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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Hi Matt,

    恭喜发财 ! (Gong Xi Fa Cai)

    新年快乐 ! (Xin Nian Kuai Le)

    Hope you enjoy the Chinese New Year celebration there. I know there is a big Chinese community in Vancouver and Toronto, though I am not sure if that's the case where you live now.


    Matt wrote:
    Gong Xi Fat Choi!!! Xing Nian Guai Lei!!

    Happy Chinese New Year!!

    Wish a prosperous and abundant year for all of us!!!

    [Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar]
  • Matt wrote:
    Ada godaan sangat besar buat gw untuk ga balik ke sini dari Indonesia... sepertinya segala sesuatu jauh lebih mudah and gampang buat gw di INdo... ga tahu apakah ini hanya ilusi, atau memang betul seperti itu.. atau mungkin gw terbuai dengan status gw yang sedang "berlibur" (mungkin lain cerita kalau gw KERJA and HIDUP di Indonesia, bukan sekedar liburan).

    Gw merasa lebih di-appreciate, lebih dihargai, jauh lebih diinginkan di sana, daripada di kota kecil yang dinginnya udah lebih dingin daripada freezer tempat simpan daging (kadang gw bingung kok orang (termasuk gw) GOBLOKKK sekali mau menyiksa diri tinggal dalam peti es).
    Gw juga merasa lebih mendapatkan kemudahan di Jakarta, and merasa potensi gw bisa lebih berkembang di sana daripada di sini....

    I think it all depends on what you can achieve in Indonesia. I mean in terms of career as well as personal life.

    In my case, I returned to my home town after my graduation, worked there for half a year or so and then decided to come back here. And I still think I have made the right decision.

    You won't know until you give it a try. It is not the same for everyone, you need to find out what's best for you.
  • @matt Hi happy new year to u too. Andrew and I are doing great, we've had some interesting family bonding over this past holiday season. I just didn't expect it ever happening with my Indo family but they are starting to open up to it.... So you are considering to stay in Indo? I've had the same question raised in my mind at some point, like waaay before I met Drew.
    You know what it is... its the feeling of being treated like a celeb....For some reason they seem to "mendewa2kan" people that have lived overseas or people that look "bule" or mixed. But eventually I thought it proly would get old. It didn't feel right to me. It felt like cheating or something when everybody has to struggle and you just kinda get hand outs cuz they idolize u. That's my final thought about the issue.

    @rasputin emang loe tinggal dimana skg yak? Oh, lol btw the putting sexy pics up on the web got me in some real trouble with drew, lol. I dunno if you recall the WoW gamer crush incident.....
  • i currently live near Amsterdam, but who knows where the future will take me :D
    but in general i'm quite happy living and working here especially in my current project where the atmosphere is very international and everybody speaks english, had a problem with other projects because i don't speak any word of dutch.
    btw, yes i remember your WoW incident, how can i're my idol....LOL
  • matt giginya bagus yah, lol. I have a "gingsul" which is not so appealing in the american sense.....
  • Rasputin wrote:
    i currently live near Amsterdam, but who knows where the future will take me :D
    but in general i'm quite happy living and working here especially in my current project where the atmosphere is very international and everybody speaks english, had a problem with other projects because i don't speak any word of dutch.
    btw, yes i remember your WoW incident, how can i're my idol....LOL

    haha rasputin idol.... season brp nih....?
  • Yea, that's the stalker gene talking :p

    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ah yea, I guess, but then what's the point of changing myself simply just to get more responses, especially if the responses are just plain no brainers?? I'm sure there are plenty of people out here with tons of experiences, knowledge, and I just simply hope to tap some of their wisdom. Or perhaps, sometime support and encouragement.
    Oh well, perhaps someday when I;m desperate enough for some responses I'll upload few of my scandalous pics, hahaha... =)

    correct !!
    what for?
    every person is unique, even identical twins
    every person has (atau pake have ya, setau gw has their own story to tell, it's just the way it is

    lolz...i dunno if it's weird or no
    i like to listen to others' stories
  • Lebih ribet kenapa, gw kira masalah ginian paling ribet justru di EU sana.

