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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Matt wrote:
    But remember not to dwell in the past nor should you worry about the future.

    Dhiedhie...still around and around!! how are you doing??? =)

    As of today, there is nothing to be complained about... :D...
  • dhidhie wrote:
    As of today, there is nothing to be complained about... :D...

    no reason to complain and nag .... 8) 8) 8)
  • Kabarnya di Jakarta sekarang semakin tidak aman, banyak perampokan di sana sini...
  • Matt wrote:
    Kabarnya di Jakarta sekarang semakin tidak aman, banyak perampokan di sana sini...

    hm..itu yg kamu dengar?
  • Katanya si begitu, di mana2, di rumah2 pejabat; bahkan di daerah orang tua gw tinggal. bleh..
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Kabarnya di Jakarta sekarang semakin tidak aman, banyak perampokan di sana sini...

    hm..itu yg kamu dengar?
  • Wew, finally the twelfth of the twelfth came up and that marks my last week of working here in 2008... so looking forward to thsi very moment next week, at which I'll be on my way to Toronto, yay!!

    So yeah, the holiday is not going to be very long but really hope it'll recharge my internal batteries for many hard months to come. Today is the last day of some contract people at work; they were going to be hired as staff but then I guess since things turned sour these last few months the company had to let them go. Really bad, and sad; they are good people and I like working with them.

    Rio Tinto, the 3rd largest mining compnay in the world just announced severence of 14,000 of their workforce worldwide, really bad... I even heard Freeport McRoran with the controversial Grasberg mine in Ppaua laid off a few people already, including many companies in jakarta. it seems now it's not a very promising time for me to tread the employment opportunity in Jakarta...

    How are you guys doing??
  • after learning the technique for downloading music from imeem somewhere in this forum, been working down on my list of somewhat rare, old and obscure music that are rather hard to find on torrent.
    Yea, well preparing for the music to listen to during this coming trip =)

    Still working on that "List of places for gay to hang out" in BoyzStyle Section. Have a look and add a word or two. Cheers!
  • So, after warm (3oC ) snap yesterday, today, the temperature went back to the "normal", -15oC, and all slurry turned into ice... almost slipped my ass off this morning.

    Just 4 more days,a nd I'll be on my way to another side of the country. How exciting.. nad in a wekk after I'll be home.. so looking forward to it.

    Still busy thi nking of what to bring and what NOt too bring... ha, usually a last minute person, but thsi time since I'll be getting a ride from a friend, have to prepare everything well in advanced. List is getting longer and longer... but I think in the end I'll do everything the night before leaving if not 1 hour before plane taking off, LOL.
  • Matt wrote:
    but I think in the end I'll do everything the night before leaving if not 1 hour before plane taking off, LOL. careful not to miss anything...
  • Trying my best!
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    but I think in the end I'll do everything the night before leaving if not 1 hour before plane taking off, LOL. careful not to miss anything...
  • Tired and sleepy but still have couple things to do....

    So thrilled with tomorrow though... hope things go well =)

    Matt wrote:
    Trying my best!
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    but I think in the end I'll do everything the night before leaving if not 1 hour before plane taking off, LOL. careful not to miss anything...
  • Matt wrote:
    Tired and sleepy but still have couple things to do....

    So thrilled with tomorrow though... hope things go well =)

    have a nice trip :)
  • After such a long anticipation, finally touched down in Jakarta... exhausted, but happy to see everyone here...

    Oand oh yeah, happy Holiday and Season's Greetings to Everyone =)
  • As always vacation time flies away really fast... wish good things will NEVER come to an end....

    Anyway, Happy New Year to all, wish you a great year ahead!!!
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