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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Narutoish! Let's gather here! (Naruto 433 Spoilers! p.7)



  • Pain ga usah susah2 ngamatin narto wong jiraiya yg jd gurunya jg sami jurusnya..
    Tp mungkin dikasih kelebihan cakra kyubi..jd unlimited chakaranya..
    Klo diliat dr kondisi naruto yg udah capek pain diatas angin ..mesti ad shinobi lain yg bantu..
    Konoha was not the only naruto.. :D
  • Mudah2an shinobi2 yg d krm Raikage datang tepat pd waktunya.. Oiya, gw pernah baca d slh satu forum penggemar Naruto ad yg ngasi spoiler, katanya pain bakalan berhasil menangkap Naruto tp dy tdk bs mengekstrak bijuu yg ad d dlm tubuh Naruto..
  • Mudah2an shinobi2 yg d krm Raikage datang tepat pd waktunya.. Oiya, gw pernah baca d slh satu forum penggemar Naruto ad yg ngasi spoiler, katanya pain bakalan berhasil menangkap Naruto tp dy tdk bs mengekstrak bijuu yg ad d dlm tubuh Naruto..
    Iya raikage kyknya ga sampe2 kekonoha..nyasar kali ya..

    Mudah2an aj ada shinobi konoha yg bantu naruto sblm raikage dtng..

    Blh juga tuh,ada yg punya ga spoilernya?
  • Jangan-jangan Naruto yang capek itu cuma Shadow Clone doank... :roll:
  • Jangan-jangan Naruto yang capek itu cuma Shadow Clone doank... :roll:
    Yeah, it could be.... masuk akal juga kok, Naruto sekarang kan lumayan cerdik.
  • Baru dapat spoilernya Naruto chapter 433 neh:

    Naruto Chapter 433

    “Naruto’s trump card”

    “Its time I go on the offensive, but first” said God Realm. (God realm rushes toward Naruto)

    “Dang it, he’s all out of natural energy,” said Shima. “He does not have enough time to get into Sage Mode right now. His chakra needs to recover,” said Fukasku.

    (Naruto jumps on top of Gamabunta’s head)

    “Naruto, this Pain has the ability to control the flow of movement throughout the air. He can use replusion forces to create devastating chakra blasts. Physical attacks and ninjutsu will be repelled,” said Katsuyu.

    “Let’s retreat for now,” said Gamabunta. “Right,” said Naruto.

    (Gamabunta jumps backwards toward the other Toads. Meanwhile Pain uses his forces to draw the defeated Animal Beast realm to his location as he backsteps near Hell Realm)

    “Why the body,” asked Naruto. “NARUTO he’s trying to revive them,” yelled Shima. “SHIT,” yelled Naruto. “On three,” yelled Shima. (Naruto who is currently standing on Gamabunta’s head, is joined with Fukasku and Shima, who jumps on his shoulders)

    Naruto 433 Manga Spoiler

    “We need to attack from long range. Let’s grill em,” said Shima.

    “Bunta you know what to do. Naruto help me feed the flames with your wind, and Shima will do the rest,” said Fukasku. (They all yell three, two, one. Gamabunta unleashes a massive amount of Toad Oil, Naruto places his hands out and thrusts a huge wave of windy chakra, followed by Fukasku spewing a gust of wind as well, then finally Shima ignites it with powerful flames)

    (The flames cover a huge area, spreading across the entire battle field. Before the flames reach the bodies, they respawn next to Hell Realm due to Animal Beast being revived, thus summoning them. God Realm places his hands out)

    (God Realm parts the flames and diverts it from his bodies.)

    “I have to fly,” said Naruto. (Shima is concerned as she looks at the sweating Naruto) “We have to have faith in the destined child. Those were Jiraiya’s wishes,” said Fukasku.

    (Naruto nodes his head. Shima and Fukasku toss Naruto over a wide distance to reach the bodies before they recover. Naruto produces a shadow clone. The clone pulls off its own scroll unravels it, then disperses.)

    “I see. The scroll of Myobokuzan. I wonder what he’ll use,” mentioned Fukasku. “He didn’t have time to view the scrolls contents, so he used a shadow clone to brief himself quickly. Let’s hope he picked the right jutsu,” said Shima.

