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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
yeah, things are just not good... if not bad.
One small thing on the side, although I signed all paperworks for the car; now I'm thinking of bailing out, just let go the deposit I put in.
Damn everything.
wow matt things sound very rough for you right now. Sorry to hear.... You know with the car I felt that way too after signing everything....but eh I thought if i change my mind later I can always sell it again or run to indo hehe I hope they won't come after me past international waters....
Next week is a new week, new hope, new spirit (hopefully, hehehe), new beginning for hopefully a better tomorrow.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
dont forget to bring a souvenir
Setelah cukup lama ga clubbing, kemarin akhirnya pergi dengan temennya temen. Basah... hujan2an gitu, mana ada line up sekitar 15 mins, plus ada 2 gays yang berantem sama bouncer gara2x di kicked out. Kesian juga si, tapi kayaknya mereka emang sengaja making a scene and cari sensasi.
Seperti yang kita semua sudah tahu, kalo kita sedang down, mungkin clubbing bukan sesuatu yang disarankan oleh dokter atau psikolog atau ahli2x profesional lainnya untuk dilakukan, tapi well, kebanyakan orang tetep aja pergi.
And tadaaa.. setelah tequila, setengah botol wine, beberapa botol mix, and minum minuman temen gw, minum minuman "temen" baru gw, and mungkin minuman2 lain yang gw sekarang ga inget lagi, berlanjutlah malam itu.
Musiknya enak, plus gw udah tipsy, and gw tahu ada temen yang bakal jadi DD (so gw ga akan terlantar), jadilah gw s**t yang groppin and grinding orang2 di sekitar gw. Bleh.... and setelah clubnya tutup (kayaknya tutupnya ga terllau malam banget, sekitar jam 3-an gitu), duh, temen gw mesti megangin gw, kalau ga gw mungkin udah tidur di pojokan, lol.
Untungnya gw kembali utuh, walaupun damage assessment besoknya menunujkan, baju gw kayaknya "melar" gara2 ditarik2 orang (kayaknya mau dicopitin gitu), pantat gw 'memar' gara2 kebanyakan diremes2 orang, dada and punggung merah2 gara2 diraba2 orang, untung ga ada yang gila mencakar2. kaki agak pegel, kebanyakan ngebor kayak Inul, tapi untungnya ga samapi pincang atau keseleo =p.
Tapi all in all, selamat lah, and at least gw ga ingat dengan pengalaman buruk atau mengalami trauma, hehehe.
Besoknya, lemes, untungnya ga terlalu hang over ( ga pusing2, atau ga enak), walaupun lemes...
Reality crept in, and I'm sure everyone would ask this typical question... Does a crazy night help you go through your problems??
The answer, wise as is, is NO, of course not... we all know about it but yet we still do it over and over again. Why?
Is it just some kind of escaping mechanism, that our brain wants to hide, even just for one night so it doesn't have to deal with all the crap that's going on? But ironically, the brain knows that when the night is over, the problems will return; having one wild night won't make the problems go away... so why?
I don't know the answer for sure, but maybe it's just a coping mechanism, when you search for an anticlimax, proceeding to a closure.
Yes?? maybe??? I don't know.
So how about me? Do I feel better now? Was it anti-climatic and all??
* No, not really, but at least, I know I had my turn already, so no more excuses for me, and it's time for me to stride forward and deal with the crap.
Wish me luck...
Truly, I really need your support and pray. Wish that all go well and end well, sooner...
I promise if I get through this, next time I see you, your lunch is on me
Doain ya...
ahhaha, ganas2 itu yg clubbing....
gw mah blm pernah clubbing, sama yg namanya alkohol jg blm pernah...ahauha kekna kalau coba 1 gelas lsg tenggeng...
ahauhauha pernah coba masuk diskotik...bkn habitat gw emank di sana....gk tahan musiknya
well, about your problems, everyone has them...
it's just how u cope with it. my personal suggestion? find one whom u trust to can talk about'll help... :P
u owe me one already
cos u will
Sedang ngedengerin lagu dari Matt Goss, lyrics-nya bagus sekali menurut gw... kalau ada waktu coba dengerin.
How's everything?