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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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gay web series



  • halrien wrote: »
    Oot. Itu heroin pake Mandarin, tapi kenapa dibawah nya masih ada sub mandarin nya juga?

    Biar bisa dipahami sama semua orang. Di Cina sono ada banyak bahasa seperti di Indonesia tapi tulisan yang dipakai sama. Jadi kalau kurang paham apa yang diomongin mereka bisa paham lewat tulisan.

    Kalau penasaran apa yang mereka lakukan setelah Bai Lu Yin ngangkat Gu Hai ke kamar bisa baca ini :wink:
    Chapter 115 : A forceful interrogation late at night
    Credits to author Chai Jidan.
    BLY sat the balcony alone for a very long time until his whole body was all chilly. The temperature in his inside also fell back to normality. Then, he returned to the living room while dragging his tired feet.
    GH was still lying on the ground. He looked like he was in a very deep sleep. Normally, when BLY makes a small action, he will be very alert. Today, even though his mobile phone rang for a long time and BLY took the call for a long time, GH was motionless like a mountain. Evidently, he drank quite a lot last night. BLY looked at GH silently, thinking about how he can drag him back onto the bed. As he looked, he lost himself in the sight in front of him.
    GH is rarely this quiet and serious. The look of him now is like a wild leopard in his deep slumber with thin clothes and his body spreading wide on the carpet comfortably. Although his strong arms and long legs were in a relaxed state, they were brimming with a powerful energy. It was as though in the next second, he would jump right up and pounce onto you with his claws slashing around and his mouth wide open.
    BLY felt that GH is like a polyhedron- an object with many faces. It is hard to grasp his temper accurately. When he puts up a cold front, a glance from him can cause a frightening chill inside you. When he is warm, he is like a squashy persimmon that you can massage and pinch freely. When he is serious, he is like an unbending rifle that will not move even with the most emotion-invoking atmosphere. When he is naughty, he is frivolous through the bones, causing all of your hair to stand in an instant...
    This kind of person looks complicated, yet is unboundedly innocent and simple.
    BLY is similar too. He is person who is sentimental and stays true to his feelings. Although he may appear to behave more prudently, he wavers a lot in his heart. In the previous instant, he can look down on GH unforgivingly, yet in the next instant, he can see his outstanding strengths. Yesterday, he may want to give him one big tight slap, but today, he wants to be gentle towards him and take care of him.
    Like now, BLY had been looking at GH attentively for some time, yet he couldn't bear to wake him up.
    Finally, BLY decided to carry GH into the bedroom.
    It might sound impossible, but BLY really did just that. He carried GH by the waist. Even though he was a little heavy, it was within what his ability could handle. He walked into the bedroom step-by-step at a very slow and steady pace. After reaching the bed-side, he gently let him down and began to take off his shoes and clothes.
    GH appeared to have let out a sigh. BLY paused his hands for a moment and looked towards GH's face.
    His eyes were closed. His eyelashes were very short but very dense. His nasal bridge was very high. These made his face look particularly three-dimensional. The lines on his lips were very apparent in deep red. At one glance, one can tell that is the lips of a man.
    BLY's fingers suddenly penetrate through locks of GH's hair. He brought down his head and sealed GH's breath with his lips.
    Prying open his jaws, a strong smell of alcohol struck his nose. BLY was drunk in an instant. His tongue entered without consent, and began to cause a havoc violently inside GH's mouth. He didn't even feel a thing when tongue and teeth bumped against each other. The smell of blood struck the nose. Their saliva, mixed with tiny streams of blood, was dripping from the corner of the lips.
    At the moment when their thin lips met, BLY did not even know why he had this kind of impulse. He only felt that his heart was in a mess.
    GH woke up, raised his arms and locked them onto BLY's neck.
    BLY didn't stop what he was doing. Even when he and GH were looking straight into each other's eyes, there were fears and concerns at all. He ripped GH's thin shirt apart aggressively, and removed the belt on GH's waist forcefully like a hyena without any patience. At the instance when he pulled off the pants, GH's crotch was hit by the belt painfully.
    GH's eyes were brimming with intense red flames of desire. When BLY's hands moved his hands across GH's body and created waves after waves of electric currents and shocks, this violence hit its peak.
    He threw BLY down under him and spread BLY's legs wide aggressively. The grown beast beneath slammed against the narrow and closed passage forcefully.
    BLY tried to turn over, but he was immobilised by GH's chest.
    "Let me f*ck or not?" GH's lewd words filled BLY's ears.
    BLY clenched his fist extremely tight and burrowed his head into the bed-sheet. His voice sounded uncomfortable and miserable.
    "No, I won't let you."
    GH slammed once more. This time, it was fiercer than the last. BLY's body shook intensely.
    "Why are you not letting me?"
    GH's questioning was overbearing and his intention at that moment was to go up against BLY. This was because he felt that BLY's behaviour was unusual today. Even though BLY was already being pressed upon until he was unable to move, BLY's heart was still in many places. GH could clearly feel his panic and anxiety.
