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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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REVIEW FILM "SHELTER" (one of BEST gay Movie)



  • romire wrote:
    udah baca reviw2 dari temen2 di atas...? it is answer your question zenisvel... It's worth ur time... It's a must see movie :)

    g ga baca review nya, enakan nonton langsung.
    Kalo yg bilang bagus banyak berarti ni film emang bagus :D :D
    Cari ah
  • gw dah nyari di limewire kagak ada... paling yang ada lie to me video by shane mack di youtube.. kalo lagu2 lainnya gw grab dari filmnya... :)

    to zenisvel: if u are watching the pirated dvd version, i suggest u're not read the subtitle... english or indonesian... the subtitle S*cks...!
    better to watch it with subtitle off...
    teks nya malah menyesatkan... jauh ama apa yang ada di dialog film...

    Kalo ngerti bener dengan apa yang ada di film ini... I'm sure u will enjoy thiis movie :)
  • romire wrote:
    gw dah nyari di limewire kagak ada... paling yang ada lie to me video by shane mack di youtube.. kalo lagu2 lainnya gw grab dari filmnya... :)

    to zenisvel: if u are watching the pirated dvd version, i suggest u're not read the subtitle... english or indonesian... the subtitle S*cks...!
    better to watch it with subtitle off...
    teks nya malah menyesatkan... jauh ama apa yang ada di dialog film...

    Kalo ngerti bener dengan apa yang ada di film ini... I'm sure u will enjoy thiis movie :)

    OK!!!! Diikutin sarannya!!!!
    Domo Arigatou... :D
  • Magazine Interview with Trevor Wright (Zach) and Brad Rowe (Shaun)


    Producer JD Disalvatore discusses her acclaimed new film Shelter with stars Brad Rowe and Trevor Wright



    When Shelter opens in theatres this March, audiences will not only get to see all forms of hot guys surf the California waves, but a surprisingly touching tale of love and family. In writer/director Jonah Markowitz's tender coming-of-age-in-the-surf-world drama, young Zach (Trevor Wright) must choose between family, his art and a new love that comes in the form of an older surf buddy, Shaun (Brad Rowe, Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss). Ah, decisions, decisions.

    Before I go on, let me admit that I produced this film. That being said, I love this film! Really, truly, madly, and deeply and one of the key reasons is the wonderfully complex and touching performances by our cast.

    I sat down for lunch recently and reunited with the actors who play the star-crossed surfing lovers.


    JD DISALVATORE: Brad, what attracted you to this film and the role of Shaun?

    BRAD ROWE: It was the script. I just loved the story. The character of Shaun instantly resonated with me. He was creatively at the place I've been at before as an actor where you have to figure out where you're going next and you never know where the next bit of inspiration will pop up.

    Yes, well, who wouldn't be inspired by laying around all day in bed in your beach front house with a hot lover and surfing the rest of the time? What are some of your favorite scenes in the movie?


    ROWE: I like the scene where we connect after looking at his sketchbook. It's such an organic moment. When both of our feelings kinda go the way of “Oh my God, did we just cross a line we did not want to cross?” That is the kind of a tight rope without a net moment we go through in life where it just puts a lump in your throat. You don't know what's going to happen and you're not sure where you're going. That's when you discover who you are as a human being.

    TREVOR WRIGHT: For me, the smile.


    Ah, the smile. What I love is that your performance is so simple. It's the slightest movement on your face in this close up and yet what you're feeling and what is expressed is all this emotion that screams fireworks. The audiences always cheer in that spot.

    WRIGHT: When we screen at all the festivals, people always tell me that moment was when they felt it was them in the movie. You couldn't ask for anything better.


    What was the direction for that from Jonah?

    WRIGHT: He told me he wanted me to be frustrated then just contemplate the night before and wonder if it was a good thing, this thing with Shaun. Because Zach never experiences anything for himself. He's always figuring out everyone else's life, so you know…this new thing…he thinks, “Fuck yeah, this is a new found thing in my life that I'm definitely enjoying.” It's the first time he actually allows himself to feel good and want something for himself.


