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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Matt wrote:
    Berhubung semangat "nasionalisme" sedang cukup tinggi akhir2, demi mencerahkan dunia pariwisata Indonesia, tadi gw sempet voting buat Nature's 7 Wonders, di mana 5 tempat wisata di INDO masuk ke dalam 77 besar!

    Kita bisa voting dengan memasukan email, juga nama, and umur kita, bisa vote untuk 7 nama sekaligus (tapi ga boleh double), aka ketujuh votes kita harus beda2, so gw amsukin 5 tempat dari INdo:

    Komodo Island
    Lake Toba
    Lake Sentani
    Mount Bromo
    Krakatau, Volcanic Islands.

    So, kalau lo punya 3 menit to spare, ayo donk, kunjungin site ini and vote buat tempat wisata di Indo, ini kayak Promotion gratis buat tempat wisata, yang pada akhirnya aan meningkatkan tourists influx ke iNdo, bawa devisa buat orang Indo sendiri =)

    dulu pernah gua vote juga ;p dan gua sounding di boyzalbum ^^ dulu nominasi dari Indo cuma 3 kayanya.. yup.. tapi ada yang nambahin mungkin.. Saya udah vote dunk ;p

    live ranking
  • ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Lake Toba

    i voted for this one

    wah jadi keinget dulu waktu lulusan SD darma wisata ke sana, kereeen banget , mesti udah banyak enceng gondoknya, tapi tetep keren, mana d pinggir danau banyak ikan mujair gede gede keliatan lagi, waaah pengen gue tangkepin deh. trus ke samosir nya, liat si gale gale (kayak patung gituh, katanya ada roh mistis d dalamnya). kekurangannya mungkin warga nya kurang ramah d sana, semuanya serba mahal, and pastinya transportasi juga kurang, soalnya jauh banget da medan.
  • d'batax wrote:

    wah jadi keinget dulu waktu lulusan SD darma wisata ke sana, kereeen banget , mesti udah banyak enceng gondoknya, tapi tetep keren, mana d pinggir danau banyak ikan mujair gede gede keliatan lagi, waaah pengen gue tangkepin deh. trus ke samosir nya, liat si gale gale (kayak patung gituh, katanya ada roh mistis d dalamnya). kekurangannya mungkin warga nya kurang ramah d sana, semuanya serba mahal, and pastinya transportasi juga kurang, soalnya jauh banget da medan.

    makanan dll y uda pasti mahal, pintar2 nawar harga aja, namanya jg tempat wisata. LOL
    tapi penginapan masi ada yang murah, di pulau samosirnya sana :))
  • Mesti ajak orang local ya :P, jadi bisa nawar2, tau tempat ayng murah, terus berantem ama yang jualan kalau diketok harganya.
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    d'batax wrote:

    wah jadi keinget dulu waktu lulusan SD darma wisata ke sana, kereeen banget , mesti udah banyak enceng gondoknya, tapi tetep keren, mana d pinggir danau banyak ikan mujair gede gede keliatan lagi, waaah pengen gue tangkepin deh. trus ke samosir nya, liat si gale gale (kayak patung gituh, katanya ada roh mistis d dalamnya). kekurangannya mungkin warga nya kurang ramah d sana, semuanya serba mahal, and pastinya transportasi juga kurang, soalnya jauh banget da medan.

    makanan dll y uda pasti mahal, pintar2 nawar harga aja, namanya jg tempat wisata. LOL
    tapi penginapan masi ada yang murah, di pulau samosirnya sana :))
  • Yang lain vote juga donk...
    hino wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Berhubung semangat "nasionalisme" sedang cukup tinggi akhir2, demi mencerahkan dunia pariwisata Indonesia, tadi gw sempet voting buat Nature's 7 Wonders, di mana 5 tempat wisata di INDO masuk ke dalam 77 besar!

    Kita bisa voting dengan memasukan email, juga nama, and umur kita, bisa vote untuk 7 nama sekaligus (tapi ga boleh double), aka ketujuh votes kita harus beda2, so gw amsukin 5 tempat dari INdo:

    Komodo Island
    Lake Toba
    Lake Sentani
    Mount Bromo
    Krakatau, Volcanic Islands.

