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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Ahaha, this one crossed my mind a few times in the last few years, although i usually tend to push them aside because I dont wanna deal with them (called avoiding, LOL).

    Although I know at some point I realize I have to deal with them.
    And I agree with you if I were to face those 2 options, I'd go with the 1st, for obvious reason, because celeb life is sooo yesterday (esp. when you are 27, 30, 40...), hehehe...
    kangataz wrote:
    for one though matt, if you choose to stay overseas, I dunno if this option was ever in the back of your can have a normal life with a guy and be happy. Unless your situation with family is still closeted etc. I would soooo choose gay life, over indo's celeb pampering, which then again if you can't be gay and live your life would you really call it living?
  • Matt wrote:
    Ahaha, this one crossed my mind a few times in the last few years, although i usually tend to push them aside because I dont wanna deal with them (called avoiding, LOL).

    Although I know at some point I realize I have to deal with them.
    And I agree with you if I were to face those 2 options, I'd go with the 1st, for obvious reason, because celeb life is sooo yesterday (esp. when you are 27, 30, 40...), hehehe...

    easy come easy go...hmph....they're right
  • Sudah 2 minggu gw balik dari Jakarta, hampir 2 minggu gw menjalani rutinitas hidup yang yah... begitu2 aja di sini, tapi anehnya, Jakarta amsih aja terngiang2 di kepala gw. Haha, kayaknya terdengar sedih banget ya... mengenang2 sesuatu yang sudah lewat, yang emang bukan buat gw, yang (at least for now) bukan buat gw (saat ini).

    Parah ni, kayaknya gw mesti mencari eksibukan, biar ga terlalu stress and bosen. Sekarang kerjaan gw di rumah adalah amarthon TV series yang gw gw ketinggalan: baru aja kelarin gossip girl sampai ep 13, Desperate housewives e13 and supernatural e12. Sempet juga nonton film china 7 words (lumayan bagus actionnya) plus memperkaya koleksi porn (haha...=)

    Ada pikiran pengen balik ke bangku belajar. Kali ini pengen belajar bikin duit. Mungkin ambil part time MBA?? Hmmphh.. ga tahu deh...
  • Family bonding, eh... LOL.. my... how long did it take for your parents and sisters to accept the reality?
    BTW, how long have you and Andrew been together again?

    kangataz wrote:
    @matt Hi happy new year to u too. Andrew and I are doing great, we've had some interesting family bonding over this past holiday season. I just didn't expect it ever happening with my Indo family but they are starting to open up to it.... So you are considering to stay in Indo? I've had the same question raised in my mind at some point, like waaay before I met Drew.
    You know what it is... its the feeling of being treated like a celeb....For some reason they seem to "mendewa2kan" people that have lived overseas or people that look "bule" or mixed. But eventually I thought it proly would get old. It didn't feel right to me. It felt like cheating or something when everybody has to struggle and you just kinda get hand outs cuz they idolize u. That's my final thought about the issue.

    @rasputin emang loe tinggal dimana skg yak? Oh, lol btw the putting sexy pics up on the web got me in some real trouble with drew, lol. I dunno if you recall the WoW gamer crush incident.....
  • So, do you know what your parents say to their realtives amnd extended family, like oh kangataz doing fine over there with his significant other or kangataz still doesn't wanna get married coz. he hasnt found the right girl or they just go with "don't ask don't tell"?

    kangataz wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ah yea, you could be right, although I don't think it's cheating... maybe it sounds unfair to other people and I admit I do feel jealous to those people who are "blessed" with such qualities, that they just glide over hindrances while you and me have to crack our bones just to stand where we are...
    I think it just like when you raise questions why some people are born poor others rich, smart while others dumb, good looking while others ugly. And, if you are one of those lucky bunches, then I dont think it's cheating... I think it's a blessing.

    But then on the other hand, sometimes old people tell us there's an old saying: Easy come easy go (maybe just to console our feeling?) that when you get it so easy or when is it handed out to you, you wouldnt appreciate it, and it wouldnt last, whatever that is.
    And maybe someday, this "bonus" will grow old (like you say), and before you realize, you are nothing.

