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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Matt wrote:
    Man... R1c was serious from the beginning wasn't he?

    (arrgghhhhhhhhhh asinan...buah, sayur, betawi, bogor, tangerang, ... *sigh*)
    No no ... Matt was kiddin' when asked for indonesian food....Well, Matt really misses them but nothing really can be done about that.
    Matt gave up already... apa ya... pasrah...
    Sending stuff from Indo is just way way too expensive and not worth of the stuff. Beside, unless using special courier like UPS or FedEx ( and using special service like overnight or 2nd day), by the time the things get here, Matt will have to donate them to a local museum as artifacts.

    ya ya, r1c is right, Matt thinks now is really hard to find those stuff...
    when Matt was like 7 y.o., sometimes there was a guy wondering around Matt's area selling rujak.... sweet... but if mamanya Matt knew about that, she'd go crazy..."never eat something like that!!! they're unhealthy, you'll get this disease, that virus, yada yada yada.....we'll boycott ur pocket money...nah lo.."

    But anyway... thanx soooo much for the offer.... hehehe...
    R1c emang bae!!!


    hey matt, apa kabar?
    don't worry about worth or not, except it's too expensive for me :P
    btw, yesterday when ric back from gym, ric saw "tukang rujak bebek", uhm, makes me remember matt, how missed you.,., :mrgreen:
    so, when will you back here? i'll pick you up to batagor, siomay, empek-empek, rujak, asinan place, at the same day, ... LOL Puas gak tuh?
  • R1C wrote:
    when will you back here? :wink:

    masak chuman die aje, gue juga mau donk ... ! .. gue kan yang paling sering ke indo
  • cool... can't wait till that moment...

    R1C wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Man... R1c was serious from the beginning wasn't he?


    hey matt, apa kabar?
    don't worry about worth or not, except it's too expensive for me :P
    btw, yesterday when ric back from gym, ric saw "tukang rujak bebek", uhm, makes me remember matt, how missed you.,., :mrgreen:
    so, when will you back here? i'll pick you up to batagor, siomay, empek-empek, rujak, asinan place, at the same day, ... LOL Puas gak tuh?
  • Man.. that sounds terrible.
    got antibiotics and corticosteroid from doctor already?
    go run, hide, escape from ur relatives!!
    take care and get well soon...

    so, if u wanna stay away from ur family, why would u get back to indo then? you sounded not really enjoying ur staying there?

    keep chillin', hangin', killin' , en smokin'!!!
    t1m1de wrote:
    Matt wrote:

    Right now, I'm just focusing on getting rid of my tonsil's inflamation that has spread to my ears. Though it's kinda hard when your relatives keep on taking you all over the place. I'm not the kind of person who really show my sickness, I'd rather fight it by acting as if it wasn't there at all, so it probably doesn't show to my relatives that I'm in pain, LOL.
    Enjoying time with family? The only time is when I'm actually away from them, lol. Working? Nah... not yet. Just chillin'... Killin'... And smokin' weed... LOL, And I am just kiddin'.
  • satria wrote:
    R1C wrote:
    when will you back here? :wink:

    masak chuman die aje, gue juga mau donk ... ! .. gue kan yang paling sering ke indo
    ngiri ya? biarin aja dah.... situ kan dah banyak makan mas....
    *pura pura gak baca dan buru buru log out*
  • Matt wrote:
    cool... can't wait till that moment...


    kalau sekolah itu visanya berapa tahun matt?
    kok sudah 1,5tahun tidak pulang???
  • the length study visa really depends on the course of ur study. 1st time matt went to canada, matt got 2 years permit and still hasn't expired till now, but since Matt was transfered to other univ. , I renewed my permit just last year and valid till 2007.

    Ya... kind a miserable here, hehehe sometime...LOL
    Wanna see jakarta.
    But I kind a like Vancouver though. It's a fabulous city though not as crowded as Jakarta. I mean, imagine, how many big cities on earth, have beaches, coasts, lots of forests (I mean, real forest, not just a park), national parks, mountains (there're even 3, for hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and stuff, you decide), all within city boundary...

    R1C wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    cool... can't wait till that moment...


    kalau sekolah itu visanya berapa tahun matt?
    kok sudah 1,5tahun tidak pulang???
  • Matt wrote:
    the length study visa really depends on the course of ur study. 1st time matt went to canada, matt got 2 years permit and still hasn't expired till now, but since Matt was transfered to other univ. , I renewed my permit just last year and valid till 2007.

    Ya... kind a miserable here, hehehe sometime...LOL
    Wanna see jakarta.
    But I kind a like Vancouver though. It's a fabulous city though not as crowded as Jakarta. I mean, imagine, how many big cities on earth, have beaches, coasts, lots of forests (I mean, real forest, not just a park), national parks, mountains (there're even 3, for hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and stuff, you decide), all within city boundary...


    well, matt... you made me jealous about this.
    i 'd bored enough livin' jakarta and wanna see the other country , looking for the nice place, and wish me luck , so i can visit vancouver or another...
  • hi matt1
    it`s sammy in medan
    i just one of the scientology volunteer for the tsunami victims in aceh.
    i`d like to know little bit deeper about scientology
    from other source i got that scientology is a kind of applied religious philosophy.
    Scientology for the first time established by L.Ron Hubbard, he is an american one of the great writer.
    could you find more information about scientology for me.
    i hope you`ll replay my massage as soon as possible.
    and we gotta be close friend or more.

    luv ya
    Matt wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Matt, currently studying in Vancouver, Canada.
    I was born and raised in Indonesia, used to be fluent in Indo but really want to be good in english. Thus, feel free to write in either way
    I'd like to chit-chat with anyone letting me know what's going on in Indonesia. so, feel free to drop me some lines. See ya.

