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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Matt - In Pursuit of Happiness



  • edited October 2008
  • I work in mining industry... rather precarious industry at this moment with the crazy swing in the commodity market.

    Yea, that's what I think too at least one solid year.

    The trip has to wait till I get a car...
    not sure what to get... never really big on car stuff.
    May I know what industry is that? Mining? Forestry?

    I am currently working in the IT industry, actually in a research institute. Since it's a non profit organization, the pressure is much less compared to my first job.

    I think it would be wise to keep the job for at least a year or two. If you feel bored living in a small town, try making some trips during the weekend.
    Matt wrote:
    Well, not really my first job per see.. I had a few full time jobs previously, in the similar industry, only maybe less responsibilities back then.. but yea, my first indefinite job.

    Yeah, the environment is different, but what I cant really stand is the life outside the work. Because there's none really. I dont really like the city where I work now... too quiet too small for me...I dont know many people and simply there's nothing to do. That's quite a challenge for me.
    But well, if I ditch this job then it would be bad on my resume; and I think it would be stupid too to abandon this company (they are one of the largest in the world in their sector).. so in short I'm stuck here, till when, that i do not know =(.
    It's your first job, right? When I just graduated and immediately got my first job, I was so happy ... until I realized that work environment was totally different from university. Just hang on there, you will adapt eventually. Use the opportunity to gain some experience, it will help in your next job.

    Matt wrote:
    Things are getting a bit more rough at the office. Feel like I'm not on top of the ball.... not good.

  • Belakangan ini agak kurang tidur, karena jadi sering online; jadinya di kantor bawaannya ngantuk terus. Padahal kerjaan tambah mumet, bingung juga kadang2 gw ngapain di sini...

    Belakangan ini jadi sering ngimpi tentang rumah di Jakarta. Masih 2 bulan lagi... sighh... udah ga sabar pengen menginjakan kaki di Jakarta.
  • heheh.. emang suka gitu matt.. gw juga kalo udah deket harinya sama hari untuk balik ke jakarta, gw juga kadang jadi sering mimpi tentang orang rumah.. sabar aja matt.. sampe kketemu di jakarta ya.. gw 30 hari lagi menuju indonesia..
    Matt wrote:
    Belakangan ini agak kurang tidur, karena jadi sering online; jadinya di kantor bawaannya ngantuk terus. Padahal kerjaan tambah mumet, bingung juga kadang2 gw ngapain di sini...

    Belakangan ini jadi sering ngimpi tentang rumah di Jakarta. Masih 2 bulan lagi... sighh... udah ga sabar pengen menginjakan kaki di Jakarta.
  • Last summer :

  • wah lama tak bersua, makin gede aja badannya... :D

    btw, you're working now... WOW. a lot has changed since the last time i talked to you.. :D (i'm still struggling in 1. semester art school...)
  • Eh SEgay!!!!... winenya baru gw minum bulan kemaren, jadi inget lo lagi, thanks lo ya =)

    Yea, sudah join dengan work force nih, cape, kurang begitu happy belakangan ini, kesepian juga.

    I take it that ur portfolio wsa a BIG success then =) well, all teh best for ur study!!

    Gimaana kabarnya?

    segay wrote:
    wah lama tak bersua, makin gede aja badannya... :D

    btw, you're working now... WOW. a lot has changed since the last time i talked to you.. :D (i'm still struggling in 1. semester art school...)
  • Eh, itu photo siapa yang ulang tahun ke -19?? =) hehehe...
    Lord Pimpy wrote:
    heheh.. emang suka gitu matt.. gw juga kalo udah deket harinya sama hari untuk balik ke jakarta, gw juga kadang jadi sering mimpi tentang orang rumah.. sabar aja matt.. sampe kketemu di jakarta ya.. gw 30 hari lagi menuju indonesia..
    Matt wrote:
    Belakangan ini agak kurang tidur, karena jadi sering online; jadinya di kantor bawaannya ngantuk terus. Padahal kerjaan tambah mumet, bingung juga kadang2 gw ngapain di sini...