    Suddenly, the mobile phone rang. BLY's body shook.
    "Who called at this hour?"
    GH muttered. He wanted to reach for the phone, but BLY got it first. He turned it off immediately.
    "A harassing phone call," BLY said.
    GH was not listening. He moved his body down at a very quick pace. It was so fast that even BLY didn't relise it. His butt cheeks were attacked by someone's teeth. BLY's legs were raised and then pressed down. Both of his hands were extended towards his back and pressed down again. BLY was like a crab that was all tied-up and completely immobilised, getting forced to accept the abuse of love.
    GH sank his teeth into every area of his butt for some time. Suddenly, he began to move inwards.
    BLY's body was fighting crazily against GH and himself.
    GH's tongue landed on and licked the area where BLY could not say.
    His neck stretched backwards intensely and his chin was nudging against the bed-sheet uncomfortably. He let out a scream.
    "GH, you this bastard!"
    "Bastard?" GH laughed insanely, "I can be even more bastard."
    "Da Hai... Da Hai..."
    BLY suddenly shouted. His voice carried a hint of begging. This was what GH had never heard before. At this moment, his heart softened, even though it was a piece of burning hot steel.
    GH hugged BLY. His chest touched his back and his chin touched his neck.
    "Yin Zi, what are you afraid of?"
    BLY shut his eyes listlessly as he fought hard to suppress his fast-beating heart.
    GH's finger prodded the area covered by nerves and wrinkles. Without any considerations for feelings and outcomes, he continued to asked, "Why are you not allowing me to f*ck?"
    BLY said uncomfortably, "I am afraid that it hurts."
    Actually, this reason holds the smallest weightage in his heart. It was almost negligible. But, this had the greatest impact on GH. Definitely, BLY could have spoken the truth. But, suddenly, there was a fear coming out of nowhere. This fear and anxiety forced his blood to turn cold. It was as if he was grabbing onto a life-saver. Even if he had to be a coward, he would be one, as long as... it could prevent the final threshold in his heart from getting breached.
    GH suddenly laughed freely, and later slapped his palms onto BLY"s butt cheeks.
    "So, there is something that you this rascal is afraid of?"
    BLY hid his feelings well, and countered GH with fiery eyes, "Why not I try f*cking you?"
    GH wanted to test BLY, "Come. I have no objection."
    BLY lay on the bed like a dead fish, not moving one bit.
    GH laughed. His laughter sounded quite complex.
    Then, he pressed himself against BLY's ears, and said softly, "Baby, it might be a little painful for a while. Endure a little."
    BLY's body froze. He thought GH was going to use force, but GH only pressed his legs, inserting his thick monster that was burning hot like a melted steel in between his legs. The skin at the most sensitive spot got grinded fiercely. The heat was burning up every nerve on BLY. Even though it was not the real deal, that was enough humiliation for BLY. On a few occasions, he wanted to spread his legs, but that was violently stopped by GH. He could only clench his teeth tight and endure.
    The heavy breathing from behind traversed towards him. BLY was slowly infected and started to use his hands to stroke his little object gently. Later, he felt that was not enough and actually turned over, pressing GH down. He used the same way as GH did to derive pleasure. GH let him do whatever he wanted to do, and even provoked him. Although he had some reservations, he was willing to give it a try as BLY found whatever forms of excitement from his body. The night finally stopped its howl as two people found themselves having cramps and involuntary muscle twitching.
    The following few days were very peaceful. BLY never had another call from SH. He felt more relieved gradually. Perhaps on that day, the atmosphere triggered her feelings; she lost some control over her feelings, and thus made that call. Who doesn't have a crazy period after a breakup? Perhaps, she had moved on slowly.
    At the blink of an eye, it was already New Year's Day. BLY & GH returned home for the festivity.
    Aunty Zou & BHQ was busy in the kitchen. BLY was doing his things in his room while GH was playing with a kid at the yard.
    Aunty Zou's son is called Meng Tong Tian. He is small but is a devil. He just turned 7 and his face was filled with woes.
    MTT let out a sigh. His mouth moved a little. He looked as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself from doing so in the end.
    GH smirked, pulled his hand, and asked, "You have a girlfriend?"
    MTT laughed bitterly for a moment, "Do I have or not have one?"
    "I think I have."
    GH pinched MTT's thin leg, and felt a crazy sense of joy. This kid is so fun.
    MTT seemed to be unaffected by GH's emotions. He still looked gloomy. After a long time, he said faintly, "She is torturing me to death."
    "Who is she?"
    MTT moved his shoulders inwards. He was drawing circles with his legs.
    "It's her."
    GH knew who he meant, and continued to tease him, "How did she torture you?"
    "She didn't admit it. Nor did she deny it. Isn't she just playing with me on purpose?"
    GH laughed loudly, patted MTT's head, and said, "YOu are really my good brother. Let's keep fighting!"
    While they were talking, BLY's mobile phone rang.
    BLY's phone was in his bag and his bag was left on the small bench at the door. BLY was in his room and so he couldn't hear it. GH immediately took his phone and picked up the call.
    ****** End of chapter ******
  • @Johntravors pantes kedenger agak beda, atau emang gw yang ga familiar sama Mandarin.

