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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Rasputin wrote:
    kangataz wrote:
    maybe they're intimidated by your english. It's not too common to come across an ABC (I dunno if u use this term? American Born Chinese/org asia yg udah gede di sono)

    gue aja buka2 penasaran aja abis nicknya so simple just matt gitu. Eh ternyata bener you're "ABC-esque"

    so far on this forum gue cuman pernah liat loe and timide who actually grew up away from indo. Too bad I haven't heard from him fro years now dulu hampir gue undang ke ultah 21st bday gue pas gue di jakarta, but something came up jadi ngga pernah ketemuan deh....

    that's probably the case, but then again you're the one who can choose you're own audience by setting the tone.
    there are other ways to get more responses as well such as posting your sexy pic here :D

    uhm, posting secara teratur, jadi pembaca tetap berdatangan ^^ yup posting foto2 matt yang seksi juga dah cukup menarik pengunjung, soal ngasih feedback.. humm implied ke hino ndiri, gua pikir matt udah dewasa. dan permasalahan yang matt tuangkan, kebanyakan akan matt jawab ndiri. isinya bernada pernyataan gitu ^^ misalnya soal bertahan dan bekerja di kota kecil gitu.. hehe dipikir2 matt sendiri udah ada pilihan ndiri menimbang untuk jangka panjangnya ^^

    tetep posting aja, segment blog pasti gua ikutin kok, tapi emank jarang posting..

    terus memantau ... hehehe
  • Ah, yea mungkin juga... ga terlalu terpikir oleh gw, apalagi kesannya sekarang di Indonesia orang2 sudah sangat percaya diri dengan bahasa Inggris: iklan bahasa Inggris di mana2, siaran Tv bahasa Inggris, majalah bahasa Inggris, section buku Inggris di toko buku makin besar, etc.

    Gw kayaknya bukan ABC lah (atau CBC kalau di sini), pola pikir gw masih belum white washed, walaupun mungkin ga se-rigid pola pikir Timur.

    Yea, I exchanged a few messages and emails with him many years ago, and the he just disappeared, not sure where he is right now.
    How are things with you and Andrew?
    kangataz wrote:
    maybe they're intimidated by your english. It's not too common to come across an ABC (I dunno if u use this term? American Born Chinese/org asia yg udah gede di sono)

    gue aja buka2 penasaran aja abis nicknya so simple just matt gitu. Eh ternyata bener you're "ABC-esque"

    so far on this forum gue cuman pernah liat loe and timide who actually grew up away from indo. Too bad I haven't heard from him fro years now dulu hampir gue undang ke ultah 21st bday gue pas gue di jakarta, but something came up jadi ngga pernah ketemuan deh....
  • Oi Om, kampungnya bukan di Toronto, Tapi di Jakarta, hehe...

    Gw ga tinggal di Toronto; kalo gw di sana mungkin gw ga bakalan komplain kali ya, gw pernah kerja di sana hampir 1 tahun and gw cukup happy di sana. Musim dinginnay lumayan dingin tapi ga sedingin di sini, di Northern Ontario =(

    Haha, Spadina ama Queen, naik dikit lagi sampe China town donk ya...
    Sayang banget tempat lo udah lo jual, coba lo tahan sampai beberapa tahun terakhir, bisa untung gede tuh.

    satria wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ada godaan sangat besar buat gw untuk ga balik ke sini dari Indonesia... sepertinya segala sesuatu jauh lebih mudah and gampang buat gw di INdo... ga tahu apakah ini hanya ilusi, atau memang betul seperti itu.. atau mungkin gw terbuai dengan status gw yang sedang "berlibur" (mungkin lain cerita kalau gw KERJA and HIDUP di Indonesia, bukan sekedar liburan).

    Gw merasa lebih di-appreciate, lebih dihargai, jauh lebih diinginkan di sana, daripada di kota kecil yang dinginnya udah lebih dingin daripada freezer tempat simpan daging (kadang gw bingung kok orang (termasuk gw) GOBLOKKK sekali mau menyiksa diri tinggal dalam peti es).
    Gw juga merasa lebih mendapatkan kemudahan di Jakarta, and merasa potensi gw bisa lebih berkembang di sana daripada di sini.

    gue pernah tuh di kampung eu .. di toronto sana puya apartment yang baru banget .. blom jadi dah langsung aja gue beli ... summer enak banget tapi mam-pus aja kalo dah wnter .... Kapok gue ... gue dah jual .... Gue di spadina dan queen .. ngga jauh jau amat dr kampus .... pojokan nya Mac D ... hehehehehehe
  • Mungkin juga ya.. tapi kayaknay bukan deh; tetep misteri buat gw neh.. udah beres belum paper lo?
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    satria wrote:
    gue pernah tuh di kampung eu .. di toronto sana puya apartment yang baru banget .. blom jadi dah langsung aja gue beli ... summer enak banget tapi mam-pus aja kalo dah wnter .... Kapok gue ... gue dah jual .... Gue di spadina dan queen .. ngga jauh jau amat dr kampus .... pojokan nya Mac D ... hehehehehehe

    numpang post di warungnya yah matt :)
    emank eu itu lagi ngetren yah?
    kok ada yg kalau ke sms ke pake eu??

