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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Hey Fei....
    be my guest.. dropping by as often as you can, otherwise this place is gonna be like a deserted desert,lol.
    Really??? Fei is planning to go to van??? awesome!!!
    Ubisoft??? not sure about that... Matt just knows that in Vancouver there's a very big game-producer company, probably is that this Ubisoft academy?? Beside Ubisoft, actually there're couple of other art-design school, there: Vancouver Art Institute, Emily-Carr University, etc, etc...
    What is fei planning to take??
    No.. no.. I won't finish that soon ( I wish...*sigh*). I'll be chilin' out here till at least 2007 or 2008 if I'm taking some minor.

    PS : speaking about food... Matt was kind a happy, just before, Matt's friend invited matt for dinner and she cooked Nasi ayam hainam, some chicken, black pepper beef, udon with nori, some korean soup ( dunno what the name was)... not bad... hehehe...

    Huahhh!!!!!........... Rendang, Opor, Sayur Asam, Indonesian Fried Chicken, Sate? ......fei for sure should go to Ubisoft... no, it's not should... not might... but MUST go to Ubisoft....I'm waiting here, LOl!!!!
    Hi matt......just dropping by again.........
    Vancouver huh?? If things are happens accordingly what I've been planning, I might go there for entering Ubisoft Games Software Education....It'll open next year if I'm not mistaken. So there's a change we might see each other....well except if you've done when I come :wink: :wink: :wink:
    t1m1de wrote:
    I considered this as a temporary stay. Didn't expect to stay here that long.
    OH..NO!!..NO!! You don't,T1m....YOU'LL NOT GONNA LEAVE THIS COUNTRY!!!!!.......Not before you tasting me first,t1m....... :lol: :lol: :lol: LOL LOL

    So........Matt, rindu masakan Indonesia???.......heheheheh.........I'm a good indonesian cuisine cooks btw..........heheheh just tell what do you want?? Rendang, Opor, Sayur Asam, Indonesian Fried Chicken, Sate? tinggal pesan...biarkan Chef feiXXXholic membuatkan untuk anda... :wink: :wink: :wink:

    What major do you take anyway...........???
  • Matt wrote:
    come on.. come on... come on... t1m, r1c, fei, everyone.... visits vancouver, the best city in the world (according to some international panel/magazine)...
    you'll find whatever you're looking 4 here.... (including Matthew, if applicable, LOL)!!!


    i will, wish me luck, asap i'll visit vancouver, interest abt the place you said, don't know when.. NABUNG DOLO .... :mrgreen:

    FrEy MattHEw EuGENe BrennAn <-- cool, is that your name???
    i like that name ... :mrgreen:
  • OK, ASAp means very soon... immediate, I'll be waitin' here...expectin' it at any moment

    R1C wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    come on.. come on... come on... t1m, r1c, fei, everyone.... visits vancouver, the best city in the world (according to some international panel/magazine)...
    you'll find whatever you're looking 4 here.... (including Matthew, if applicable, LOL)!!!


    i will, wish me luck, asap i'll visit vancouver, interest abt the place you said, don't know when.. NABUNG DOLO .... :mrgreen:

    FrEy MattHEw EuGENe BrennAn <-- cool, is that your name???
    i like that name ... :mrgreen:
  • Matt wrote:
    OK, ASAp means very soon... immediate, I'll be waitin' here...expectin' it at any moment

    R1C wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    come on.. come on... come on... t1m, r1c, fei, everyone.... visits vancouver, the best city in the world (according to some international panel/magazine)...
    you'll find whatever you're looking 4 here.... (including Matthew, if applicable, LOL)!!!


    i will, wish me luck, asap i'll visit vancouver, interest abt the place you said, don't know when.. NABUNG DOLO .... :mrgreen:
    R1C wrote:
    FrEy MattHEw EuGENe BrennAn <-- cool, is that your name???
    i like that name ... :mrgreen:
    hey, yang ini tidak dibahas????
  • kind a, not exactly...

    u seem really ( I mean, really really really) active in this forum...
    just curious, how many times a day r1c visit this forum?

    btw, I heard (well actually read,lol) that you got an safe man.