    So, kalau lo punya 3 menit to spare, ayo donk, kunjungin site ini and vote buat tempat wisata di Indo, ini kayak Promotion gratis buat tempat wisata, yang pada akhirnya aan meningkatkan tourists influx ke iNdo, bawa devisa buat orang Indo sendiri =)

    dulu pernah gua vote juga ;p dan gua sounding di boyzalbum ^^ dulu nominasi dari Indo cuma 3 kayanya.. yup.. tapi ada yang nambahin mungkin.. Saya udah vote dunk ;p

    live ranking
  • **Under the Weather**

    Been feeling under the weather lately, not sure why, feeling tired and exhausted, sleepy most of the time. Tried to go to bed a little bit early last night but ended up tossing around in bed and had a bunch of weird dreams, so guess what I almost fell a sleep at work today... or I could have actually fell a sleep for 10 s or so without even realizing it.

    It's getting cold here, snow everywhere, getting annoying... and the humidity gets really low too and your skin gets really dry, starts peeling off amnd cracking.. not pretty... at all!

    Still thinking and planning on the logistic of the trip and all the details, also thinking of what gifts to bring home...

    Oh well, hope I dont get sick.

    BTW, if you ahvent done so, or if you have more tahn ONE email account, please vote for Nature's 7 Wonder (link above or in Boyzstyle section)

  • Matt wrote:
    **Under the Weather**

    Been feeling under the weather lately, not sure why, feeling tired and exhausted, sleepy most of the time. Tried to go to bed a little bit early last night but ended up tossing around in bed and had a bunch of weird dreams, so guess what I almost fell a sleep at work today... or I could have actually fell a sleep for 10 s or so without even realizing it.

    It's getting cold here, snow everywhere, getting annoying... and the humidity gets really low too and your skin gets really dry, starts peeling off amnd cracking.. not pretty... at all!

    Still thinking and planning on the logistic of the trip and all the details, also thinking of what gifts to bring home...

    Oh well, hope I dont get sick.

    BTW, if you ahvent done so, or if you have more tahn ONE email account, please vote for Nature's 7 Wonder (link above or in Boyzstyle section)


    well, just think of the "unpleasant" weather as a "nearly be able to go home sign". Funny, how fast time past. I can't believe it's almost Christmas season again
  • Got a bad feeling on how things are unfolding these days... can't say much, but if you read this, wish me luck, hope things turn out to be ok. Thanks.
  • Matt wrote:
    Got a bad feeling on how things are unfolding these days... can't say much, but if you read this, wish me luck, hope things turn out to be ok. Thanks.

    well, i dunno what it is...
    things are complicated right now for me too...
    so, good luck for both of us

  • Thanks
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Got a bad feeling on how things are unfolding these days... can't say much, but if you read this, wish me luck, hope things turn out to be ok. Thanks.

    well, i dunno what it is...
    things are complicated right now for me too...
    so, good luck for both of us

  • Feeling somewhat better tahn a few days ago, now all I can do is just hoping for the best. Trying not too worry too much, as worrying won't make things better, if not worse; and I suppose i'm just a worry-rat.

    Still remember an old phrase "live in present, not future, nor past"
  • Matt wrote:
    Still remember an old phrase "live in present, not future, nor past"
    never forget the things in the past that once used to make you happy, and never forget to pray for the future that yet has not to be... :)
  • Matt wrote:
    Feeling somewhat better tahn a few days ago, now all I can do is just hoping for the best. Trying not too worry too much, as worrying won't make things better, if not worse; and I suppose i'm just a worry-rat.

    Still remember an old phrase "live in present, not future, nor past"

    many things are already complicated, why complicate the not-complicated ones...
    Don't worry, everything will eventually fall into places (is this line right?)
    LOL...not sure, quote it from a movie :P
  • But remember not to dwell in the past nor should you worry about the future.

    Dhiedhie...still around and around!! how are you doing??? =)
    dhidhie wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Still remember an old phrase "live in present, not future, nor past"
    never forget the things in the past that once used to make you happy, and never forget to pray for the future that yet has not to be... :)
  • Ah yea, let's hope that everything will fall into place. =)
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Feeling somewhat better tahn a few days ago, now all I can do is just hoping for the best. Trying not too worry too much, as worrying won't make things better, if not worse; and I suppose i'm just a worry-rat.

    Still remember an old phrase "live in present, not future, nor past"

    many things are already complicated, why complicate the not-complicated ones...
    Don't worry, everything will eventually fall into places (is this line right?)
    LOL...not sure, quote it from a movie :P
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