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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • Hi Matt,

    tuh foto dimana? Barcelona? kok kayak di La Rambla :-D


    Matt wrote:
    Fakers (part. 2)

    Setelah gw laporin ke friendster, sepertinya accounts yang gw pakai photo gw ini pada menghilang.... ga tahu karena sudah dihapus oleh freindster atau karena gw di-block sama mereka jadi ga bisa nemuin mereka lagi.
    Anyway, mungkin ada baiknya juga kalau gw ga tahu, jadi ga musingin masalah seperti itu. Kata aorang Ignorance is a bliss.


    Hari ini akhirnya bisa juga pergi makan di luar dengna beberapa orang yang dikenalkan melalui orang, well, at least bisa sosialosai sedikit, and hidup gw ga menjadi terlalu antisocial.

    Lumayan capek.... badan agak pegal2 akhir2 ini, mungkin posisi tidurnya kurang baik.

    Nostalgia sedikit, gw buka2 folder photo gw, dari jalan2 pas summer kemarin.. sigh.. ada sekitar lebih dari 3000-an photos, ampe 3 DVD... mungkin akan gw upload ke facebook atau friendster lambat laun, tapi ga tahu kenapa kalalu lihat photo2 tersebut gw agak sedih, kayaknya gw happy banget and itu baru beberapa bulan yang lalu.

  • Tau aja si mas.. =)

    Holland-nya tinggal di mana? Sayang banget gw di Amsterdam waktu itu cuma semalem, tapi betul2 malam yang menarik, LOL..
    Hi Matt,

    tuh foto dimana? Barcelona? kok kayak di La Rambla :-D


    Matt wrote:
    Fakers (part. 2)

    Setelah gw laporin ke friendster, sepertinya accounts yang gw pakai photo gw ini pada menghilang.... ga tahu karena sudah dihapus oleh freindster atau karena gw di-block sama mereka jadi ga bisa nemuin mereka lagi.
    Anyway, mungkin ada baiknya juga kalau gw ga tahu, jadi ga musingin masalah seperti itu. Kata aorang Ignorance is a bliss.


    Hari ini akhirnya bisa juga pergi makan di luar dengna beberapa orang yang dikenalkan melalui orang, well, at least bisa sosialosai sedikit, and hidup gw ga menjadi terlalu antisocial.

    Lumayan capek.... badan agak pegal2 akhir2 ini, mungkin posisi tidurnya kurang baik.

    Nostalgia sedikit, gw buka2 folder photo gw, dari jalan2 pas summer kemarin.. sigh.. ada sekitar lebih dari 3000-an photos, ampe 3 DVD... mungkin akan gw upload ke facebook atau friendster lambat laun, tapi ga tahu kenapa kalalu lihat photo2 tersebut gw agak sedih, kayaknya gw happy banget and itu baru beberapa bulan yang lalu.

  • Gossip Girls Marathon

    Well, I've heard of this series for a while but just have a chance to watch it recently. So took me days to download season 1 and finally it's done like last week. On ep. 8 now =)... it's no brainer, torally chick flick but have to admit pretty fun to watch, esp. with fresh faces :p

    Maybe will continue on this weekend.

    Things are getting a bit more rough at the office. Feel like I'm not on top of the ball.... not good.

  • aku di Delft, sekitar satu jam kalo naik kereta dari Amsterdam.

    next time kalo mampir lagi, pm aja.
    Matt wrote:
    Tau aja si mas.. =)

    Holland-nya tinggal di mana? Sayang banget gw di Amsterdam waktu itu cuma semalem, tapi betul2 malam yang menarik, LOL..
    Hi Matt,

    tuh foto dimana? Barcelona? kok kayak di La Rambla :-D

  • matt.. foto di siggynya mantep.. badannya makin muscle yah?
  • Ah yea,next time =)...