    R1C wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    OK, ASAp means very soon... immediate, I'll be waitin' here...expectin' it at any moment

    R1C wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    come on.. come on... come on... t1m, r1c, fei, everyone.... visits vancouver, the best city in the world (according to some international panel/magazine)...
    you'll find whatever you're looking 4 here.... (including Matthew, if applicable, LOL)!!!


    i will, wish me luck, asap i'll visit vancouver, interest abt the place you said, don't know when.. NABUNG DOLO .... :mrgreen:
    R1C wrote:
    FrEy MattHEw EuGENe BrennAn <-- cool, is that your name???
    i like that name ... :mrgreen:
    hey, yang ini tidak dibahas????
  • Matth3w wrote:
    hehehehe, SHOW OFF a bit should be just fine, rite, LOL.
    Now, after showing off time is over, aren't u tempted to visit vancouver ??
    Nah... I'm more tempted to visit a certain matthew, lol.
    Matth3w wrote:
    it's just that I'm interested in pathology, pharmacology, medical stuff...I like lots of stuff.
    Cool! So when I'm testing out various kinda drugs, you'd be able to tell me about them and stuff, how much I can take, the kinds that are safe, etc. etc. LOL. Can you tell me a little bit about LSD? I wanna see gnomes running around, see everything wobbling, hear color, and see sound, LOL.
  • Yeah Matt..Ubisoft Campus...that's the one, well actually I have two choices..ethier it's the Square-Enix's (the one that created Final Fantasy) at Hawaii or the Ubisoft's at Vancouver, I'll aplly both and see where I'll entered...........actually they said it easier entering the Ubisoft's......'cause people more interesting in Square-Enix's and Microsoft's (Yup..they have Game School also right threre at Silicon Valley)

    well my first choice is of course Game Developing and specialized in Graphic and Modelling.....and maybe take Game Marketing as the minor programme.

    Matt even though I DID succed enter the Ubisoft's....but cooks an Indonesian food in canada....It'll be like finding neverland....almost impossible........... :P :P
  • Nah... Matt probably not that good...but at least knows how to handle drugs and medicines properly, gives advise for family, friends, and relatives about drugs and stuff.

    LSD...Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
    mmm... I know... you got this name from the schizophrenic book you're reading, didn't u??
    I heard some psycologists tried LSD to attain schizophrenic state, so they can understand this syndrome better; dunno whether that's true or not.

    LSD is a very strong and powerful hallucinogen, 100 microgram (0.0001 gram, approx. 1/10th size of a fine sugar crystal, like a dust) usually more than enough to bring t1m fly away from his feet.

    It alters and intensifies physical senses, gives vivid feeling of entering your own world in dream-like state.
    If t1m could find one, tried it, he would probably see lots of brilliant light, trail of moving object (like when you shake your hand when taking picture in the drakness), moving patterns...
    T1m might also be able to see sound, hear color, talk with chair and table, smile to his pillow, etc etc

    LSD probably a bit difficult to find now compare with other drugs. In the "market", t1m won't be able to get LSD in its pure form as they usually blend/deliver it with sugarcubes, gelatine, blotted-paper, etc.

    It was used by hippies (reminded me of satria, somehow), some religious groups(it's an entheogen, often intensifies spiritual, cosmic, ethereal, celestial experiences with higher power), people like t1m, LOL, etc, etc.

    PS: dun forget to share t1m's experiences after tried it, lol!
    t1m1de wrote:
    Matth3w wrote:
    hehehehe, SHOW OFF a bit should be just fine, rite, LOL.
    Now, after showing off time is over, aren't u tempted to visit vancouver ??
    Nah... I'm more tempted to visit a certain matthew, lol.
    Matth3w wrote:
    it's just that I'm interested in pathology, pharmacology, medical stuff...I like lots of stuff.
    Cool! So when I'm testing out various kinda drugs, you'd be able to tell me about them and stuff, how much I can take, the kinds that are safe, etc. etc. LOL. Can you tell me a little bit about LSD? I wanna see gnomes running around, see everything wobbling, hear color, and see sound, LOL.
  • Hmm...
    what's fei doing now? How old are u? finished bachelor degree already?
    Have u applied for these school?

    Matt doesn't get it... why cooking indos food in Canada is impossible??
    Nothing is impossible...
    and I hope I eventually'll find my Neverland, LOL!

    Yeah Matt..Ubisoft Campus...that's the one, well actually I have two choices..ethier it's the Square-Enix's (the one that created Final Fantasy) at Hawaii or the Ubisoft's at Vancouver, I'll aplly both and see where I'll entered...........actually they said it easier entering the Ubisoft's......'cause people more interesting in Square-Enix's and Microsoft's (Yup..they have Game School also right threre at Silicon Valley)

    well my first choice is of course Game Developing and specialized in Graphic and Modelling.....and maybe take Game Marketing as the minor programme.

    Matt even though I DID succed enter the Ubisoft's....but cooks an Indonesian food in canada....It'll be like finding neverland....almost impossible........... :P :P
  • edited March 2005
    To further persuade people visiting Vancouver.... and since Matt just saw posting of the@soul of china town in Surabaya.... Matt presents :

    This is the gate of Vancouver's China town.... 2nd largest china town in North America!!! Located in east side of the city... lots of interesting stuff can be seen here... and for those able to speak mandarin, cantonesse, whatever, this isan awesome place to practice!


