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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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gay web series



  • Yang pas di bai luo yin itu kek ketagihan dicium gitu.. ga rela dilepas..pengen lagi dan lagi.

  • Gay Ok Bangkok Ep. 4

  • pemain Gay OK bangkokga ada yang brondong. /_-

  • ada yangg mirip mario maurer sekilas..
    sekilas ada yg mirip @Clorofil juga :scream:
  • I watched 'Heroin' and 'Love Sick', it seems that two straight main cast falling for each other is the formula for a hit BL series cos I watched 'Be Here For You' too but I don't think that it is as good as the other two series.

    Umm, Its a little off topic but I was wondering if there is no legal drinking age in China and Thailand cos they can buy beer while in uniform in those series.
  • Heroin itu ceritanya BDSM, kan? <3
    ngebayangun Gu Hai merkosa Lou Yin :love:

    ff_lover wrote: »
    I watched 'Heroin' and 'Love Sick', it seems that two straight main cast falling for each other is the formula for a hit BL series cos I watched 'Be Here For You' too but I don't think that it is as good as the other two series.

    Umm, Its a little off topic but I was wondering if there is no legal drinking age in China and Thailand cos they can buy beer while in uniform in those series.

    kalo di Thailand ada. 18 atau berapa gitu. di atas usia sekolah, lah, ya, kalau nggak salah inget. tapi emang Love Sick sepertinya memang standar bawah. sama, lah, sama sinetron sini yang ngejar rating. kalo Love Sick menampilkan apa yang ingin dilihat walau katanya based on blablabla

    GayOK is the best sejauh ini. dan sebenernya itu iklan layanan masyarakat terselubung. karena 'rumah produksi'nya itu selama ini juga sering bikin iklan-iklan tentang pentingnya untuk cek HIV secara berkala
  • edited March 2016
    semoga episode GayOK more than 10 lah. ngeliat ikon baterainya, kok, jumlah bar-nya cuma 5 :/
  • Heroin itu ceritanya BDSM, kan? <3
    ngebayangun Gu Hai merkosa Lou Yin :love:

    Not really BDSM, it's just one scene and definitely not the one defining the genre of the series, its actually one of the sweetest story I've ever watched, lol.
  • Guys I have just watched all Addicted's episodes last night and I cant help but falling in love with this series. Normally I dont like Asian series because it seem unrealistic and there is always one of the main characters who is so feminine, but this series is differen. Cant wait for the second season.
  • dah keabisan film nih, bagi lagi donk gay film yg laen.

    ane dah nonton, :
    love sick 1 & 2,
    watter boy
    alex n benny
    be here for u
    room alone 1&2 (ga semua cerita gay)

    hahhahaa... ga tau mau nonton apa lagi
  • Baru baca2 di group di group Fujoshi (cewek2 yg suka dengan boys love) mengenai web series addicted

    At least pada akhirnya, setelah 8 tahun berpisah krna musibah kecelakaan, mereka brtmu kmbali, dan sadar klo mereka saling mencintai, GY dan BLY menikah...

    Well... Though it is too good to be true... But it is indeed a good story...

    Penulisnya pinter bgt menuliskan hampir semua mimpi member2 disini
  • edited March 2016
    woi89 wrote: »
    Baru baca2 di group di group Fujoshi (cewek2 yg suka dengan boys love) mengenai web series addicted

    Well... Though it is too good to be true... But it is indeed a good story...

    Penulisnya pinter bgt menuliskan hampir semua mimpi member2 disini

    Its not okay to give spoilers to those who haven't finished the story. Can this comment be deleted?
  • udah ada kabar season 2. Tinggal nunggu dengan sabar.
  • sunnyhoney wrote: »
    ada yangg mirip mario maurer sekilas..
    sekilas ada yg mirip @Clorofil juga :scream:

    Belom buka
  • barusan nonton Be Here For You baru sampe episode 4 dan ternyata agak lebih menye-menye dari Shang Yin. dan entah kenapa aku ngerasa kalo temennya Xengzhu itu demen sama dia :lol:
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