    Brad, what do you think your character Shaun sees in Zach? What's the connection?

    ROWE: At first, primarily he identifies with his youth—this kid is surfing and doing his art without restriction, the way Shaun used to do his writing. Shaun sees an idealism he's lost along the way and he wants to be around that energy again. Selflessly, he wants to help this kid, but at the end it's really Zach who helps Shaun.


    Trevor, how did you prepare for this role?

    WRIGHT: I've been surfing and skateboarding my whole life, so that part came easy. Then with the rest, I didn't really want to do a lot of research or preparation because, you know, Zach is experiencing these things for the first time. He's never experienced this affection, this kind of love before, so as an actor it was a journey that I needed to take to make it as real and natural as possible.


    Anything else you want to be quoted as saying, darlings?

    ROWE: What I love about this film is it's about opportunities. There's an opportunity for a kid to have a father, a man to have a lover, and an older man to find his art. What choices are made, well that's the journey.


    WRIGHT: See Shelter, it's amazing.

    I concur!
  • romire wrote:
    Magazine Interview with Trevor Wright (Zach) and Brad Rowe (Shaun)


    Producer JD Disalvatore discusses her acclaimed new film Shelter with stars Brad Rowe and Trevor Wright



    When Shelter opens in theatres this March, audiences will not only get to see all forms of hot guys surf the California waves, but a surprisingly touching tale of love and family. In writer/director Jonah Markowitz's tender coming-of-age-in-the-surf-world drama, young Zach (Trevor Wright) must choose between family, his art and a new love that comes in the form of an older surf buddy, Shaun (Brad Rowe, Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss). Ah, decisions, decisions.

    Before I go on, let me admit that I produced this film. That being said, I love this film! Really, truly, madly, and deeply and one of the key reasons is the wonderfully complex and touching performances by our cast.

    I sat down for lunch recently and reunited with the actors who play the star-crossed surfing lovers.


    JD DISALVATORE: Brad, what attracted you to this film and the role of Shaun?

    BRAD ROWE: It was the script. I just loved the story. The character of Shaun instantly resonated with me. He was creatively at the place I've been at before as an actor where you have to figure out where you're going next and you never know where the next bit of inspiration will pop up.

    Yes, well, who wouldn't be inspired by laying around all day in bed in your beach front house with a hot lover and surfing the rest of the time? What are some of your favorite scenes in the movie?


    ROWE: I like the scene where we connect after looking at his sketchbook. It's such an organic moment. When both of our feelings kinda go the way of “Oh my God, did we just cross a line we did not want to cross?” That is the kind of a tight rope without a net moment we go through in life where it just puts a lump in your throat. You don't know what's going to happen and you're not sure where you're going. That's when you discover who you are as a human being.

    TREVOR WRIGHT: For me, the smile.


    Ah, the smile. What I love is that your performance is so simple. It's the slightest movement on your face in this close up and yet what you're feeling and what is expressed is all this emotion that screams fireworks. The audiences always cheer in that spot.

    WRIGHT: When we screen at all the festivals, people always tell me that moment was when they felt it was them in the movie. You couldn't ask for anything better.


    What was the direction for that from Jonah?

    WRIGHT: He told me he wanted me to be frustrated then just contemplate the night before and wonder if it was a good thing, this thing with Shaun. Because Zach never experiences anything for himself. He's always figuring out everyone else's life, so you know…this new thing…he thinks, “making love yeah, this is a new found thing in my life that I'm definitely enjoying.” It's the first time he actually allows himself to feel good and want something for himself.


    Brad, what do you think your character Shaun sees in Zach? What's the connection?

    ROWE: At first, primarily he identifies with his youth—this kid is surfing and doing his art without restriction, the way Shaun used to do his writing. Shaun sees an idealism he's lost along the way and he wants to be around that energy again. Selflessly, he wants to help this kid, but at the end it's really Zach who helps Shaun.


