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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Yea, some of the business schools are just prohibitively expensive, but then sometimes they say you egt what you pay for (although not always the case).

    Although I'd like love the idea or just to dream I'm THAT brilliant, I think to dream of Harvard or Stanford would be a little bit too much; that being said, maybe down the road things might change, who knows.

    So, where did you take you mba?
    I don't know why but I always think of MBA as something really great to have... taht's why I'm surprised that from your experience it's nothing but another title on ur name.

    So what do you do right now?
    Rasputin wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ada pikiran pengen balik ke bangku belajar. Kali ini pengen belajar bikin duit. Mungkin ambil part time MBA?? Hmmphh.. ga tahu deh...

    I have an MBA myself but still not sure if it added any value to my CV except that it makes it longer, but probably it will worth more if you lived in the states, even so in this time of crisis i would think twice to do that if i were you, B-school is way too expensive these days and not worth it unless you can get a spot in one of the highest ranked ones like wharton, stanford or harvard.
    I heard Rotman in Toronto and McGill in Montréal are quite good too
  • kangataz wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Family bonding, eh... LOL.. my... how long did it take for your parents and sisters to accept the reality?
    BTW, how long have you and Andrew been together again?

    kangataz wrote:
    @matt Hi happy new year to u too. Andrew and I are doing great, we've had some interesting family bonding over this past holiday season. I just didn't expect it ever happening with my Indo family but they are starting to open up to it.... So you are considering to stay in Indo? I've had the same question raised in my mind at some point, like waaay before I met Drew.
    You know what it is... its the feeling of being treated like a celeb....For some reason they seem to "mendewa2kan" people that have lived overseas or people that look "bule" or mixed. But eventually I thought it proly would get old. It didn't feel right to me. It felt like cheating or something when everybody has to struggle and you just kinda get hand outs cuz they idolize u. That's my final thought about the issue.

    @rasputin emang loe tinggal dimana skg yak? Oh, lol btw the putting sexy pics up on the web got me in some real trouble with drew, lol. I dunno if you recall the WoW gamer crush incident.....

    lets see....I've been out to the immediate family since 2002. When another family member asks they just go " ngga tau tuh....". Some that get it don't push the issue further and haven't asked anymore since hehe.... i am sure as time goes they start to pick up on the gay thing better and better....It's just hard to avoid the issue since I am usually the center of the family's attention whenever we have family gatherings....thats why I haven't been back since 2005 I think....drew and I have been together since 2003. going on 6 yrs in march, but then again we got married last year(21 july) so I think it resets itself hehe now we've only been married not even a year....

    Once someone told me that time works differently in a gay relationship (relative to straight relationship). He said 1 year equals to 5 YEARS! I dont know how he came up with this, but then 6 years that's like 30 years, hahaha.. that's quite an achievement I'd say. Amazing!

    2002...So you came out before you met Andrew then? what happened?
  • Matt wrote:
    Yea, some of the business schools are just prohibitively expensive, but then sometimes they say you egt what you pay for (although not always the case).

    Although I'd like love the idea or just to dream I'm THAT brilliant, I think to dream of Harvard or Stanford would be a little bit too much; that being said, maybe down the road things might change, who knows.

    So, where did you take you mba?
    I don't know why but I always think of MBA as something really great to have... taht's why I'm surprised that from your experience it's nothing but another title on ur name.

    So what do you do right now?
    Rasputin wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Ada pikiran pengen balik ke bangku belajar. Kali ini pengen belajar bikin duit. Mungkin ambil part time MBA?? Hmmphh.. ga tahu deh...

