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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • ih.. meli ganjen deh. hoho.. urusin deh suami lo sonooo.. wakakka
    Matt wrote:
    I should learn to stare back, with proud and dignity

    you do sound like the one and only Mr. Emmet Honeycutt on that bit there. lol. whatever you do.. always do it with dignity said Emmet once to Debby in one of their scene. hihi

    oh offline mode terus ya? baikslah. kalo inget i'll drop by and say hi or sumthin.

  • matt
    wanna ask u sumthin`
    u asian or caucasian?
  • OK...

    Yeah, i'm still quite shy to stare back at people esp. if they look at me with such devouring look, hahaha... nee dto practice more, coz. as some say practice makes perfect.

    ih.. meli ganjen deh. hoho.. urusin deh suami lo sonooo.. wakakka
    Matt wrote:
    I should learn to stare back, with proud and dignity

    you do sound like the one and only Mr. Emmet Honeycutt on that bit there. lol. whatever you do.. always do it with dignity said Emmet once to Debby in one of their scene. hihi

    oh offline mode terus ya? baikslah. kalo inget i'll drop by and say hi or sumthin.

  • LOL, u r funny.
    I'm mostly asian.... cant you tell, :p
    egar_4u wrote:
    wanna ask u sumthin`
    u asian or caucasian?
  • Met with a nice guy kind enuff to take me around the city and tried a few different things... tried some luxurious dessert at some restaurant in the corner of plaza senayan, dimsum place in Glodok area, seafood in Pantaui kapuk and some nice waffle neraby the seafood place. All was pretty good. Also tried alot of different kind of ices in the past few days: es campur, es shanghai, es teler, es kopyor, es podeng, es kelapa muda... all good :)

    Time is running out and it's getting harder to squeze things that's still left to be done. Hmm.. i'll keep the message short today, but if you happened to go to Plaza senayan today you might have seen me, the guy wearing stripped shirt who walk back and forth throughout plaza senayan over and over and over and aover again like someone lacking of better things to do.
    I'm really sick of that place now, hahaha...
  • Matt wrote:
    I'm really sick of that place now, hahaha...

    Why dont you go somewhere else then...?

    Naka /\/
  • Matt wrote:
    LOL, u r funny.
    I'm mostly asian.... cant you tell, :p
    egar_4u wrote:
    wanna ask u sumthin`
    u asian or caucasian?

    Mostly Asian? thats a very unique way of describing yourself dude :)..
  • Well, i was stucked there back then, waiting for people...that's what I dont like there... lots of waiting... and waiting... and waiting... inefficient.
    Naka wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    I'm really sick of that place now, hahaha...

    Why dont you go somewhere else then...?

    Naka /\/
  • Let's not go to the details there, hahaha...........

    How's it going there, still need someone to bite you? hahaha....

    biteme wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    LOL, u r funny.
    I'm mostly asian.... cant you tell, :p
    egar_4u wrote:
    wanna ask u sumthin`
    u asian or caucasian?

    Mostly Asian? thats a very unique way of describing yourself dude :)..
  • After about 3 weeks of holiday finally I had to leave all the fun in Jakarta and got back to the reality.
    I really had a great time this time around, one of the best holidays in the last few years... some moments to remember, some memories to keep.
    I had the privilege of meeting a handful of interesting people, some are from this forum others, through friend's friend, others through some other unexpected media.

    The last week especially had been great, experiencewise. It's always like that crunching good stuff until the very end... until you have no time left and then you have to say goodbye to all the fun you have.

    All and all, I really want to thank you who had made my holiday worth to be remembered. Thanks for taking time to meet me, driving me around, taking me to fancy and interesting places, accompanying me trying exotic stuff and hunting for things I need to buy, providing bed for me to crash on on some nights, even paying for my tab, etc etc. Thank you for making this vacation so great for me.


    Sighhh... it's really great to be back to Jakarta, and the temptation to stay was really great, with everything Jakarta has to offer... it's hard to even go back here, finishing another 4 months left in my study.
    It even crossed my mind to go back to Jakarta for good after seeing how fun the life tehre could be.... although then I have to remember myself, the last 3 weeks in jakarta WAS a HOLIDAY.... a fun time, met people for the fun purpose, spent money like there's no tomorrow, went out in the morning and did not go back till cinderella's cart turned into pumpkin, often crashed at friend's place..... but then novelty WEARS off..... it's going to be a totally different story if I actually LIVE there, build my career and living my whole life there... it's going to be really different.
    Even after a few yeras away, the lifestyle there feels kinda different, not in a better or worse way. It's just different.

    Ahhh... I guess this is another things that I have to contemplate in my mind, a decission that has to be made. I want what is the best for me, just like everyone else, but then often, the best path is hidden somewhere... and my quest in the next 4 months is to find a fast track to reveal that hidden path. 4 months is a short period for such task, but then, that's all I have at this moment. I hope the way will be revelaed to me. Wish me luck guys.


    I love this song....
  • Thanks atas bantuannya ya :p

    demahend wrote:
    ur still in canada right???...why not crossing the border to US and buy the jeans at HOLLISTER (Cheaper than A&F)??? here for brand name are much expensive than abroad!!!

    go to senayan city or pasific place closed to BEJ to find plenty of nice restaurants...happy food bulk your muscle more... :lol:
    Matt wrote:
    STill searching for a pair of LOW RISE JEANS (or HIPSTER according to some store reps...)... any suggestions where I can find these low rise jeans aka hipster for a reasonable price. I really love Abercrombie and FItch style (theirs are pretty low so u can almost see your pelvis and most of your hips). ANYONE????????????????

    ___Still in the quest of finding a food that takes my breath away... that could make me shed the tears of joy _____
  • edited November 2008
    Ternyata blog-nya masih ada, walaupun sudah dormant selama berbulan2. Sudah cukup lama tidak main2 ke sini... tidak tahu kenapa, mungkin karena ingin ganti suasana, atau ingin break. And tidak tahu kenapa tiba2 hari ini teringat dengan old site, boyzforum.

    Bnayak yang berubah selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini setelah gw balik dari Indo awal tahun lalu. Gw kelar sekolah, dapet selembar kertas untuk hari2 tanpa tidur selama beberapa tahun terakhir, ambil beberapa bulan off, bermalas2an, sempat jalan2 ke Europe summer kemarin (. Sempat pergi ke Las Vegas, and jalan2 ke sini ke sana, sebelum akhirnya mulai kerja di akhir summer.

    Gw pindah dari Vancouver, kota yang sangat familiar ke tempat yang sangat asing buat gw di Central Canada. Ninggalin temen, sekolah, and semua yang sebelumnya sangat dekat and familiar. Susah. Berat buat gw, diingatkan kembali dengan sulitnya proses yang disebut dengan adaptasi (bleh..)

    Tapi, well, "Hidup adalah perjuangan" seperti kata Paman Gober (Donal bebek comic =). Tinggal lihat apakah hidup itu worth it untuk diperjuangkan atau apakah kita bisa membuat hidup lebih bermakna dengan berjuang (something like that =)
  • well congratulation on your graduation and new job....welcome to the real's not gonna be simple, yet that's the best part of it :wink:
  • Hahaha, it's interesting u said that the hardness is actually the best part of it. I guess I wouldnt disagree with you to some extent but, well, I guess I often wish things were to be much easier, smooth all the way.

    Rasputin wrote:
    well congratulation on your graduation and new job....welcome to the real's not gonna be simple, yet that's the best part of it :wink:
  • emang dipindah ke saskatchewan yah kog sampai segitunya he he he....... piss
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