    hm...ttg knp threadnya bnyk yg liat tapi dikit yg post...
    (mikir lebih dari 5 mnt dengan tangan di atas keyboard, tapi gk nemu jawabnya juga...) mgkn kurang sering diupdate jg matt? just maybe?[/b]
  • Ah yea, I guess, but then what's the point of changing myself simply just to get more responses, especially if the responses are just plain no brainers?? I'm sure there are plenty of people out here with tons of experiences, knowledge, and I just simply hope to tap some of their wisdom. Or perhaps, sometime support and encouragement.
    Oh well, perhaps someday when I;m desperate enough for some responses I'll upload few of my scandalous pics, hahaha... =)
    Rasputin wrote:
    kangataz wrote:
    maybe they're intimidated by your english. It's not too common to come across an ABC (I dunno if u use this term? American Born Chinese/org asia yg udah gede di sono)

    gue aja buka2 penasaran aja abis nicknya so simple just matt gitu. Eh ternyata bener you're "ABC-esque"

    so far on this forum gue cuman pernah liat loe and timide who actually grew up away from indo. Too bad I haven't heard from him fro years now dulu hampir gue undang ke ultah 21st bday gue pas gue di jakarta, but something came up jadi ngga pernah ketemuan deh....

    that's probably the case, but then again you're the one who can choose you're own audience by setting the tone.
    there are other ways to get more responses as well such as posting your sexy pic here :D
  • Oh wow, good observation there!
    hebat juga si hino ini.. =)

    hino wrote:
    Rasputin wrote:
    kangataz wrote:
    maybe they're intimidated by your english. It's not too common to come across an ABC (I dunno if u use this term? American Born Chinese/org asia yg udah gede di sono)

    gue aja buka2 penasaran aja abis nicknya so simple just matt gitu. Eh ternyata bener you're "ABC-esque"

    so far on this forum gue cuman pernah liat loe and timide who actually grew up away from indo. Too bad I haven't heard from him fro years now dulu hampir gue undang ke ultah 21st bday gue pas gue di jakarta, but something came up jadi ngga pernah ketemuan deh....

    that's probably the case, but then again you're the one who can choose you're own audience by setting the tone.
    there are other ways to get more responses as well such as posting your sexy pic here :D

    uhm, posting secara teratur, jadi pembaca tetap berdatangan ^^ yup posting foto2 matt yang seksi juga dah cukup menarik pengunjung, soal ngasih feedback.. humm implied ke hino ndiri, gua pikir matt udah dewasa. dan permasalahan yang matt tuangkan, kebanyakan akan matt jawab ndiri. isinya bernada pernyataan gitu ^^ misalnya soal bertahan dan bekerja di kota kecil gitu.. hehe dipikir2 matt sendiri udah ada pilihan ndiri menimbang untuk jangka panjangnya ^^

    tetep posting aja, segment blog pasti gua ikutin kok, tapi emank jarang posting..

    terus memantau ... hehehe
  • Matt wrote:
    Ah yea, I guess, but then what's the point of changing myself simply just to get more responses, especially if the responses are just plain no brainers?? I'm sure there are plenty of people out here with tons of experiences, knowledge, and I just simply hope to tap some of their wisdom. Or perhaps, sometime support and encouragement.
    Oh well, perhaps someday when I;m desperate enough for some responses I'll upload few of my scandalous pics, hahaha... =)

    correct !!
    what for?
    every person is unique, even identical twins
    every person has (atau pake have ya, setau gw has their own story to tell, it's just the way it is

    lolz...i dunno if it's weird or no
    i like to listen to others' stories
  • Matt wrote:
    Mungkin juga ya.. tapi kayaknay bukan deh; tetep misteri buat gw neh.. udah beres belum paper lo?

    sadly...not yet

    and uh forgotten
    wanna wish everyone here "happy chinese newyear" :D
  • ApaAjaOk wrote:
    wanna wish everyone here "happy chinese newyear" :D

    ( mok ngintil-in ah ) .. met taon baru imlek juga yak utk yg (ikut) ngeraya-in .. juga met masuk taon sapi ya ..
  • satria wrote:
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    wanna wish everyone here "happy chinese newyear" :D

    ( mok ngintil-in ah ) .. met taon baru imlek juga yak utk yg (ikut) ngeraya-in .. juga met masuk taon sapi ya ..

    ahuahua numpang balas pesan org lwt blog u matt
    hope u don't mind :)

    mok ngintil-in itu opo to om?
    nda mudeng saya, gk ngerti bhs jawa T.T
  • edited January 2009
    Matt wrote:
    Oi Om, kampungnya bukan di Toronto, Tapi di Jakarta, hehe...

