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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Bf ku selingkuh dengan Cewe



  • orientasi seksual itu soal attraction, lo menyukai yg mana. bukan soal needs.

  • Oh my god i dont like this subject..

    Mr counselor @aname2001

    What if someday one of your counselee comes to you, she cried her heart out, blurting out the fact that his husband has been cheating on her with another man. Would you be telling her to understand what it feels for being a bisexual like you just did here? or was it only applicable to us gays?

    Facts and realities are not what others prepared for you, you cant succumb to their ideas to justify the need to cheat on their marriage. Or is that your only conclusion to explain those cheating husbands claiming to have bisexual needs?

    I cant comprehend the idea of a married bisexual cheating on their marriage would be called "nature calling to fill the empty feeling or whatnot" while a married gay cheating on their marriage would be what? what would a married bicurious cheating be called? or what about a straight married man cheating with a transsexual? What empty feelings they need to cover?

    If you ask me, id be calling them all the same, cheaters. Oh yea theres always reasons for someone to cheat on their loving partners for us to understand, but even reasons cant justify some deeds, and that also doesnt mean that its acceptable. But hey, im not here to judge, just want to clear things up~

    In the end, furthermore if you ask me again, that empty feeling would be called lusts. nothing satisfy lusts.

    But u know, i might be wrong. :smile:
  • jiddenpark wrote: »
    gue wrote:
    debatnya kan berlarut-larut karena ada poin lain yang dikesampingkan. komitmen di awal suatu hubungan itu naturenya gimana. kalau dia pacaran sama cowok dan mau monogamous, ya sudah pacarannya sama cowok itu aja. kalau memang menyadari bahwa dia butuh punya pacar cowok dan cewek, ya bilang di awal, ga bisa monogami.
    lu wrote:
    I've already mention about that commitment with gay hetero marriage as an example but you failed to understand. And now you want to bring it up again. Why? Maybe because understanding is not what you're looking for.

    gue paham, nature gay yg menikah dalam heteromarriage itu akan balik lagi cari cowok. tapi jangan ngaku-ngaku biseksual. kalau udah komitmen ya komitmen, konsekuensinya dia bohongin istrinya. the clueless wife is a person too. bukan cuma gay yg terpaksa menikah yang harus kita pahami, istrinya yg terseret dalam pernikahan dengan seorang gay apalagi lakinya masih suka cari cowok, emang lo gak bisa paham?

    you lost me
  • jiddenpark wrote: »
    orientasi seksual itu soal attraction, lo menyukai yg mana. bukan soal needs.

    atteaction is the need
  • jiddenpark wrote: »
    orientasi seksual itu soal attraction, lo menyukai yg mana. bukan soal needs.

    atteaction is the need
  • edited September 2015
    Ego vs logic

    *duduk tampan*
  • mana ada attraction = needs. ketertarikan ya ketertarikan, kayak gue lagi jalan terus papasan dengan cowok ganteng, atau transwoman yang menarik, atau transman yang misterius, gue mengakui mereka bikin gue tertarik secara seksual. itu namanya orientasi. sudah pengertiannya sampai situ saja.

    kebutuhan (needs) itu, kalau dalam diri gue timbul keharusan punya pasangan dari tiap-tiap kelompok gender, kalau engga, gue nanti kosong jiwanya. which is not happening to me dan banyak biseksual lain yang pengakuannya sudah gue paparkan di atas. linknya jelas, artikelnya jelas.
    you lost me

    the feeling is mutual.
  • the need to attract to either one of the gender
  • the need to attract to either one of the gender
  • bukan need, tapi ability.
    bukan kebutuhan utk tertarik pada cowok dan cewek
    tapi kemampuan untuk tertarik pada cowok dan cewek

    itu definisi biseksual.
  • tuh kan... apa gw bilang. sedari awal pov nya udah beda. if you say ability, then all guys are bisexual. gw ngeliat foto teteknya Jupe itu bisa nafsu.

    better to put a link of a specific meaning of bisexual. otherwise, we will go round and round.

    coming back to the basic, what's your goal of saying "miskonsepsi yg salah : gay butuh cowok cewek - nyambung ke komitmen - nyambung kagi ke yg lain" which are a bit confusing.

    whats your goal of saying the highlighted statement? (related to TS' needs)
  • tuh kan... apa gw bilang. sedari awal pov nya udah beda. if you say ability, then all guys are bisexual. gw ngeliat foto teteknya Jupe itu bisa nafsu.

    better to put a link of a specific meaning of bisexual. otherwise, we will go round and round.

    coming back to the basic, what's your goal of saying "miskonsepsi yg salah : gay butuh cowok cewek - nyambung ke komitmen - nyambung kagi ke yg lain" which are a bit confusing.

    whats your goal of saying the highlighted statement? (related to TS' needs)
  • *btw, do we need to put 's in "the TS' needs."

    so it will be "The TS's needs."
  • *btw, do we need to put 's in "the TS' needs."

    so it will be "The TS's needs."
This discussion has been closed.