    Gw jadi kangen sama Toronto nih... inget Church St. ga?
    satria wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Oi Om, kampungnya bukan di Toronto, Tapi di Jakarta, hehe...

    Gw ga tinggal di Toronto; kalo gw di sana mungkin gw ga bakalan komplain kali ya, gw pernah kerja di sana hampir 1 tahun and gw cukup happy di sana. Musim dinginnay lumayan dingin tapi ga sedingin di sini, di Northern Ontario =(

    Haha, Spadina ama Queen, naik dikit lagi sampe China town donk ya...
    Sayang banget tempat lo udah lo jual, coba lo tahan sampai beberapa tahun terakhir, bisa untung gede tuh.
    satria wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ada godaan sangat besar buat gw untuk ga balik ke sini dari Indonesia... sepertinya segala sesuatu jauh lebih mudah and gampang buat gw di INdo... ga tahu apakah ini hanya ilusi, atau memang betul seperti itu.. atau mungkin gw terbuai dengan status gw yang sedang "berlibur" (mungkin lain cerita kalau gw KERJA and HIDUP di Indonesia, bukan sekedar liburan).

    Gw merasa lebih di-appreciate, lebih dihargai, jauh lebih diinginkan di sana, daripada di kota kecil yang dinginnya udah lebih dingin daripada freezer tempat simpan daging (kadang gw bingung kok orang (termasuk gw) GOBLOKKK sekali mau menyiksa diri tinggal dalam peti es).
    Gw juga merasa lebih mendapatkan kemudahan di Jakarta, and merasa potensi gw bisa lebih berkembang di sana daripada di sini.
    gue pernah tuh di kampung eu .. di toronto sana puya apartment yang baru banget .. blom jadi dah langsung aja gue beli ... summer enak banget tapi mam-pus aja kalo dah wnter .... Kapok gue ... gue dah jual .... Gue di spadina dan queen .. ngga jauh jau amat dr kampus .... pojokan nya Mac D ... hehehehehehe

    mangkanya dolo gue beli disana ... deket pusat belanja, deket fashion corner ama financial corner ... trs yang palink penting deket ama chiantown ... jadi gue bisa makan makan asia .... gue untung dikit kok .... Lagian juga ribet banget peraturan di kanada nya sana ... laen dengan di amrik atawa di jerman ..... Akhirnya drpd gue pusing ya gue jual aja ..... 8) 8) 8) 8)
  • True for Vancouver and toronto, but not for where I am right now.
    Since I moved here, I can still count the # of asians I've met by hands (maybe plus feet).

    Gong Xi Gong Xi ya =)
    Hi Matt,

    恭喜发财 ! (Gong Xi Fa Cai)

    新年快乐 ! (Xin Nian Kuai Le)

    Hope you enjoy the Chinese New Year celebration there. I know there is a big Chinese community in Vancouver and Toronto, though I am not sure if that's the case where you live now.


    Matt wrote:
    Gong Xi Fat Choi!!! Xing Nian Guai Lei!!

    Happy Chinese New Year!!

    Wish a prosperous and abundant year for all of us!!!

    [Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar]
  • Haha, bisa aja lo. Kalah lah ama gigi yang bener2 bule, gw baru tahu kalo ternyata secara gen gigi bule itu lebih SUPERIOR dibanding gigi orang Asia.
    Gigi bule itu secara alami putih2.. kalau Asians agak sedikit kuning.
    kangataz wrote:
    matt giginya bagus yah, lol. I have a "gingsul" which is not so appealing in the american sense.....
  • Matt wrote:
    Lebih ribet kenapa, gw kira masalah ginian paling ribet justru di EU sana.
    Gw jadi kangen sama Toronto nih... inget Church St. ga?
    satria wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Oi Om, kampungnya bukan di Toronto, Tapi di Jakarta, hehe...

