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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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THE VERY BEST Gay Movie menurutmu adalah....?

edited January 2010 in BoyzStyle
Kalo menurut gw... untuk film:

Brokeback Mountain

Untuk serial:

Queer as Folk



  • Best Commedy: Trick
    Best Drama: Love to Hide
    Best Coming Out: Beautiful Thing
  • romire wrote:

    Untuk serial:

    Queer as Folk

    emang udah mbandingin berapa serial, selain QAF :wink:
  • BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN!!! period...
  • Brokeback Mountain
    Latter Days
    Beautiful Things
    Bad Education
    Come Undone
    Second Skin
  • Gue engga pernah nonton film gay... sepanjang masa baru nonton film Brokeback Mountain (2005) yang memang sebuah MASTERPIECE! Semua orang juga mengakui itu lah... :wink:
    Jake and Heath in brokeback mountain

    Tapi kemaren gue baru nonton 2 film bertema gay yg juga punya basic plot yg kokoh plus chemistry antara 2 karaketer-nya yg luar biasa dan kuat,sama kaya brokeback mountain...


    Ini film Israel yg becerita tentang kisah cinta "rahasia" antara 2 tentara israel di sebuah kompi di pinggiran kota jerusalem (kalo engga salah inget).Komandan ama' prajuritnya menjalin cinta sampai mereka pisah..
    Populer banget waktu itu .

    yehuda levi & Ohad Knoller

    Film indie produksi inggris yg sangat perih dan lucu. tokoh utamanya masih anak remaja en' gue pas pinjem samasekali engga nyangka kalo ini film tentang "gay". :D soalnya cover-nya engga nampilin sama sekali..hehe

    Scott neal & Glen Barry

    Udah sih itu aja sepanjang hidup gue, film2x gay yg pernah gue tonton...ANYONE?

    Ini film Israel yg becerita tentang kisah cinta "rahasia" antara 2 tentara israel di sebuah kompi di pinggiran kota jerusalem (kalo engga salah inget).Komandan ama' prajuritnya menjalin cinta sampai mereka pisah..
    Populer banget waktu itu .

    yehuda levi & Ohad Knoller

    Dari sutradara yang sama, Eytan Fox, bagus banget juga,

    Plot Outline: The movie follows a group of young friends in the city of Tel Aviv and is as much a love song to the city as it is an exploration of the claim that people in Tel Aviv are isolated from the rest of the country and the turmoil it's going through. The movie looks at young people's lives in Tel Aviv through the POVs of gays and straights, Jews and Arabs, men and women. It all begins when Noam, a young Israeli soldier, serves in the reserve forces and meets at a check point a Palestinian young man called Ashraf. Following an incident during which Noam misplaces his ID card at the check point, Ashraf shows up on the doorstep of the apartment that Noam shares with a gay man and a straight woman. How will the meeting affect all of their lives?

  • Slain Brokeback Mountain, QAF, and Dante's Cove, yg pernah gw tonton tuh :

    1. Infamous

    "INFAMOUS" follows the dangerous quest for artistic greatness chosan by Truman Capote(Toby Jones), accompanied by lifelong friend and Pulitzer-winning novelis Nelle Harper Lee(Sandra Bullock),as he travels to Kansa to investigate the brutal murder of the Clutter family. Troughout this six year journey, the eccentric, hillarious, and cunning Truman Capote is definitely revealed:to satisfy his insatiable ambition, Truman consorted with his "Swans" the glamorous ladies who ruled the upper strata of New York society, just as easily as he regaled wide eyed Kansans with tales of Bogart and Brando.

    Not completely gay stuff, tapi si Capote dalam film ini mengawali cerita bersama seorang pacar, lalu dia end up falling in love sama salah satu pembunuh.

    2. Boy Culture

    Boy Culture is the candid confession of "X" a wildly successful male escort. After ten years of sex for pay. "X" gets romatically entangled with two hot roommates and a reclusively elderly client, Gregory. But before Gregory will agree to sex, he tells an unsettling love stroy spanning fifty years and dares "X" to try something he hasn't felst in years:emotion

    Waktu gw nonton, gw sih gak begitu suka, tapi memang ada something different dalam film ini, yaitu sesi curhat antara X dan Gregory. Secara mereka tuh beda umurnya jauh, dan si Gregory tuh dengan cerita masa lalunya bisa mempengaruhi pemikiran X.
  • Gak banyak film gay yg udah gw tonton, so far yg bagus menurut gw
    The Bubble
    Brokeback Mountain
  • susauh juga yah nentuinnya bagi gw.. tapi kalo yang paling berkesan yah...
    "Like A Virgin"..
  • Chu Wa Gong Sit(ato Happy Together)
    filmnya wong kar Wai


    terus lan Yu.Film dari Cina daratan


    masih ada lagi A uRevoir,Les Enfansts(Goodbye Children)
    film tenntag dua remaja gay di Perang Dunia ke II
  • wah pada tau banyak sekali ya,,,
    gw hanya tau beberapa movie aja
    n menurut gw yg awam ini
    Broke back Mountain de best deh
  • Gw ga banyak nonton film dgn tema gay sih, baru beberapa. Tp gw paling suka Happy Together :wink: Eternal Summer jg cukup bagus..
  • I dont get whats the big deal with brokeback mountain is.. sure, the ending is kinda sad and nice.. but the movie was dead boring and excruciatingly painful to watch..
  • Yossi and Jagger ama happy together yang bagus menurut gue...
  • lupa tambahan

    Lan Yu
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