    But then, again, I dont think you cheat when you are simply "blessed" or lucky. Though, you cheat yourself if you dont appreciate those advantages, and use them wisely.

    So, what happened back then anyway??
    kangataz wrote:
    @matt Hi happy new year to u too. Andrew and I are doing great, we've had some interesting family bonding over this past holiday season. I just didn't expect it ever happening with my Indo family but they are starting to open up to it.... So you are considering to stay in Indo? I've had the same question raised in my mind at some point, like waaay before I met Drew.
    You know what it is... its the feeling of being treated like a celeb....For some reason they seem to "mendewa2kan" people that have lived overseas or people that look "bule" or mixed. But eventually I thought it proly would get old. It didn't feel right to me. It felt like cheating or something when everybody has to struggle and you just kinda get hand outs cuz they idolize u. That's my final thought about the issue.

    @rasputin emang loe tinggal dimana skg yak? Oh, lol btw the putting sexy pics up on the web got me in some real trouble with drew, lol. I dunno if you recall the WoW gamer crush incident.....

    my answer's up there :) ke skip tuh nulisnya barengan.... but pretty much ya being gay lah..... I don't think I can really live closeted all my life, be a shameful thing to family and stuff, ugh just not a good feeling period....
  • Matt wrote:
    Sudah 2 minggu gw balik dari Jakarta, hampir 2 minggu gw menjalani rutinitas hidup yang yah... begitu2 aja di sini, tapi anehnya, Jakarta amsih aja terngiang2 di kepala gw. Haha, kayaknya terdengar sedih banget ya... mengenang2 sesuatu yang sudah lewat, yang emang bukan buat gw, yang (at least for now) bukan buat gw (saat ini).

    Parah ni, kayaknya gw mesti mencari eksibukan, biar ga terlalu stress and bosen. Sekarang kerjaan gw di rumah adalah amarthon TV series yang gw gw ketinggalan: baru aja kelarin gossip girl sampai ep 13, Desperate housewives e13 and supernatural e12. Sempet juga nonton film china 7 words (lumayan bagus actionnya) plus memperkaya koleksi porn (haha...=)

    Ada pikiran pengen balik ke bangku belajar. Kali ini pengen belajar bikin duit. Mungkin ambil part time MBA?? Hmmphh.. ga tahu deh...

    desperate housewivesnya yg season brp itu?
    gw sampe yang ada dylan ama nyokapnya mau dibunuh sama si wayne..lupa itu season brp

    aahahuahua..btw akhir2 ini gw rajin bgt ngepost di sini..
    mau ngejar status u dulu Matt, biar Mega Star :P
  • kebanyakan inggris yah matt, agak bingung bacanya hehehehe
  • Matt wrote:
    So what happened back then? Why did you decide to move: purely choice or circumstances? How aws it over there? And what made you back.? If you dont mind sharing i really wanna know.. you can email me or smtg if you dont like putting it up here.


    Sent you a message thru BF yesterday ... not sure if you received it.
  • hahah ngejat status, kayak rewards card aja, ngumpulin mileage (ga sampe 2 nih..) kalo udah gede bisa upgrade status :p.

    SEkarang desp. housewives udah sesaon 5, yang cerita dylan itu season 4.

    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Sudah 2 minggu gw balik dari Jakarta, hampir 2 minggu gw menjalani rutinitas hidup yang yah... begitu2 aja di sini, tapi anehnya, Jakarta amsih aja terngiang2 di kepala gw. Haha, kayaknya terdengar sedih banget ya... mengenang2 sesuatu yang sudah lewat, yang emang bukan buat gw, yang (at least for now) bukan buat gw (saat ini).