    Kapan jalan2 ke tempat gw atau ke Indonesia?
    aku di Delft, sekitar satu jam kalo naik kereta dari Amsterdam.

    next time kalo mampir lagi, pm aja.
    Matt wrote:
    Tau aja si mas.. =)

    Holland-nya tinggal di mana? Sayang banget gw di Amsterdam waktu itu cuma semalem, tapi betul2 malam yang menarik, LOL..
    Hi Matt,

    tuh foto dimana? Barcelona? kok kayak di La Rambla :-D

  • Ah.. bikin gw blushing aja nih..
    Lord Pimpy wrote:
    matt.. foto di siggynya mantep.. badannya makin muscle yah?
  • **Napping**

    Oh well, here I am 4:45ish in the morning, cant get myself to bed. My fault for falling asleep around 11ish and woke up around 4:30 ish so, but then stupidly decided to brush my teeth, etc. Bleh, I should've stayed in my warm bed and carried on my dreams till tomorrow's afternoon. Instead, after brushing my teeth and doing my night ritual, I cant get myself to sleep now.

    Bleh, next time, I better remember to just stay in bed and ccary on with my sleep.

    Well, now, I'm just browsing the net, checking various online acc. I havent seen for a while. Trully time well spent =| , bleh.
  • hehehe.. ritual tiap malemnya apa emang? ^^
  • Lord Pimpy wrote:
    hehehe.. ritual tiap malemnya apa emang? ^^

    wah lagi penyesuaian ritual malam???? Kalo saya biasanya peluk pacar lalu tidur....
  • gw barusan balik dari liburan ke indo.

    rencananya sih pengin maen ke Canada, cuman belom tau kapan :-D

    terakhir ke benua Amerika ya awal tahun 2001, waktu masih kuliah. cuman sempat ke SF ama LA.

    kayaknya skr sih susah dapet visa, gw masih pegang paspor ijo :-)
    ga tau kalo ke Canada, reseh ga imigrasinya.

    Matt wrote:
    Ah yea,next time =)...

    Kapan jalan2 ke tempat gw atau ke Indonesia?
    aku di Delft, sekitar satu jam kalo naik kereta dari Amsterdam.

    next time kalo mampir lagi, pm aja.

  • It's your first job, right? When I just graduated and immediately got my first job, I was so happy ... until I realized that work environment was totally different from university. Just hang on there, you will adapt eventually. Use the opportunity to gain some experience, it will help in your next job.

    Matt wrote:
    Things are getting a bit more rough at the office. Feel like I'm not on top of the ball.... not good.

  • Ada deh... mau tau aja :p
    Lord Pimpy wrote:
    hehehe.. ritual tiap malemnya apa emang? ^^
  • Well, not really my first job per see.. I had a few full time jobs previously, in the similar industry, only maybe less responsibilities back then.. but yea, my first indefinite job.

    Yeah, the environment is different, but what I cant really stand is the life outside the work. Because there's none really. I dont really like the city where I work now... too quiet too small for me...I dont know many people and simply there's nothing to do. That's quite a challenge for me.
    But well, if I ditch this job then it would be bad on my resume; and I think it would be stupid too to abandon this company (they are one of the largest in the world in their sector).. so in short I'm stuck here, till when, that i do not know =(.
    It's your first job, right? When I just graduated and immediately got my first job, I was so happy ... until I realized that work environment was totally different from university. Just hang on there, you will adapt eventually. Use the opportunity to gain some experience, it will help in your next job.

    Matt wrote:
    Things are getting a bit more rough at the office. Feel like I'm not on top of the ball.... not good.

  • May I know what industry is that? Mining? Forestry?

    I am currently working in the IT industry, actually in a research institute. Since it's a non profit organization, the pressure is much less compared to my first job.

    I think it would be wise to keep the job for at least a year or two. If you feel bored living in a small town, try making some trips during the weekend.
    Matt wrote:
    Well, not really my first job per see.. I had a few full time jobs previously, in the similar industry, only maybe less responsibilities back then.. but yea, my first indefinite job.

    Yeah, the environment is different, but what I cant really stand is the life outside the work. Because there's none really. I dont really like the city where I work now... too quiet too small for me...I dont know many people and simply there's nothing to do. That's quite a challenge for me.
    But well, if I ditch this job then it would be bad on my resume; and I think it would be stupid too to abandon this company (they are one of the largest in the world in their sector).. so in short I'm stuck here, till when, that i do not know =(.
    It's your first job, right? When I just graduated and immediately got my first job, I was so happy ... until I realized that work environment was totally different from university. Just hang on there, you will adapt eventually. Use the opportunity to gain some experience, it will help in your next job.

    Matt wrote:
    Things are getting a bit more rough at the office. Feel like I'm not on top of the ball.... not good.

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