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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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  • gw kgn black gurl yang kek fantasia AI 3,Vonzell AI 4,sama paris bennett ai 5,suaranya keren2 gelaaaaaaa
  • juara AI yg suck's cm si taylor hicks, kl ruben meski ngga laku2 bgt tapi dia exist di genre gospel, juara AI yg luar biasa dan bikin america gempar ya si fantasia barrino ama kelly clarkson, gila mereka mash muda bgt tapi bakat nyanyi dan musikalitasnya luar biasa, kalo carie sih... menurut aku standart nyanyinya... cuma dia punya personaliti yg bgs bgt... mudah disukai.. dia cantik, kalo jordin sparks... ngga terlalu girang aku dia jd winner... biasa aja, pdhl ngebet nya ama melinda... huh........... cuma ya jordin lumayan lah...
    gak trlalu standar kok,gue suka power suarnya kl si carrie :wink:
  • Gw nggak suka sama warna suara dan cara bernyanyi Fantasia..
    Aneh aja,,gw nggak bisa nikmatin...
    Pas AI 3 tuh lebih bagus Jennifer Hudson & LaToya London...
    Bener2 menggelegar dan melengkingggg...!!!Amazing!

    Denger deh "All By Myself"-nya LaToya....!
    Sama "Imagine",,"Circle Of Life",,"Weekend in New England"-nya Jennifer..!
  • Bang_Jo wrote:
    Gw nggak suka sama warna suara dan cara bernyanyi Fantasia..
    Aneh aja,,gw nggak bisa nikmatin...
    Pas AI 3 tuh lebih bagus Jennifer Hudson & LaToya London...
    Bener2 menggelegar dan melengkingggg...!!!Amazing!

    Denger deh "All By Myself"-nya LaToya....!
    Sama "Imagine",,"Circle Of Life",,"Weekend in New England"-nya Jennifer..!

    Nggak gitu bang,
    emang nada tinggi nya fantasia gak enak,
    rada pecah gitu, tapi

    There's something in Fantasia's Voice...
    mmm.....bilangnya susah, tapi kalau dicerna, fantasia nyanyi dari hati kali ya,
    coba aja denger "all my life" ama "summertime"

    Kalo La Toya, suaranya bagusnya cuma melengking aja, kalo Jennifer mah, too cocky kali yaa, sombongnya dah keliatan dari awal2 acara

    But still, saya lebih suka Diana DeGarmo, hehehehehe

    Anyway, season 3 is the best seasone ever!!
  • hahaha kl mereka mah gue juga ska,i always love black girl! :D

    trutama paris bennett,pertama kali gue dger fanatsia juga,nih org apaan sih tereak2 nyanyinya,tp suara nya yg cemperng gue ngefans bgt skarang hahahaha :oops:
  • wah minggu ini Mariah Carey night?
    ada yang nyanyi Ken Lee ga yah?
    (yang tahu pasti ketawa deh)
  • Bang_Jo wrote:
    sorry yang nonton GLOBAL tv:

    we say GOOD BYE to : MICHAEL JOHN

    OH MY GOD!!!
    Gw kelewatan Result di Global.. :?

    HE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!! :x :x :x
    CAN'T YOU SEE [AND HEAR] ???!!!!!

    Kalo musim lalu Melinda OUT di BIG 3,,masih "lumayan" dikit...
    Sekarang???Baru BIG 8...udah ada "Insiden Melinda" lagiii.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Sekarang siapa yg mau jadi Juara???
    Archuleta yg mulai STD?
    Syesha yg masih diva-wannabe?*walopun bagus loh mnggu kmaren*
    KRISTYYYY??? :x

    yah gitu de, kita gak tau gimana selera penonton sana...kita disini cuman bisa nonton doank :x

    gw berharap Syesha gak keluar...tapi JASON CASTRO!!!!!!!!!!
  • gatau knaa tp stuju bgt sama atas gw somewhere over the rainbow nya biasa abis!
  • Syesha bagus...
    Kalo ada yang kangen ma black girl di American Idol, season ini ada Syesha qo... :wink: :wink: :wink:
    Kadang emang tekniknya menyerupai Whitney or Mariah. Ga heran si, karena mereka itu idola Syesha [menurut sih]. Tapi so far, gw pribadi si suka2 aja dengan black voice-nya Syesha... :wink: :wink: :wink:


    Dibanding Vonzell, Syesha cenderung lebih stabil penampilannya. Kalopun fals gak pernah separah Vonzell..
    Dibanding Fantasia, emang suaranya gak unik2 amat, tapi powernya Syesha sama menggelegarnya...
    Dibanding Melinda, hmm, gmn ya...bagusnya beda kali ya. Melinda hebat nyanyiin lagu2 susah, Syesha meski lagunya belon yang susah2 teing, tapi improve-nya mayan...meski tidak terlalu punya kekhasan...
    Dibanding Paris, hm, bagusnya juga beda...