    Parah ni, kayaknya gw mesti mencari eksibukan, biar ga terlalu stress and bosen. Sekarang kerjaan gw di rumah adalah amarthon TV series yang gw gw ketinggalan: baru aja kelarin gossip girl sampai ep 13, Desperate housewives e13 and supernatural e12. Sempet juga nonton film china 7 words (lumayan bagus actionnya) plus memperkaya koleksi porn (haha...=)

    Ada pikiran pengen balik ke bangku belajar. Kali ini pengen belajar bikin duit. Mungkin ambil part time MBA?? Hmmphh.. ga tahu deh...

    desperate housewivesnya yg season brp itu?
    gw sampe yang ada dylan ama nyokapnya mau dibunuh sama si wayne..lupa itu season brp

    aahahuahua..btw akhir2 ini gw rajin bgt ngepost di sini..
    mau ngejar status u dulu Matt, biar Mega Star :P
  • Yea, I did, but I want more JUICY DETAILS, lol... =)
    Maybe we should chat sometime.
    Matt wrote:
    So what happened back then? Why did you decide to move: purely choice or circumstances? How aws it over there? And what made you back.? If you dont mind sharing i really wanna know.. you can email me or smtg if you dont like putting it up here.


    Sent you a message thru BF yesterday ... not sure if you received it.
  • Gw sekarang suka nulis pakai bahasa Indonesia kok, lihat aja post terakhir gw kemaren.

    Pa kabar sama si jutex.. =p
    d'batax wrote:
    kebanyakan inggris yah matt, agak bingung bacanya hehehehe
  • wah...
    interesting blog....
    sebenernya udah mayan lama baca ni blog..
    cuma merasa minder kl mw nulis comment..
    soalnya inggris g grammarnya prah abiss..
    tp untungnya masi bisa ngerti kl cuma baca ato denger org gomong

    nice to know y..
  • Matt wrote:
    Ada pikiran pengen balik ke bangku belajar. Kali ini pengen belajar bikin duit. Mungkin ambil part time MBA?? Hmmphh.. ga tahu deh...

    I have an MBA myself but still not sure if it added any value to my CV except that it makes it longer, but probably it will worth more if you lived in the states, even so in this time of crisis i would think twice to do that if i were you, B-school is way too expensive these days and not worth it unless you can get a spot in one of the highest ranked ones like wharton, stanford or harvard.
    I heard Rotman in Toronto and McGill in Montréal are quite good too
  • Matt wrote:
    Family bonding, eh... LOL.. my... how long did it take for your parents and sisters to accept the reality?
    BTW, how long have you and Andrew been together again?

    kangataz wrote:
    @matt Hi happy new year to u too. Andrew and I are doing great, we've had some interesting family bonding over this past holiday season. I just didn't expect it ever happening with my Indo family but they are starting to open up to it.... So you are considering to stay in Indo? I've had the same question raised in my mind at some point, like waaay before I met Drew.
    You know what it is... its the feeling of being treated like a celeb....For some reason they seem to "mendewa2kan" people that have lived overseas or people that look "bule" or mixed. But eventually I thought it proly would get old. It didn't feel right to me. It felt like cheating or something when everybody has to struggle and you just kinda get hand outs cuz they idolize u. That's my final thought about the issue.

    @rasputin emang loe tinggal dimana skg yak? Oh, lol btw the putting sexy pics up on the web got me in some real trouble with drew, lol. I dunno if you recall the WoW gamer crush incident.....

    lets see....I've been out to the immediate family since 2002. When another family member asks they just go " ngga tau tuh....". Some that get it don't push the issue further and haven't asked anymore since hehe.... i am sure as time goes they start to pick up on the gay thing better and better....It's just hard to avoid the issue since I am usually the center of the family's attention whenever we have family gatherings....thats why I haven't been back since 2005 I think....drew and I have been together since 2003. going on 6 yrs in march, but then again we got married last year(21 july) so I think it resets itself hehe now we've only been married not even a year....
  • wah ngapain minder? Lo ga baca tulisan gw di halaman pertama?
    nulis apa aja, selama gw ngerti, akan gw usaha tanggapin.
    Lagian sayang kan kalo buah pikiran lo ga didengar =)
    D_boyz wrote:
    interesting blog....
    sebenernya udah mayan lama baca ni blog..
    cuma merasa minder kl mw nulis comment..
    soalnya inggris g grammarnya prah abiss..
    tp untungnya masi bisa ngerti kl cuma baca ato denger org gomong

    nice to know y..
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