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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Awww... that's nice. Waht do you do... hey add me to ur messenger... chat sometime.
    working in jakarta now, dude...long time no see... :D
    Matt wrote:
    Where have u been, Mr.
  • Didnt really get a chance to savour the culinary experience of paris Van java lst time. Wsa a day trip and we were exhausted from shopping. Just went to Pascal Hyper Mart area, and then dropped by Ciwalk. I like ciwalk area a lot although I didnt get a cahnce to walk around. Only tried Honewymoon dessert ( I even got a take out coz. in rush to haed back to Jkt) which turned out to be really DISAPPOINTING!!!


    aku saranin Coba ke bandung aja kalo mau hunting Place To Eat yang enak & murah, disitu ada serabi imoet di setiabudhi...yoghurt cisangkuy plus roti bakar specialnya yang dijamin delicious bgd, belom lagi mie bakso ceker , mie pangsit & mie kocok di karapitan :wink: Hei ...nice pics ! Cheers
  • ur still in canada right???...why not crossing the border to US and buy the jeans at HOLLISTER (Cheaper than A&F)??? here for brand name are much expensive than abroad!!!

    go to senayan city or pasific place closed to BEJ to find plenty of nice restaurants...happy food bulk your muscle more... :lol:
    Matt wrote:
    STill searching for a pair of LOW RISE JEANS (or HIPSTER according to some store reps...)... any suggestions where I can find these low rise jeans aka hipster for a reasonable price. I really love Abercrombie and FItch style (theirs are pretty low so u can almost see your pelvis and most of your hips). ANYONE????????????????

    ___Still in the quest of finding a food that takes my breath away... that could make me shed the tears of joy _____
  • Well I wanna get the knock off of these brands :P
    I keep hearing these sweet stories of getting branded stuff with a fraction of price :P

    Been to SEnayan City and Pacific but I dunno which places to go to. Ended up went to teh food court which was just OK...
    demahend wrote:
    ur still in canada right???...why not crossing the border to US and buy the jeans at HOLLISTER (Cheaper than A&F)??? here for brand name are much expensive than abroad!!!

    go to senayan city or pasific place closed to BEJ to find plenty of nice restaurants...happy food bulk your muscle more... :lol:
    Matt wrote:
    STill searching for a pair of LOW RISE JEANS (or HIPSTER according to some store reps...)... any suggestions where I can find these low rise jeans aka hipster for a reasonable price. I really love Abercrombie and FItch style (theirs are pretty low so u can almost see your pelvis and most of your hips). ANYONE????????????????

    ___Still in the quest of finding a food that takes my breath away... that could make me shed the tears of joy _____
  • sent your ym address to my mailed and i'll add you...

    how long you'll be in jkt???...i could take you eating out at pasific gym in that long as ur place in canada are availlable for my visit in the future... :D ...just kidding...i'll treat you out for eating if ur still in old friend... :wink:

    Matt wrote:
    Awww... that's nice. Waht do you do... hey add me to ur messenger... chat sometime.
  • Matt wrote:
    Hahaha... I think u should "see" me so I can "diagnose" you properly. For most people, unless there's some inherent problems (e.g. endochrine problems or poor absorbtion, etc), gaining weight shouldnt be that difficult. Amongst many, tehre are 2 streams of gaining weight: simply gaining mass or gaininbg lean mass. If u simply wnat to gain mass, the main thing you have to pay attention is the caloric balance. Using certain formula, u can estimate your daily caloric expenditure and to that, you add EXTRA calorie which eventually translates into body mass. An excess of about 500 calories/day could translate to a gain of about 1 lb or roughly 0.5 kg/week. Ideally this excess calorie should come from a balnaced meal of approximately 60 carb, 20 protein and 20 fat.
    Gaining lean mass is more tricky because it requires you not only to eat but also to EXCERCISE. The mass gained is considerably less than "regular method" mentioned above, although the gain is mostly muscle mass.

    There are several medicines you can take to increase your appetite or improve nutrition absorbtion. Certain vitamins (e.g. B-complex) is believed to increase appetite on certain cases.

    blah.. blah.. blah

    can you just keep it simple and say all those things in plain english? haha.. uh, anyway, enjoy jakarta while you're still around. ahh.. tak sabar ke jakartaaaaa.. 3 minggu ga nyampeee!! hoho..