    take care,

    Cooking, pondering, bengong, watching TV, all... @ the same time....
  • Matt wrote:
    Man.. that sounds terrible.
    got antibiotics and corticosteroid from doctor already?
    go run, hide, escape from ur relatives!!
    take care and get well soon...
    You must be taking Pre-Med or something, how'd you know the doctor was gonna give those things?
    Matt wrote:
    so, if u wanna stay away from ur family, why would u get back to indo then? you sounded not really enjoying ur staying there?
    I considered this as a temporary stay. Didn't expect to stay here that long.
    Matt wrote:
    But I kind a like Vancouver though. It's a fabulous city though not as crowded as Jakarta. I mean, imagine, how many big cities on earth, have beaches, coasts, lots of forests (I mean, real forest, not just a park), national parks, mountains (there're even 3, for hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and stuff, you decide), all within city boundary...

    AAARRRRGGGHHH!!! Ok, I'm gonna pretend I didn't read that. SHOW OFF! LOL.
  • Hey Sammy,

    That's so sweet of you volunteering for tsunami victims.
    It was sooo sad, wasn't it...?
    How were the relief teams doin' there now? Haven't heard any news about aceh since couple wekks ago. Were helps and donations reached needy people there?

    Scientology.... Matt, unfortunately doesn't know much about it. The only thing Matt knows is just it's some kind of religious group... extracting philosophy of several religions and then blend them together with slight modification here and there... lots of comunity like that founded in last 10-20 years. They have one of their "branch" here in Vancouver and once Matt saw they put a board sayin' " Free personality test"... Matt had no idea at all at that time. Anyway, if wanna find out more bout that just try this link

    take care,
    sammyluv wrote:
    hi matt1
    it`s sammy in medan
    i just one of the scientology volunteer for the tsunami victims in aceh.
    i`d like to know little bit deeper about scientology
    from other source i got that scientology is a kind of applied religious philosophy.
    Scientology for the first time established by L.Ron Hubbard, he is an american one of the great writer.
    could you find more information about scientology for me.
    i hope you`ll replay my massage as soon as possible.
    and we gotta be close friend or more.

    luv ya
    Matt wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Matt, currently studying in Vancouver, Canada.
    I was born and raised in Indonesia, used to be fluent in Indo but really want to be good in english. Thus, feel free to write in either way
    I'd like to chit-chat with anyone letting me know what's going on in Indonesia. so, feel free to drop me some lines. See ya.

    take care,

    Cooking, pondering, bengong, watching TV, all... @ the same time....
  • sammyluv wrote:
    hi matt1
    it`s sammy in medan
    i just one of the scientology volunteer for the tsunami victims in aceh.
    i`d like to know little bit deeper about scientology
    from other source i got that scientology is a kind of applied religious philosophy.
    Scientology for the first time established by L.Ron Hubbard, he is an american one of the great writer.
    could you find more information about scientology for me.
    i hope you`ll replay my massage as soon as possible.
    and we gotta be close friend or more.

    luv ya

    cool. tadinya tim juga mau jadi volunteer kan tim?
  • Hi matt......just dropping by again.........
    Vancouver huh?? If things are happens accordingly what I've been planning, I might go there for entering Ubisoft Games Software Education....It'll open next year if I'm not mistaken. So there's a change we might see each other....well except if you've done when I come :wink: :wink: :wink:
    t1m1de wrote:
    I considered this as a temporary stay. Didn't expect to stay here that long.
    OH..NO!!..NO!! You don't,T1m....YOU'LL NOT GONNA LEAVE THIS COUNTRY!!!!!.......Not before you tasting me first,t1m....... :lol: :lol: :lol: LOL LOL

    So........Matt, rindu masakan Indonesia???.......heheheheh.........I'm a good indonesian cuisine cooks btw..........heheheh just tell what do you want?? Rendang, Opor, Sayur Asam, Indonesian Fried Chicken, Sate? tinggal pesan...biarkan Chef feiXXXholic membuatkan untuk anda... :wink: :wink: :wink:

    What major do you take anyway...........???
  • hehehehe, SHOW OFF a bit should be just fine, rite, LOL.
    Now, after showing off time is over, aren't u tempted to visit vancouver ??

    nah, I'm not in med school...considering it actually long time ago...must be cool
    it's just that I'm interested in pathology, pharmacology, medical stuff...I like lots of stuff.

    where's t1m's next destination ??

    t1m1de wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Man.. that sounds terrible.
    got antibiotics and corticosteroid from doctor already?
    go run, hide, escape from ur relatives!!
    take care and get well soon...
    You must be taking Pre-Med or something, how'd you know the doctor was gonna give those things?
    Matt wrote:
    so, if u wanna stay away from ur family, why would u get back to indo then? you sounded not really enjoying ur staying there?
    I considered this as a temporary stay. Didn't expect to stay here that long.
    Matt wrote:
    But I kind a like Vancouver though. It's a fabulous city though not as crowded as Jakarta. I mean, imagine, how many big cities on earth, have beaches, coasts, lots of forests (I mean, real forest, not just a park), national parks, mountains (there're even 3, for hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and stuff, you decide), all within city boundary...

    AAARRRRGGGHHH!!! Ok, I'm gonna pretend I didn't read that. SHOW OFF! LOL.
  • come on.. come on... come on... t1m, r1c, fei, everyone.... visits vancouver, the best city in the world (according to some international panel/magazine)...
    you'll find whatever you're looking 4 here.... (including Matthew, if applicable, LOL)!!!

    R1C wrote:
    sammyluv wrote:

    luv ya

    cool. tadinya tim juga mau jadi volunteer kan tim?
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