    Gw ga tinggal di Toronto; kalo gw di sana mungkin gw ga bakalan komplain kali ya, gw pernah kerja di sana hampir 1 tahun and gw cukup happy di sana. Musim dinginnay lumayan dingin tapi ga sedingin di sini, di Northern Ontario =(

    Haha, Spadina ama Queen, naik dikit lagi sampe China town donk ya...
    Sayang banget tempat lo udah lo jual, coba lo tahan sampai beberapa tahun terakhir, bisa untung gede tuh.
    satria wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ada godaan sangat besar buat gw untuk ga balik ke sini dari Indonesia... sepertinya segala sesuatu jauh lebih mudah and gampang buat gw di INdo... ga tahu apakah ini hanya ilusi, atau memang betul seperti itu.. atau mungkin gw terbuai dengan status gw yang sedang "berlibur" (mungkin lain cerita kalau gw KERJA and HIDUP di Indonesia, bukan sekedar liburan).

    Gw merasa lebih di-appreciate, lebih dihargai, jauh lebih diinginkan di sana, daripada di kota kecil yang dinginnya udah lebih dingin daripada freezer tempat simpan daging (kadang gw bingung kok orang (termasuk gw) GOBLOKKK sekali mau menyiksa diri tinggal dalam peti es).
    Gw juga merasa lebih mendapatkan kemudahan di Jakarta, and merasa potensi gw bisa lebih berkembang di sana daripada di sini.
    gue pernah tuh di kampung eu .. di toronto sana puya apartment yang baru banget .. blom jadi dah langsung aja gue beli ... summer enak banget tapi mam-pus aja kalo dah wnter .... Kapok gue ... gue dah jual .... Gue di spadina dan queen .. ngga jauh jau amat dr kampus .... pojokan nya Mac D ... hehehehehehe

    mangkanya dolo gue beli disana ... deket pusat belanja, deket fashion corner ama financial corner ... trs yang palink penting deket ama chiantown ... jadi gue bisa makan makan asia .... gue untung dikit kok .... Lagian juga ribet banget peraturan di kanada nya sana ... laen dengan di amrik atawa di jerman ..... Akhirnya drpd gue pusing ya gue jual aja ..... 8) 8) 8) 8)
  • Matt wrote:
    Ah yea, I guess, but then what's the point of changing myself simply just to get more responses, especially if the responses are just plain no brainers?? I'm sure there are plenty of people out here with tons of experiences, knowledge, and I just simply hope to tap some of their wisdom. Or perhaps, sometime support and encouragement.
    Oh well, perhaps someday when I;m desperate enough for some responses I'll upload few of my scandalous pics, hahaha... =)
    Rasputin wrote:
    kangataz wrote:
    maybe they're intimidated by your english. It's not too common to come across an ABC (I dunno if u use this term? American Born Chinese/org asia yg udah gede di sono)

    gue aja buka2 penasaran aja abis nicknya so simple just matt gitu. Eh ternyata bener you're "ABC-esque"

    so far on this forum gue cuman pernah liat loe and timide who actually grew up away from indo. Too bad I haven't heard from him fro years now dulu hampir gue undang ke ultah 21st bday gue pas gue di jakarta, but something came up jadi ngga pernah ketemuan deh....

    that's probably the case, but then again you're the one who can choose you're own audience by setting the tone.
    there are other ways to get more responses as well such as posting your sexy pic here :D

    that's exactly my point.

    btw, when is the chinese new year exactly?
    want to call my mom at the right date
  • Rasputin wrote:
    btw, when is the chinese new year exactly? want to call my mom at the right date

    ahora ......
  • ApaAjaOk wrote:
    satria wrote:
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    wanna wish everyone here "happy chinese newyear" :D
    ( mok ngintil-in ah ) .. met taon baru imlek juga yak utk yg (ikut) ngeraya-in .. juga met masuk taon sapi ya ..
    mok ngintil-in itu opo to om? nda mudeng saya, gk ngerti bhs jawa T.T

    eh jangan salah yak ini bukan ngontol neh .. tapinya ngintil .. kalo di sunda sana .. ikutan ... gt l.oh ... heheheheheh
  • Gong Xi Fat Choi!!! Xing Nian Guai Lei!!

    Happy Chinese New Year!!

    Wish a prosperous and abundant year for all of us!!!

    [Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar]
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