    Gw ga tinggal di Toronto; kalo gw di sana mungkin gw ga bakalan komplain kali ya, gw pernah kerja di sana hampir 1 tahun and gw cukup happy di sana. Musim dinginnay lumayan dingin tapi ga sedingin di sini, di Northern Ontario =(

    Haha, Spadina ama Queen, naik dikit lagi sampe China town donk ya...
    Sayang banget tempat lo udah lo jual, coba lo tahan sampai beberapa tahun terakhir, bisa untung gede tuh.
    satria wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ada godaan sangat besar buat gw untuk ga balik ke sini dari Indonesia... sepertinya segala sesuatu jauh lebih mudah and gampang buat gw di INdo... ga tahu apakah ini hanya ilusi, atau memang betul seperti itu.. atau mungkin gw terbuai dengan status gw yang sedang "berlibur" (mungkin lain cerita kalau gw KERJA and HIDUP di Indonesia, bukan sekedar liburan).

    Gw merasa lebih di-appreciate, lebih dihargai, jauh lebih diinginkan di sana, daripada di kota kecil yang dinginnya udah lebih dingin daripada freezer tempat simpan daging (kadang gw bingung kok orang (termasuk gw) GOBLOKKK sekali mau menyiksa diri tinggal dalam peti es).
    Gw juga merasa lebih mendapatkan kemudahan di Jakarta, and merasa potensi gw bisa lebih berkembang di sana daripada di sini.
    gue pernah tuh di kampung eu .. di toronto sana puya apartment yang baru banget .. blom jadi dah langsung aja gue beli ... summer enak banget tapi mam-pus aja kalo dah wnter .... Kapok gue ... gue dah jual .... Gue di spadina dan queen .. ngga jauh jau amat dr kampus .... pojokan nya Mac D ... hehehehehehe

    mangkanya dolo gue beli disana ... deket pusat belanja, deket fashion corner ama financial corner ... trs yang palink penting deket ama chiantown ... jadi gue bisa makan makan asia .... gue untung dikit kok .... Lagian juga ribet banget peraturan di kanada nya sana ... laen dengan di amrik atawa di jerman ..... Akhirnya drpd gue pusing ya gue jual aja ..... 8) 8) 8) 8)

    terakhir yang gue denger tuh happenings nya dah pindah ke cabbage-town .....
  • Yea, I guess you are very right in 2 things: knowing what you want and daring to try; am ashamed to say that I still havent made up my mind on the,: still dont know what I TRULLy want and still not brave enough to make radical move.

    So what happened back then? Why did you decide to move: purely choice or circumstances? How aws it over there? And what made you back.? If you dont mind sharing i really wanna know.. you can email me or smtg if you dont like putting it up here.

    Matt wrote:
    Ada godaan sangat besar buat gw untuk ga balik ke sini dari Indonesia... sepertinya segala sesuatu jauh lebih mudah and gampang buat gw di INdo... ga tahu apakah ini hanya ilusi, atau memang betul seperti itu.. atau mungkin gw terbuai dengan status gw yang sedang "berlibur" (mungkin lain cerita kalau gw KERJA and HIDUP di Indonesia, bukan sekedar liburan).

    Gw merasa lebih di-appreciate, lebih dihargai, jauh lebih diinginkan di sana, daripada di kota kecil yang dinginnya udah lebih dingin daripada freezer tempat simpan daging (kadang gw bingung kok orang (termasuk gw) GOBLOKKK sekali mau menyiksa diri tinggal dalam peti es).
    Gw juga merasa lebih mendapatkan kemudahan di Jakarta, and merasa potensi gw bisa lebih berkembang di sana daripada di sini....

    I think it all depends on what you can achieve in Indonesia. I mean in terms of career as well as personal life.

    In my case, I returned to my home town after my graduation, worked there for half a year or so and then decided to come back here. And I still think I have made the right decision.