    Belakangan ini jadi sering ngimpi tentang rumah di Jakarta. Masih 2 bulan lagi... sighh... udah ga sabar pengen menginjakan kaki di Jakarta.
  • Beberapa minggu terakhir ini jadi agak rajin cek2 friendster lagi, kayaknya sekarang friendster udah ga selambat dulu, walaupun kadangkala suka down (awal minggu ini down) and bikin keki.

    Anyway, say Hi when u have time:
  • edited November 2008
    November sudah hampir habis, December di depan mata..

    Ada beberapa hal yang cukup menggembiarakan di bulan November. *****

    Kerjaan gw kayaknya semakin kacau, gw terus terang bingung mengenai arah projects yang gw pegang; boss minggu depan balik dari jalan2, gw rada bingung mau bikin report apa ke dia... karena gw merasa ga ada yang gw achieved selama sebulan terakhir ini, gw merasa kayak orang goblok/gagal.

    Masih excited dengan trip ke Indo akhir bulan depan walaupun excitementnya (untungnya) sudah sedikit terkontrol (ga menggebu2, lihat calendar tiap hari). Ga sabar =)

    Akhirnya gw nonton juga film Love of Siam... ketinggalan kereta, LOL, (tapi well akhirnya gw naik kereta juga)... cukup tersentuh juga lihat film itu, walaupun endingnya sedih (tapi REALISTIS!); Highly recommended!
  • Matt wrote:
    I work in mining industry... rather precarious industry at this moment with the crazy swing in the commodity market.

    Yea, that's what I think too at least one solid year.
    ekkes numpang lewat
    should u explain the risk of hard sledding in mining industry future ? lol
  • leila sari wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    I work in mining industry... rather precarious industry at this moment with the crazy swing in the commodity market.

    Yea, that's what I think too at least one solid year.
    ekkes numpang lewat
    should u explain the risk of hard sledding in mining industry future ? lol
    ati-ati ya mak... liat-liat jalan-na ntar ke-sandunk kerikil jatoh lage... hihihi... btw, gw juga mo numpank lewat nehh... skalian mo mapah si emak klo-klo jatoh dia-na... :lol:
  • hehe.. itu leon jackson.. x factor winner.. cakep yak? huhuhu naksir berat gw juga.. initially, banyak banget yang kira dia itu laki gw.. yah gw sih amin-in ajah.. hauhauhauuaha..
    Matt wrote:
    Eh, itu photo siapa yang ulang tahun ke -19?? =) hehehe..
  • matt, gw menghitung hari nih balik ke indonesia.. udah gak sabar mau menikmati every second in indo.. huehuee ayo nyusul, matt.. nanti jalan bareng lagi..
  • edited November 2008
    Yea, mining and commodity industries are having a hard time in general these days, market price went down, equity valuation plummeted, cash is tight nad consumer spending is slowing down.
    We've seen oil and base metals shed up to. 80% from their peak, just a while ago =(

    THe consequences, well, lots of mining companies have suspended their operations, some cut their production and capital investments, with many more to come; other cut down the cost (e.g. by laying off people) =(

    Not sure of what future has in store. Many experts predict that this problem going to last for quite sometime despite various measures taken so far (by governments, by corporates, etc).

    And truth to be told, the ailment is not solely contained in commodity industries, others like financial, retails, automotive also took the hit, albeit to different degrees, and I suppose it's just a matter of time before the crisis spreads even further.

    As for a small fish like me, there's little, if at all, I can do in current situation. All I can do is only hope for the best.

    OR, maybe you might want to share some wisdom here :p, hehehe

    leila sari wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    I work in mining industry... rather precarious industry at this moment with the crazy swing in the commodity market.

    Yea, that's what I think too at least one solid year.
    ekkes numpang lewat
    should u explain the risk of hard sledding in mining industry future ? lol
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