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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Matt wrote:
    this is a MALE lion (fu dog)...
    chinese always put male fu dogs on the left side of entrance but my friend pointed out that it has a dick.... LOL LOL...
    and u know what... it really has a friggin' dick...WTF...what a sculptor
    well, perhaps the sculptor is bored being questioned bout the proof that it is really male....... bigsmile1.gif
  • demahend wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    In FRont of Asian Study Centre " He has a cock!!!"this is a MALE lion (fu dog)...chinese always put male fu dogs on the left side of entrance but my friend pointed out that it has a dick.... LOL LOL...and u know what... it really has a friggin' dick...WTF...what a sculptor

    nah lo r1c elo ada saingan nih...imut-imut fu salah imut-imut matt...awwwwwwwwww

    this is really you... i mean really really matt??????
    are you serious ??? AWWWW..........
    you make me melt...... :wink: j/k
  • R1C wrote:
    this is really you... i mean really really matt??????
    are you serious ??? make me melt...... :wink: j/k

    ya kalau r1c sama matt jadian undang-undang gue ya....kalian berdua cocok deh imut-imut....tapi gue dikasih komisi lho...awwwwwwwwww :wink:
  • edited April 2005
    Christopher here:
    R1C wrote:
    demahend wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    In FRont of Asian Study Centre " He has a cock!!!"this is a MALE lion (fu dog)...chinese always put male fu dogs on the left side of entrance but my friend pointed out that it has a dick.... LOL LOL...and u know what... it really has a friggin' dick...WTF...what a sculptor

    nah lo r1c elo ada saingan nih...imut-imut fu salah imut-imut matt...awwwwwwwwww

    this is really you... i mean really really matt??????
    are you serious ??? AWWWW..........
    you make me melt...... :wink: j/k
  • Matt wrote:
    nah, this is my twins, Christopher

    twins!!!!!!!!...jantungan gue...r1c elo sama matt gue dikasih twin aja juga senang...awwwwwwwwwww :wink:
  • Evil twin? or he is the good one *LOL* :lol:
    Matt wrote:
    nah, this is my twins, Christopher
  • ngerti kok maksudnya apa... hihihihihiihih
  • Hi matt.. i was just wondering.. do u watch desperate housewives and lost?
  • Matt how's life in Vancouver ? is there a huge gay community there, I know that in Toronto, there is a big one.

    Moonlight I love Desperete Housewife, did you see one of the episode, there is this one gay guy and try to hit on one of the kid !

    Pimpmydick where are in Jakarta ? I often go to Plaza Semanggi, let's meet up
  • Matt wrote:
    OK, for the time being, since the previous attempt didnt work, I'm just gonna post an URL. Not fun, but I guess that'll do for the time being:

    THis is a FUN clip, many of you might have heard of it before:

    Alo... salut... sebien... Untaihuk...
    Haha... I remember this song. It was so long time ago and the video is kinda *cough* gay.... lol
    THis one is A MUST see!!! I'm actually pretty touched by it....

    Sarah McLachlan... love her!!
    Nice video *thumbs up* I also like Sarah....
    And.. to warm you up... some kissing here:

    Muah... muach...

    Then, a collate of young guys here:

    More sensual than sexual, I think.... remind me of the Power of Youth....

    "THinKinG UndErAGe"
    ....I'll find my way..... Not thinking underage, anymore....
    I don't have an account in youtube so I can't see the video.
  • ugghh... technical difficulties... cant access the last few postings... :(

    Anyway, it's this time of the year again: EXAM PERIOD, the cruelest, most dreadful, two to three weeks period when everything but studying seems to be so much more interesting: even cleaning up my room and dumping garbage (!!!)

    First exam tomorrow, and I'm not really ready just yet, gonna start chugging caffeine shots and eating dried tea leaves pretty soon (no kidding, I dont have coffee handy here).
    Wish me luck, so I can pass all courses with good marks... there's this especially difficult course that I am currently failing. All hope lie on the final :(.....

    So, I havent been clubbing for the last 3 weeks or so, it's not bad... i dont feel like I missed an important part of my life, which means I still have a self control (I'm not a party slut, just yet).

    Learned how to play mahjong in the apst two weeks, hahaha... it's pretty fun! Of course I stood no chance against those hongers, hahaha...

    Other things:
    Hmm... it was snowing last weekend... A LOT OF snow, the snow droplet was HUGE, on eof the biggest I've ever seen here in this supposedly somewhat warm city, THey were the size of peas or so... amazing.
    But the fun was short-lived, as they turned into disgusting brown puddle after a few hours and on my back home, I stepped into one of the deepest brown puddle, and voila, my foot was soaked. I even had to wash my shoes at the end and dried them on the heater.

    Hmmm... have some communication problem lately... been hanging out with this "gay group" but omg... the speak cantonese for God sake and I 99.99% of the time I have no idea what they were saying (I only know the swear words, hahaha...)

    Anyway, as I said, exam period, even I'm really excited to write an essay here, which can keep going and going... but that horrible pile of crap wont get into my brain by itself nor I can burn them and drink the ashes (I wish...)

    One thing taht keeps me going is that I'm GOING BACK to Jakarta, yay!!!!
    Just 2 more weeks and I can try rujak... and breathe in the polluted air in Jakarta, and be a millionaire, hahahaha
  • oh my, so you hvnt actually read the comments I left several weeks ago? damnit. I was trying my best to be as persuasive (read: flirtatious) as I could get. haha.

    well, I cant be bothered to recall things i wrote so yeah.. all the best for you. g'luck with your exams and.. do you think you will need new friends when you;re back in jakarta? HAHAHAHA.

  • awwww... :D

    yeah i'm in pretty bad shape now.... hanging on a thread.
    New friend surely would be awesome.
    See ya when I see ya... :P
    oh my, so you hvnt actually read the comments I left several weeks ago? damnit. I was trying my best to be as persuasive (read: flirtatious) as I could get. haha.

    well, I cant be bothered to recall things i wrote so yeah.. all the best for you. g'luck with your exams and.. do you think you will need new friends when you;re back in jakarta? HAHAHAHA.

  • So, the technical difficulties seemed to be ongoing... :(

    Anyway, I'm officially sick now, had a really fever, broke up to abt 104oF in the past two nights... I feel like being tortured, I feel really hot and then really cold. My throat is swollen and even drinking water is amajor challenge for me. Antibiotic hasn't really kicked in yet although it's been abt 2 days now... really bad. I feel like hitting my head to the wall... What have i done wrong to deserve this. I couldnt even sleep last night....

    The worst case ever (flu plus fever plus lots of infection) in the middle of final.... one week away from my trip back omg.......I got a weird feeling someone's vodooing me, with "PELET" or "Jampi2" or "Spell" or something like that, so I screwed up... if only they have a witch doctor handy here :( :(

    Doctors here suck! they couldnt do anything.... "Drink plenty of fluids..", that's all they recommend and wait for the swab result... duh, cant they imagine the pain...??

    Enough with bitching... wannna share a really nice clip... love the song, the collate looks great too... they are all looked genuinely happy...

    Also, in the light of continuous torrent of people lipsyncing in youtube... (i even herad there's this duo (2 guys with average looking) became really popular after publishing several linsyncing clips including Backstreet boys, lol).... I wsa thinking wouldnt you agree that a lot of them are SELLING THEIR SKIN for gay people and those teenage girls maybe to boost up their audience. Like this one here:

    well, it's not that i'm complaining, but isnt that a bit I dunno... sad??? (lack of word to describing it)...

    Anyway, have agood weekend guys... Wish me getting well soon.... Thx :)
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