  • Matt wrote:
    Finally went to Bandung a few days ago.... got some clothes in famous factory outlets there, although the journey wasnt that easy.
    First, I dont really like shopping for clothes...
    Secondly, I'm rather conservative, so, my style is really boring and monotonous...
    and alstly.... it's soooo hard to find my size!!! I dunno why, whetehr I'm way too tiny or Indonesians have grown really big... but most clothes here either L, XL, XXL, or XXXL, OMG.... what's wrong with this picture here.
    But, after a lot of digging, bugging and shouting... I managed to get a few decent clothes with reasonable price...

    Good places I found: Rumah Mode and cascade.

    How do u like Bandung so far?
    I'm agree with you about Rumah Mode, as Bandungers I like the place too.

    Enjoy your visit then
  • I use [email protected]

    hahaha... caht with you sometime.

    AWW..... u workout too now. :p
    The result must be amazing, eh?
    demahend wrote:
    sent your ym address to my mailed and i'll add you...

    how long you'll be in jkt???...i could take you eating out at pasific gym in that long as ur place in canada are availlable for my visit in the future... :D ...just kidding...i'll treat you out for eating if ur still in old friend... :wink:

    Matt wrote:
    Awww... that's nice. Waht do you do... hey add me to ur messenger... chat sometime.
  • Geez... this Mr. Buying upik.

    Matt wrote:
    Hahaha... I think u should "see" me so I can "diagnose" you properly. For most people, unless there's some inherent problems (e.g. endochrine problems or poor absorbtion, etc), gaining weight shouldnt be that difficult. Amongst many, tehre are 2 streams of gaining weight: simply gaining mass or gaininbg lean mass. If u simply wnat to gain mass, the main thing you have to pay attention is the caloric balance. Using certain formula, u can estimate your daily caloric expenditure and to that, you add EXTRA calorie which eventually translates into body mass. An excess of about 500 calories/day could translate to a gain of about 1 lb or roughly 0.5 kg/week. Ideally this excess calorie should come from a balnaced meal of approximately 60 carb, 20 protein and 20 fat.
    Gaining lean mass is more tricky because it requires you not only to eat but also to EXCERCISE. The mass gained is considerably less than "regular method" mentioned above, although the gain is mostly muscle mass.

    There are several medicines you can take to increase your appetite or improve nutrition absorbtion. Certain vitamins (e.g. B-complex) is believed to increase appetite on certain cases.

    blah.. blah.. blah

    can you just keep it simple and say all those things in plain english? haha.. uh, anyway, enjoy jakarta while you're still around. ahh.. tak sabar ke jakartaaaaa.. 3 minggu ga nyampeee!! hoho..

  • eh.. kok mr. buyung upik --' lo consumer juga ya? lol

    ah.. anyway, is that msn addy is the same addy that you gave like ages ago? coz, the thing is.. i hvnt seen you online on msn AT ALL. might wanna have some chit chat with you if ya keen.

    cheers aye!
  • you're definately canadian now, only "true" canadian say the word eh!...bloddy hell... :lol:
    Matt wrote:
    The result must be amazing, eh?
  • Ahaha.... my habit, I'm almost always in offline mode even when I'm online. Just say Hi, if I were there, I'd definitely reply :p

    eh.. kok mr. buyung upik --' lo consumer juga ya? lol

    ah.. anyway, is that msn addy is the same addy that you gave like ages ago? coz, the thing is.. i hvnt seen you online on msn AT ALL. might wanna have some chit chat with you if ya keen.

    cheers aye!
  • Bloody hell, trying to switch the topic, eh?
    demahend wrote:
    you're definately canadian now, only "true" canadian say the word eh!...bloddy hell... :lol:
    Matt wrote:
    The result must be amazing, eh?
  • Not much to say today, although feel like to write something here, but most things happened in the past 48 hrs is kind of hard to write down here.

    Still catching up with the shopping (OMG... the list of things need to be bought is still veryyyy long) and etaing (still on the quest of finding goodies..)

    hmm... so many hot guys laying around in the malls... and hahaha, they dare to stare now.... I should learn to stare back, with proud and dignity, LOl.
  • eh.. kok mr. buyung upik --' lo consumer juga ya? lol

    ah.. anyway, is that msn addy is the same addy that you gave like ages ago? coz, the thing is.. i hvnt seen you online on msn AT ALL. might wanna have some chit chat with you if ya keen.

    cheers aye!

    gazing at lexy with suspicious eyes :twisted:
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