Golden Compass)).

    So yeah, I think the movie wasnt good, but I really wanna read the book though.
    mslbm wrote:
    i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city

    Hahaha.. didnt i tell you the movie suck right down to the core?

    and i seriously think u were being way too nice when u said "the movie wasnt good".. that's like the understatement of the year..
  • Ahh... yea, sometimes I watch those kind of movies although they are kind of difficult to find and sometimes it's rather hard to tell which ones worth watching and which arent.

    hmm... took some pics in the past few days... I'll see if there's any decent ones.
    oh.. then i wont watch that one too. anyway, are you into some indie stuff? well, indie movie for this context. if so, try download the bubble. it's about 3 roomates in tel aviv, and another palestinian guy, i mean gay. i love it because the moral of the movie is good. they try to spread the message of peace which is quite a significant issue there (you know, israel/palestine, jewish/muslim, gay/hetero kind of conflict).

    so yeah, it's a 2 hrs movie and the ending is quite shocking *at least for me*. hehe.. but having said that, some critics say the movie is not that good in terms of some technical thingy and stuff. after all, the viewer has his own way to judge the movie, for the reason that personal preference is one part of art it self =)

    eh.. poto2 klo dah dijakarta! haha.. cheers.
  • Ahhh.... Jakarta..... probably one of the most interesting city in the world :)

    It's great to be back, interesting cahnges here and there although most of the things are I think quite the same...

    Just more bus way lanes.....
    Cheaper cell phone rates.... (OMG.. Rp 1/min?????????????????????/)
    THings are more expensive
    There are even more malls...
    More motorcycles....
    More cars...
    More Traffic...
    It's mango season!
    Food are getting more expensive.

    Just got back to Jakarta again yesterday... pretty tired... but have to make the most of my time here.
    Went to GRAND INDONESIA and, my... the mall is really lux I think, although the design is a bit confusing... but the food cout is pretty nice, although I dont consent the price..... the price of food here is now quite expensive I think... more expensive than what i expected before... and surprisingly everyone seems to be OK with it, they spend money just like that. Meh, maybe it's just some people I saw at the mall, but I dont know, maybe I'm still getting used to with carrying so many bills with so many zeroes on them.

    Anyway, I still havent gotten a cell # yet, been meaning to get it but havent had chance to do it. And, oh, I lost the number of most of you I met 2 years ago (it was on the SIM card and I dont know where it is now), so bear with me if I ask ur number again :)

    Hmmm... I dunno what else to say today... but I just wanna wish u all a very Merry Christmas... Happy Holiday.... enjoy!!
  • weits.. menyenangkan. *envious mode: ON* hv a jolly merry xmas to you too. cant wait heading back to jakarta, leaving all this quite and (unbelievably) HOT city on the most isolated city ever on earth (according to wiki). gila.. hampir 40drajat euy!

    uh.. salam2 aja deh buat org jakarta. hv fun, and don't go mad!
  • hahaha... poor being... too bad cant help you in that department.

    So full now, cant go to bed...
    weits.. menyenangkan. *envious mode: ON* hv a jolly merry xmas to you too. cant wait heading back to jakarta, leaving all this quite and (unbelievably) HOT city on the most isolated city ever on earth (according to wiki). gila.. hampir 40drajat euy!

    uh.. salam2 aja deh buat org jakarta. hv fun, and don't go mad!
  • Finally after abt one week living off a borrowed cell phone, I got my own number. After some serious contemplation (seriously, LOL), I ended up with simpati PeDe.Hmm... turned out that there're so many fine prints on those cheap rtaes like, that Rp0.5/s rate only valid after 2 minutes of regular rtae (i.e. 1500/min) or that the cheap rate only valid during certain hours, or only valid after one minute and so on.

    So, teh conclusion is cell phone rate is not taht cheap after all... but it's really amazing the fact that the number of cell phone users in Indonesia is growing like mad, outpaced landline many years ago, even with the fact that poverty still prevails in most households.

    Oh well, at any rate, I and many other consumers probably can still rely on the good old text messaging which still cost abt 300/message. I just need more practice with my texting speed :P
  • enough report bout the cell phone rate. any comments on busway? HA!
  • mslbm wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ahhh... finally watched Golden Compass yesterday. Anticipation and excpectation, the movie was kind of disapppointing.... I think the story is just way too complex to be condensed into 2 hr movie. My friend was even said "I didnt get the movie".... I havent read the book (the movie was based on the troligy His Dark Materials, the first book, titled Northern Lights (Or in the uS: Golden Compass)).

    So yeah, I think the movie wasnt good, but I really wanna read the book though.
    mslbm wrote:
    i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city

    wow i really want to watch it though.

    thanks for the info.
    it didn't produce big buck at the box office too.

    watched it last night...... extremely dissapointed... a very badly written movie :(
  • hahaha... busway is alright... more traffic according to most people but I dunno. Havent tried it this year ( I tried it two years ago).

    enough report bout the cell phone rate. any comments on busway? HA!
  • Ah well... raed the book then :p

    Hmm... watched stardust two days ago... I kind of like it... the story is simple but I think it's still captivating. And I like the special effects.
    Rasputin wrote:
    mslbm wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ahhh... finally watched Golden Compass yesterday. Anticipation and excpectation, the movie was kind of disapppointing.... I think the story is just way too complex to be condensed into 2 hr movie. My friend was even said "I didnt get the movie".... I havent read the book (the movie was based on the troligy His Dark Materials, the first book, titled Northern Lights (Or in the uS: Golden Compass)).

    So yeah, I think the movie wasnt good, but I really wanna read the book though.
    mslbm wrote:
    i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city

    wow i really want to watch it though.

    thanks for the info.
    it didn't produce big buck at the box office too.

    watched it last night...... extremely dissapointed... a very badly written movie :(
  • Matt wrote:
    Ah well... raed the book then :p

    Hmm... watched stardust two days ago... I kind of like it... the story is simple but I think it's still captivating. And I like the special effects.
    Rasputin wrote:
    mslbm wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ahhh... finally watched Golden Compass yesterday. Anticipation and excpectation, the movie was kind of disapppointing.... I think the story is just way too complex to be condensed into 2 hr movie. My friend was even said "I didnt get the movie".... I havent read the book (the movie was based on the troligy His Dark Materials, the first book, titled Northern Lights (Or in the uS: Golden Compass)).

    So yeah, I think the movie wasnt good, but I really wanna read the book though.
    mslbm wrote:
    i can't wait to watch golden compass as well...

    hope it will be shown soon in my city

    wow i really want to watch it though.

    thanks for the info.
    it didn't produce big buck at the box office too.

    watched it last night...... extremely dissapointed... a very badly written movie :(

    Stardust is definitely far better made, I like it a lot
  • In my oppinion, one more thing changed in Jkarta within the past few years is the presence of more buffed up people. I notice, on the street, in the mall, in the restaurants, there are more buffed up people than ever before. It seems that guys here get to care more about their body figure. Maybe it's just a trend, I dunno, but at any rate, i dont complain at all. I mean well, it would be better if clothing is optional in public place :p... that way, I dont have to resort to slow internet to satisfy my eyes, hahaha.
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