    Gw selalu download mp2 idol di versi live dan studio. Versi studio-nya Syesha di lagu 'Yesterday', 'If I'm Your Woman', dan 'I Believe' bagus pisan... 8) 8) 8)
    Cobain de...

    Mungkin kepribadian Syesha kali ya yang bikin dia gak serasa semenarik black girl sebelonnya. Apalagi dibanding Melinda yang humble banget... :) :) :)

    Gw mah tetep masukin dia di TOP 5 bersama Archuleta, Cook, Carly, dan Brooke...Jason ma Kristy semoga berturut-turut keluar 2 minggu ke depan... HUH !! Menyebalkan melihat mereka menyingkirkan Ramiele dan Michael... :evil: :evil: :evil:
  • mslbm wrote:
    wah minggu ini Mariah Carey night?
    ada yang nyanyi Ken Lee ga yah?
    (yang tahu pasti ketawa deh)

    KEN LEEEEEEE,,,, tulibu dibu da juu,,, KEN LEEEEEEEE,,,,, :lol: :lol:
  • ggguc3.jpg

    Idol's Musical Director Dishes on Mariah Carey's Mentorship

    "This week is going to be harder than anything on the guys and they'll have to prove themselves," Michael Orland says

    Do the remaining American Idols possess the pipes to properly belt a Mariah Carey song?

    Over 20 million viewers will find out April 15 when the singer appears as the guest mentor, coaching the contestants who select tunes from her songbook. Carey - who surpassed Elvis Presley's record of 17 No. 1 singles when her "Touch My Body" hit #1 on the Billboard charts earlier this month - will also appear on the results show.

    On Saturday, Carey met with the top 7 singers in Los Angeles to discuss their choices and offer advice on the competition.

    Idol's associate musical director Michael Orland sat in on the session, and tells Us the male performers are in for a rough week vocally. "This week is tougher musically because Mariah's songs are so much better suited for a female vocal. This is when the guys are going to get to prove [their worth]," Orland says.

    However, with guidance from Carey, Orland is optimistic each of the contestants will shine. "They are all like sponges; they just can't wait to hear what you have to say. I am excited to see what Mariah has to offer them and they are loaded with questions," Orland confirms. "They want to know what kind of prep she has to do, what she has to go through."

    Orland says the contestants kept emotions in check if one of their peers selected a song they had been eyeing.

    "This [selection] was pretty open to anything Mariah has recorded. So it was pretty wide. A lot of contestants contemplated doing one of the lesser well-known ones, but it's a risk. If you do it differently and bring something new to it, I don't think it matters how well known it is for a Mariah Carey song. Originally, when the contestants first hear the songs, the grab the familiar. But as they listen to more, they go, 'Maybe that is not right for me.'

    It's no secret that judge Randy Jackson is a Carey pal and colleague, but how will Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell react to the top 7's selections? "I can't wait see if the judges are going to say 'I don't think you should be singing Mariah,' and for the contestants to say 'I don't have a choice!'" Orland jokes.

    One of Orland's picks to wow Cowell & Co. Tuesday night? None other than Idol's boy wonder, David Archuleta. "It is so natural," he says of the 17-year-old fan favorite's vocal talent.

    "It's always hard to sing a Mariah song - she is like the queen of vocals. And I love all the contestants, but David is trying new things, and everything he tries - even just fooling around and playing - works. It's like 'Where is that coming from?!'"

    Source: US Magazine | Jayden
  • @nehgw:akhirnya ada yg stuju,hahahha :lol:

    tp d best black girl keknya paris,huehueheuue mantap suaranya,falsnya emang gak sparah vonzell yg bner2 ktara skali,kl pitchy juga gak ktara kek si carly *y jd ngatain orang* :roll: hueheuehuue
  • btw itu fto mariah :shock: :shock: takut gue liat hugh heelsnya :lol:
  • romire wrote:

    Wahh..senengnya bisa foto bareng Mimi...
    If I could...
  • whew, pada tergila" sm Mariah ya :? :?
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