    Trevor, how did you prepare for this role?

    WRIGHT: I've been surfing and skateboarding my whole life, so that part came easy. Then with the rest, I didn't really want to do a lot of research or preparation because, you know, Zach is experiencing these things for the first time. He's never experienced this affection, this kind of love before, so as an actor it was a journey that I needed to take to make it as real and natural as possible.


    Anything else you want to be quoted as saying, darlings?

    ROWE: What I love about this film is it's about opportunities. There's an opportunity for a kid to have a father, a man to have a lover, and an older man to find his art. What choices are made, well that's the journey.


    WRIGHT: See Shelter, it's amazing.

    I concur!

    this film is a fantastic film that i ever watch in few month.
    ceritanya bagus banget.
    zach dari yang tadinya bukan gay, jadi gay.....
    andaikan aja hidupnya clair kaya gitu.
    enggak heran ni film banyak dapat penghargaan.
    maju terus film drama gay yang kaya gini......
  • andaikan aja hidupnya clair kaya gitu.

    I know...

    What they have... makes me JEALOUS too....
  • klo d bandung, belinya di vertex jln ambon. queer as folk jg msh tersedia dsana. whahahhaha promosi neh gw tanpa ada izin.
  • wah....
    baru tahu... klo ada film ini

    he he...
    mo ah..... cari dvd na.....
    pengen nonton.... :(
  • G da bli ni film,bli d surgany pencinta film:harco glodok,hehe..g nemu sktar 3 minggu yg lalu,jd sktar aga tengah mei,cm ktmu d satu toko doank,yg laenny ga taw ad ato ngga..
    filmny blm g tonton bnr2,tp ud liat sih..bagus banget de gambarny,critany lmayan,plus aktorny cakep bs bikin 'pengen' syang y knp smua film gay barat yg g tonton tu ga se'hot' yg asia,palagi film korea No Regret,tu paling manteph,walaupun rada ga kyny dvd yg g bli ni kualitas ori de..gambar jelas banget smp bare skin aktorny bnr2 wah..n subtitleny kyny jelas de..ntar g cek lg film laen ga?klo bs yg lbi hot..
  • edited June 2008
    Duh,hmpir aj g post 2 pesan yg sama..cara hapus pesan yg ud kt post gmana yah?
  • [color=#][/color]
  • bener banget, ceritanya mengalir dan konfliknya tersusun bagus banget, dan kayaknya tokoh utama zach tuh bertarung dengan dirinya sendiri, apakah dia ingin bahagia atau malah menderita... akhirnya dia memilih untuk melepaskan semua dan bahagia.. to tweet!
  • SFinn wrote:
    filmny blm g tonton bnr2,tp ud liat sih..bagus banget de gambarny,critany lmayan,plus aktorny cakep bs bikin 'pengen' syang y knp smua film gay barat yg g tonton tu ga se'hot' yg asia,palagi film korea No Regret,tu paling manteph,walaupun rada ga kyny dvd yg g bli ni kualitas ori de..gambar jelas banget smp bare skin aktorny bnr2 wah..n subtitleny kyny jelas de..ntar g cek lg film laen ga?klo bs yg lbi hot..

    kalo mau yang hot mah ntn film bokep aja tuh..pasti hot...

    kalo gw sih ntn film gay bukan nyari aktornya yang ganteng ato adegannya yang hot dan emang tujuan gw bukan buat jadi bacol...tapi gw lebih ke nyari ceritanya...

    namanya film yang dinikmati tuh plot ama ceritanya...hehehe
  • bisa aja mr a-z ini, memang bener kok kalo mau lihat yang vulgar dan hot mending bokep aja sekalian...

    gue malah seneng lihat film kayak gini bikin kita terhayut aja sama ceritanya, dan lebih bikin gue penasaran malahan...
  • wah jadi penasaran....kalo liat reviewnya semuanya pada puas sama film ini...
    hummm harus cari nih, moga aja di rental ada :lol:
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