    Bisa bagi link novel nga ga? Gw penasaran sama beberapa scene
  • @halrien jadi itu terjemahan orang-orang di forum sebelah dari versi Mandarin. Masalahnya mereka ga nerjemahin semuanya, cuma bagian-bagian yang mereka suka aja. Kalau mau cari aja chapter yang lu cari di antara ratusan page forumnya kalau ada. Semoga ketemu :smiley:
  • yang suka sama ending song nya Heroin Full radio version + Subtitle

  • Love sick bakalan ada season 3 nya ga ya agan2 semua.....
  • Beneran cuma sampai 15 ini :cry:

    Kemarin nonton be here for you. Di Youtube cuma enam episode. Awalnya malaysia nonton nya, eng sub nya kelinci. Salah pilih yang di dunlud. Akhirnya ya udin dari pada dunlud lagi ya ditonton. Dan lumayan bagus film nya. Apalagi katanya based on true story. Adegan yang berat mungkin saat pura pura tidur ketika sahabat nya ngentot cewek. Can't imagine.
  • Entahlah

    Kisah Carlo itu menurut kalian gay web series nggak sih gays? Kayaknya bukan nggak mungkin sih

    Pas episod 5,, kayak2 gitu deh..

    Kisah carlo ini menceritakan tentang HIV
  • Baru beres nonton 上瘾 (Addicted). Feelnya dapet gua. Sayang, baca novelnya jadi agak ga suka gua sama Gu Hai. Sayangnya lagi, dibanned.

    Padahal nunggu episode yang bikin gua ga suka sama Gu Hai.
  • @mastermeh episode berapa?
  • Thank you.....!!!! Share info lainnya..
    I love heroin so much..
  • Thank you.....!!!! Share info lainnya..
    I love heroin so much..
  • @sinjai Cerita di bab 127 novelnya. Filmnya belum sampai situ ceritanya keburu dibanned.
  • @mastermeh iya hiks tapi ada yang bilang nanti ada season 2 tapi tahun depan dan pindah ke taiwan.
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