    Naruto Chapter 433 Raw

    (Pain uses larger Bird summonings to intercept Naruto. Naruto tosses several smoke bombs to blind the summonings. As Naruto lands on the ground he does a series of handseals, however he is about to get attacked by the six bodies of Pain, as they all draw their Chakra disrupter blades. Before they attack him, Naruto places his hands on the ground.)

    “Toad Mouth Binding,” yelled Naruto. (All six bodies are immediately stuck to the earth as flesh covers the ground and springs up into walls binding their arms and legs)

    “That’s the Iwagama’s Esophagus skill,” yelled Shima.

    “He’s able to use our jutsu. Jiraiya was indeed correct about choosing this boy,” said Gamabutna.

    “To be able to pull off a technique on that caliber without preperation and on his current chakra level at that. To be able to go into Sage Mode, the user has to use his highest amount of chakra to draw on Natural Energy. Since he can’t fuse with us, he can’t maintain Sage Mode for extended periods of time. Once it ends he’s left with almost no chakra.

    Even if this boy can get into Sage Mode easily, he needs to find away to conserve his chakra. That spiraling wind technique zapped his Sage Chakra. Yet how is he still able to pull off a powerful jutsu like this? Is this the power of the 9 tailed fox,” asked Fukasku.

    “He got us,” said God Realm. “I can’t hold them much longer,” yelled Naruto (Gamahiro leaps into the air and as Naruto’s jutsu releases, all six bodies are crushed by Gamahiro. Naruto Escapes before suffering the same fate)

    “Did he take them all out,” asked Fukasku. “Amazing,” said Shima. (Gamabunta and Gamaken are shocked)

    Switch Scene to somewhere:

    (Close up on the Rinnegan. The entire figure is not shown)
  • wow spoiler yg keren jadi ga sabar liat manganya besok :lol:
  • udah baca naruto 433...

    gantung lagi deh, mesti nunggu 434 lagi
  • ternyata keren juga dia taro copynya di desa katak, jadi masih ada banyak cadangan sage energynya gitu kan?
  • Jangan-jangan Naruto yang capek itu cuma Shadow Clone doank... :roll:
    Yeah, it could be.... masuk akal juga kok, Naruto sekarang kan lumayan cerdik.
    coolz! Ternyata tebakanx Esa bener jg.. Naruto is quiet smart 4 preparing such thing. Btw, Naruto yg asli tuh yg lg tarung sm Pain atw yg lg d Myoubokuzan ya? Hmm the real fight between Naruto vs God Realm Pain is about starting...!
  • ApaAjaOk wrote:
    udah baca naruto 433...

    gantung lagi deh, mesti nunggu 434 lagi
    untuk pertarungan yg sgt penting begini nggak mungkin selesai hny dlm 2 atw 3 chapter. Sasuke vs Itachi aja ngabisan beberapa chapter kok..
  • kangataz wrote:
    ternyata keren juga dia taro copynya di desa katak, jadi masih ada banyak cadangan sage energynya gitu kan?
    yupz! That's all because Naruto can't fuse wth Shima n Fukasaku. Klo dy bs menyatu dg both of them, maka energi sagex jd tdk terbatas.. Tp karena Kyuubi yg ad d dlm tubuh Naruto selalu menolak ketika Fukasaku mencoba utk menyatukan tubuhnya d pundak Naruto maka Naruto hrs memikirkan cr yg lain spy dy tetap bs memanfaatkan Chakra sage mode selama mungkin. N he did it. He is smart, isn't he?
  • wooowww....BRAVOOOOO naruto...
    really smart....makin seru aja...

    penasaran nih ama capter slnjutnya
  • SERU.....! Banget......!

    GO NARUTO.....
      :P :P :P :P LAnjuuuuuuuuuuuuut....![/list:u]

    Ayo BRO Posting LAgi SPOILER2nya......

    KLo bisa bahsa INDO ya....... :lol: [/code][/i]
  • SERU.....! Banget......!

    GO NARUTO.....
      :P :P :P :P LAnjuuuuuuuuuuuuut....![/list:u]

    Ayo BRO Posting LAgi SPOILER2+Bocoran2nya......

    KLo bisa bahsa INDO ya....... :lol:
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