    * this picture has been grossly reduced coz. of space limitation
    as a result the red ferrari on the lower right corner can't be seen clearly*
  • Matt wrote:
    kind a, not exactly...

    u seem really ( I mean, really really really) active in this forum...
    just curious, how many times a day r1c visit this forum?

    btw, I heard (well actually read,lol) that you got an safe man.

    matt... i visit this forum as many as i can. i can connect to with my cellphone, if i want. :D

    not serius accident, just a lil bit. thx.
    btw, how abt the glasses? had you think abt yet? hmm...

    how is your day matt? bad or not..?

    sometimes, i think abt college ... miss to be there again.
    wake up early,... go to campz with the traffic jam, studying, ...and hang out with my friends...
    but now, everything changes...
    btw,,, thats all memories... mmmhhh... funny.

    *your photo is cool...
  • This one's from Montréal, QB:


    From the book? Nah... been wanting to try it since I was a kid!!! lol... make that, since I was in high school. I was so close to getting it once. I dunno when the opportunity will pass by again.
    Acid and extacy, I've gotta try 'em at least once in my life. Just to see what all the rave is all about. But mostly Acid, like I said, I wanna see "stuff", lol.

    So watcha been up to?
  • Yeah... I'd like to try those stuff too, at least once in my life...ya know like once in a lifetime xperience

    extacy should be easy to be found....esp. in Jakarta, but yeah LSD effects supposed to be so exotic and unique... hard to compare with others

    here pot I think is more popular...


    Montreal, did t1m go there? how about quebec city? I heard they're looked like old western europe countries... haven't been there...soon, hopefully....

    t1m1de wrote:
    This one's from Montréal, QB:


    From the book? Nah... been wanting to try it since I was a kid!!! lol... make that, since I was in high school. I was so close to getting it once. I dunno when the opportunity will pass by again.
    Acid and extacy, I've gotta try 'em at least once in my life. Just to see what all the rave is all about. But mostly Acid, like I said, I wanna see "stuff", lol.

    So watcha been up to?
  • OK, since I have nothing to say today and have an hour free time
    Matt will take u to Vancouver
    today's Vancouver tour will be Matt's very own campus, University of Bristish Columbia, UBC.
    I love ( and hate it at the same time) this campus so much...
    so beautiful.... lots of running trails... lots of beautiful things to be seen... and my temporary home too...

    It's a pretty huge campus, about 400 hecatares in total adjacent together with 700 hectares of Pacific Spirit National park. THe "maintained" and " habitated" area are approx. 180 hecatres with about 400 buildings.
    Matt feels lucky chose Vancouver with its UBC campus, I mean how many universities in the world have beaches (nude beach actually, LOL), forests, perfect mountain view, coast of vast and enormous Pacific Ocean, very big botanical garden, anthropology museum, Nitobe japanese landscape garden, nuclear particle accelerator aka cyclotrone, etc, etc...

    Here's the picture of Koerner libaray, library for arts and social science, one of several libraries on UBC Vancouver campus...

    See how summer and winter bring so MUCH difference...

    [img] library UBC summer.JPG[/img]

    [img] Library at UBC Winter.JPG[/img][/img]
  • edited March 2005
    Shut... why the pictures don't show up???

    Anyone... anyone...could someone out there help me here??

    anyway, just paste the link and copy it on explorer address bar...

    Arrghh... not enough space to put other pics....

    quote="Matt"]OK, since I have nothing to say today and have an hour free time
    Matt will take u to Vancouver
    today's Vancouver tour will be Matt's very own campus, University of Bristish Columbia, UBC.
    I love ( and hate it at the same time) this campus so much...
    so beautiful.... lots of running trails... lots of beautiful things to be seen... and my temporary home too...

    It's a pretty huge campus, about 400 hecatares in total adjacent together with 700 hectares of Pacific Spirit National park. THe "maintained" and " habitated" area are approx. 180 hecatres with about 400 buildings.
    Matt feels lucky chose Vancouver with its UBC campus, I mean how many universities in the world have beaches (nude beach actually, LOL), forests, perfect mountain view, coast of vast and enormous Pacific Ocean, very big botanical garden, anthropology museum, Nitobe japanese landscape garden, nuclear particle accelerator aka cyclotrone, etc, etc...

    Here's the picture of Koerner libaray, library for arts and social science, one of several libraries on UBC Vancouver campus...

    See how summer and winter bring so MUCH difference...


    * oh well, It's there now*
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