    I have an MBA myself but still not sure if it added any value to my CV except that it makes it longer, but probably it will worth more if you lived in the states, even so in this time of crisis i would think twice to do that if i were you, B-school is way too expensive these days and not worth it unless you can get a spot in one of the highest ranked ones like wharton, stanford or harvard.
    I heard Rotman in Toronto and McGill in Montréal are quite good too

    in my field(animation), getting an MBA is not as practical, most of the time companies hire based on the portfolio, how good does the artwork show.... so resume or degree is not weighed as heavily in my field.
  • Tadi iseng2 mengklik link di yang selalu ada di bawah setiap halaman boyzforum... wah ternyata selama ini khasanah per-gay-an Indonesia gw kurang luas ya...disamping:

    ada banyak sekali gay online community di sini, ambil contoh, disamping yahoo groups gay Indo yang bertebaran di mana.... ada pula google group, misalnya ini:

    and pas tadi gw liat2, ada satu thread dari club HEAVEN di mana mereka memberikan tiket masuk gratis (ga cuma terbatas untuk 10 orang, etc seperti yang sering di post di Boyz Style), cukup email ke mereka ada voila: free entrance for 3 PEOPLE (you can bring 2 buddies!)

    Ada pula situ yang namanya cukup kreatif /
    Ini lebih berupa blog dengan Bau2 a la French.

    Nah dari situs2, amsih banyak lagi link2 bertebaran ke mana2...

    and karean gw begitu "kupernya", gw baru tahu kalau F-Bar di EX juga menggelar acara2 gay: seperti acara malam (sabtu) ini :GAY WINTER PARTY (dengan dress code: winter attire-> apa ga kepanasan ya??)

    Hahaha... keren juga ya.

    Ah gw kok jadi rajin buka2 website gay indo ya =)
  • really envy kangataz, i dont think i can b as brave as u, it might take 4ever 4 me 2 come out of e closet, as i was raised in a very conservative family, gay issue is considered ''taboo'', never even mentioned once in our family, e thing is i really dont want 2 upset my family, i want them 2 b proud of me, my parent old already n i really dont wanna burden them, bt its killing me that i cant b myself, when i was younger, i thought i can hide my true self, n as time goes by, eventually i will become normal again, so naive!
  • Matt wrote:
    wah ngapain minder? Lo ga baca tulisan gw di halaman pertama?
    nulis apa aja, selama gw ngerti, akan gw usaha tanggapin.
    Lagian sayang kan kalo buah pikiran lo ga didengar =)
    D_boyz wrote:
    interesting blog....
    sebenernya udah mayan lama baca ni blog..
    cuma merasa minder kl mw nulis comment..
    soalnya inggris g grammarnya prah abiss..
    tp untungnya masi bisa ngerti kl cuma baca ato denger org gomong

    nice to know y..

    thx matt...

    btw I haven't introduce myself..
    my name is Irving
    still in college
    taking interior design as my major
    I have a plan to continue my study overseas and hopefully work outside Indonesia
    so It's really nice to see ur blog
    jd bisa dpet gambaran sekeras apa hidup di luar...
  • Matt wrote:
    Yea, some of the business schools are just prohibitively expensive, but then sometimes they say you egt what you pay for (although not always the case).

    Although I'd like love the idea or just to dream I'm THAT brilliant, I think to dream of Harvard or Stanford would be a little bit too much; that being said, maybe down the road things might change, who knows.

    So, where did you take you mba?
    I don't know why but I always think of MBA as something really great to have... taht's why I'm surprised that from your experience it's nothing but another title on ur name.

    So what do you do right now?

    I did IT consulting for few years before I went to B-school and when I finished my degree and looked for a job, employers were more interested in my past experience rather than my MBA. So here I am, back to square one doing the same old thing again.
    I studied in two of top ten B-schools in Europe, btw.
  • really envy kangataz, i dont think i can b as brave as u, it might take 4ever 4 me 2 come out of e closet, as i was raised in a very conservative family, gay issue is considered ''taboo'', never even mentioned once in our family, e thing is i really dont want 2 upset my family, i want them 2 b proud of me, my parent old already n i really dont wanna burden them, bt its killing me that i cant b myself, when i was younger, i thought i can hide my true self, n as time goes by, eventually i will become normal again, so naive!

    about the closet thing
    in my opinion
    it all returns to your own choice, but it WILL affect all around you

    a simple question
    between your happiness and them (your parents), whose do you choose??
  • Matt wrote:
    hahah ngejat status, kayak rewards card aja, ngumpulin mileage (ga sampe 2 nih..) kalo udah gede bisa upgrade status :p.