    You won't know until you give it a try. It is not the same for everyone, you need to find out what's best for you.
  • for one though matt, if you choose to stay overseas, I dunno if this option was ever in the back of your can have a normal life with a guy and be happy. Unless your situation with family is still closeted etc. I would soooo choose gay life, over indo's celeb pampering, which then again if you can't be gay and live your life would you really call it living?
  • Ah yea, you could be right, although I don't think it's cheating... maybe it sounds unfair to other people and I admit I do feel jealous to those people who are "blessed" with such qualities, that they just glide over hindrances while you and me have to crack our bones just to stand where we are...
    I think it just like when you raise questions why some people are born poor others rich, smart while others dumb, good looking while others ugly. And, if you are one of those lucky bunches, then I dont think it's cheating... I think it's a blessing.

    But then on the other hand, sometimes old people tell us there's an old saying: Easy come easy go (maybe just to console our feeling?) that when you get it so easy or when is it handed out to you, you wouldnt appreciate it, and it wouldnt last, whatever that is.
    And maybe someday, this "bonus" will grow old (like you say), and before you realize, you are nothing.

    But then, again, I dont think you cheat when you are simply "blessed" or lucky. Though, you cheat yourself if you dont appreciate those advantages, and use them wisely.

    So, what happened back then anyway??
    kangataz wrote:
    @matt Hi happy new year to u too. Andrew and I are doing great, we've had some interesting family bonding over this past holiday season. I just didn't expect it ever happening with my Indo family but they are starting to open up to it.... So you are considering to stay in Indo? I've had the same question raised in my mind at some point, like waaay before I met Drew.
    You know what it is... its the feeling of being treated like a celeb....For some reason they seem to "mendewa2kan" people that have lived overseas or people that look "bule" or mixed. But eventually I thought it proly would get old. It didn't feel right to me. It felt like cheating or something when everybody has to struggle and you just kinda get hand outs cuz they idolize u. That's my final thought about the issue.

    @rasputin emang loe tinggal dimana skg yak? Oh, lol btw the putting sexy pics up on the web got me in some real trouble with drew, lol. I dunno if you recall the WoW gamer crush incident.....
  • Matt wrote:
    Ah yea, you could be right, although I don't think it's cheating... maybe it sounds unfair to other people and I admit I do feel jealous to those people who are "blessed" with such qualities, that they just glide over hindrances while you and me have to crack our bones just to stand where we are...
    I think it just like when you raise questions why some people are born poor others rich, smart while others dumb, good looking while others ugly. And, if you are one of those lucky bunches, then I dont think it's cheating... I think it's a blessing.

    But then on the other hand, sometimes old people tell us there's an old saying: Easy come easy go (maybe just to console our feeling?) that when you get it so easy or when is it handed out to you, you wouldnt appreciate it, and it wouldnt last, whatever that is.
    And maybe someday, this "bonus" will grow old (like you say), and before you realize, you are nothing.

    But then, again, I dont think you cheat when you are simply "blessed" or lucky. Though, you cheat yourself if you dont appreciate those advantages, and use them wisely.

    So, what happened back then anyway??
    kangataz wrote:
    @matt Hi happy new year to u too. Andrew and I are doing great, we've had some interesting family bonding over this past holiday season. I just didn't expect it ever happening with my Indo family but they are starting to open up to it.... So you are considering to stay in Indo? I've had the same question raised in my mind at some point, like waaay before I met Drew.
    You know what it is... its the feeling of being treated like a celeb....For some reason they seem to "mendewa2kan" people that have lived overseas or people that look "bule" or mixed. But eventually I thought it proly would get old. It didn't feel right to me. It felt like cheating or something when everybody has to struggle and you just kinda get hand outs cuz they idolize u. That's my final thought about the issue.

    @rasputin emang loe tinggal dimana skg yak? Oh, lol btw the putting sexy pics up on the web got me in some real trouble with drew, lol. I dunno if you recall the WoW gamer crush incident.....

    my answer's up there :) ke skip tuh nulisnya barengan.... but pretty much ya being gay lah..... I don't think I can really live closeted all my life, be a shameful thing to family and stuff, ugh just not a good feeling period....
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