    SEkarang desp. housewives udah sesaon 5, yang cerita dylan itu season 4.

    iya, kejar status, biar dpt bintang oren 1 lg

    sayang di indo susah cari lanjutannya
    demen nonton DH jg gw , ahuahau
    paling demen gabby sama bree, perfeksionis... (i have this sindrom, which i hate sometimes)
  • Matt wrote:
    Gw sekarang suka nulis pakai bahasa Indonesia kok, lihat aja post terakhir gw kemaren.

    Pa kabar sama si jutex.. =p
    d'batax wrote:
    kebanyakan inggris yah matt, agak bingung bacanya hehehehe

    hahahaha, baek baek aja, iyah, sekaran mulai ngerti, lagi ngomongin DH yah?

    lewat you tube nggak lengkap, sekarang ngikutin season 5 nya hasil donlot di softarchive, selain lost, ama survivor hehehehehe
  • Hmmm, it's a difficult question. I was in a similar situation, well actually I still AM ....

    Personally, I would say ... my parents happiness comes first ... but it's just me ... others might not agree.
    ApaAjaOk wrote:
    a simple question
    between your happiness and them (your parents), whose do you choose??
  • Hmmm, it's a difficult question. I was in a similar situation, well actually I still AM ....

    Personally, I would say ... my parents happiness comes first ... but it's just me ... others might not agree.

    well, which one of "us" who doesn't ponder with this ??
    i too, am willing to choose the same path as yours T.T
    still, maybe it's too soon to conclude (siapa tau apa yg ada di masa depan, siapa tau jatuh cinta mampus sama some1, tetap gw pny prinsip kalau emank bener cinta, mesti diperjuangkan, lol...) but who knows..??

    so...siapa yang masih berani bilang kalau "we are not strong people?"
    we really are...cheers up guys :P
  • d'batax wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Gw sekarang suka nulis pakai bahasa Indonesia kok, lihat aja post terakhir gw kemaren.

    Pa kabar sama si jutex.. =p
    d'batax wrote:
    kebanyakan inggris yah matt, agak bingung bacanya hehehehe

    hahahaha, baek baek aja, iyah, sekaran mulai ngerti, lagi ngomongin DH yah?

    lewat you tube nggak lengkap, sekarang ngikutin season 5 nya hasil donlot di softarchive, selain lost, ama survivor hehehehehe

    gua baru ngeh kalo disingkat .. DH kok mirip nama seseorang yak ?? dino Harahap ya ??

    *ngakak* kaburrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kak batax, piss ya kitaa!!
  • d'batax wrote:

    lewat you tube nggak lengkap, sekarang ngikutin season 5 nya hasil donlot di softarchive, selain lost, ama survivor hehehehehe[/color][/b]

    karakter favourite kaw siapa?
  • really envy kangataz, i dont think i can b as brave as u, it might take 4ever 4 me 2 come out of e closet, as i was raised in a very conservative family, gay issue is considered ''taboo'', never even mentioned once in our family, e thing is i really dont want 2 upset my family, i want them 2 b proud of me, my parent old already n i really dont wanna burden them, bt its killing me that i cant b myself, when i was younger, i thought i can hide my true self, n as time goes by, eventually i will become normal again, so naive!

    Yup. same here dude
    The pressure is on these days
    My folks keep asking me when on earth am i gonna bring a girl to introduce to them?
    I'm running out of excuses to give to them and im only 23.. my dad keeps telling me "25 is the right age for a guy to get married"...yup, it's true, when u aint' gay i guess
    so the time is ticking...
    I know im just rambling here... just dont know what to do sometimes :( and there is a guy in office who is driving me insane!
    Anyway.. sori for the rant.. and nice blog!
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