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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Bf ku selingkuh dengan Cewe



  • jiddenpark wrote: »
    Bisexual isn't only about the ability of having sex to both sexes. If so, then all gay guys in hetero marriage are also bisexuals (which is not true). Even some of them got kids in their marriage. So does it make them bisexual? NO! Deep down inside they always know who they really are.

    ada gak dari pendapat gue sebelum-sebelumnya yg menyatakan bertentangan? nggak ada. jadi bagian ini pointless, jangan bikin gue seakan berkata sebaliknya.
    jelas-jelas gue nulis begini di awal:
    jadi untuk elu-elu orang yg homo tapi terpaksa kawin sama cewek dan masih nggak bisa berhenti cari cowok di luar sana, meanwhile lo udah janji suci pas nikah sama istri lo untuk monogami, stop giving bisexual a bad name.

    - - -

    You said it pointless??? It's called same level comparison!!! It's a bridge for you to understand what a bisexual is from gay perspective. Go back to college and learn about Philosophy of logic. Why did I use this? Because I thought you want to understand but you have this difficulties to do that. Apparently, that's not what you're looking for.
    2] yang kedua ada kelompok biseksual yang tidak melihat pasangannya atas gendernya semata, tapi as a whole person. thus, dia tidak punya kebutuhan untuk merasa harus punya pasangan dari masing-masing kelompok gender agar terhindar dari kesakitan di hati (i know it sounds corny), karena dia merasa pasangan yang dia pilih sudah lengkap, komplit, terlepas dia itu cowok atau cewek.

    Do you really know what you're saying? If they feel complete with only one group of gender then they're not even bisexual!!! What a joke!
    debatnya kan berlarut-larut karena ada poin lain yang dikesampingkan. komitmen di awal suatu hubungan itu naturenya gimana. kalau dia pacaran sama cowok dan mau monogamous, ya sudah pacarannya sama cowok itu aja. kalau memang menyadari bahwa dia butuh punya pacar cowok dan cewek, ya bilang di awal, ga bisa monogami.

    I've already mention about that commitment with gay hetero marriage as an example but you failed to understand. And now you want to bring it up again. Why? Maybe because understanding is not what you're looking for.
    aname2001 wrote: »
    Look closer if you want to understand. Or you can stand still in your position and keep arguing. Your choice.

    Yeah, I've said that, and you've made up your choice: keep arguing. It's alright. Your life, your choice. It defines who you are. I can't change anything about it.
  • ngapain pakai same level comparison kalau gue memang tidak mempertentangkan kalimat itu from the very beginning?

    lagian apa itu bisexual dari gay perspective? gue rasa biseksual mau dilihat dari kacamata siapa aja harusnya sama. kenapa harus jadi berbeda kalau yg menilai gay atau yg menilai straight.

    gue kenal biseksual yang memang merasa komplit dengan satu gender saja, jadi mau ngga mau argumen lo patah. lo bisa cari berjubel di reddit, pengakuan di thought catalog, blog orang. gue tidak meniadakan kelompok pertama tapi kok lo meniadakan kelompok kedua hanya karena lo belum pernah ketemu mereka in real life.

  • statement ini memvuat definisi bisexual menjadi kabur :

    " yang gue tolak adalah pernyataan bahwa semua biseksual harus punya cowok dan cewek di saat yang bersamaan."
  • statement ini memvuat definisi bisexual menjadi kabur :

    " yang gue tolak adalah pernyataan bahwa semua biseksual harus punya cowok dan cewek di saat yang bersamaan."
  • Seru ya disini
  • kalau memang karakteristik biseksual itu termasuk harus punya pasangan dari masing-masing gender baru bisa merasa komplit, pasti itu sudah jadi definisi biseksual secara umum. tapi tidak, itu bukan karakteristik biseksual secara umum. but still, i havent found any article about it yet.
  • sepertinya sedari awal, definisi "bisexual" itu beda dari pov jidden dan aname (including me). jadi ya muter2 aja, orang definisinya aja udah beda
  • sepertinya sedari awal, definisi "bisexual" itu beda dari pov jidden dan aname (including me). jadi ya muter2 aja, orang definisinya aja udah beda
  • gue wrote:
    debatnya kan berlarut-larut karena ada poin lain yang dikesampingkan. komitmen di awal suatu hubungan itu naturenya gimana. kalau dia pacaran sama cowok dan mau monogamous, ya sudah pacarannya sama cowok itu aja. kalau memang menyadari bahwa dia butuh punya pacar cowok dan cewek, ya bilang di awal, ga bisa monogami.
    lu wrote:
    I've already mention about that commitment with gay hetero marriage as an example but you failed to understand. And now you want to bring it up again. Why? Maybe because understanding is not what you're looking for.

    gue paham, nature gay yg menikah dalam heteromarriage itu akan balik lagi cari cowok. tapi jangan ngaku-ngaku biseksual. kalau udah komitmen ya komitmen, konsekuensinya dia bohongin istrinya. the clueless wife is a person too. bukan cuma gay yg terpaksa menikah yang harus kita pahami, istrinya yg terseret dalam pernikahan dengan seorang gay apalagi lakinya masih suka cari cowok, emang lo gak bisa paham?
  • @fadlifadlan karena memang biseksual secara umum definisinya berhenti hanya pada bagian: ketertarikan (sexually/romantically) pada baik cowok MAUPUN cewek.

    nggak ada kelanjutannya tuh bahwa dia harus tertarik dan menjalani kehidupannya dengan cowo DAN cewek di saat yang bersamaan.
  • edited September 2015
    Bisexuals have to date both men and women?

    It's compulsory is it, dating? Some of us are in happy relationships with one partner, others have multiple relationships, or are polyamorous, and some swap to dating the other sex whenever their current fling ends. Some bisexuals are happily married and raising children. Some bisexuals are single, some are celibate. You do not need to have ever had sex to be bisexual. Some bisexuals enjoy casual sex, others don’t' have sex outside committed relationships.
    Some bisexuals do date more than one partner at a time, and some of those are "men and women", but being bisexual doesn't mean you are obliged to do that.
    Bisexuality isn't about who you have sex with, or who you're in a relationship with. It's just about you - and the genders you are attracted to.

    source :
  • 1. teori "komitment" mu itu sifatnya lemah, semisal "ok… gw gay nih… ok ok… tapi gw mau bikin komitmen, mo hidup ma pere, kagak mau ma lekong, kapok cyin…" (a gay guy will seek another guy even he's married, the same way a bisexual in general)

    2. poin 2, ada satu sisi yg lupa dipahami bahwa bisexsual itu sendiri (ternyata) masih ada jenis2nya.

    i found this

    " Myth # 4: "To be bisexual you have to love both genders equally."
    Identifying as bisexual does not set a limit as to how attracted one must feel towards either gender. There is no defined cut off point at which one must cease to identify as bisexual and must identify as gay/lesbian or straight because of a shift in attractions. Most bisexuals do not f eel equally attracted to both genders on a sexual and emotional levels and experience shifts in attraction levels to either genders.* Some bisexuals are not attracted to a gender per se, but are instead attracted to the person's personality or various other attributes and take note of gender afterwards, if at all. In these cases gender does not really come into play."

    on the article i found that there are some kind of bisexual.means, we are talking about different person.

    however, in general, a bisexual has the need to both gender. this is the basic meaning of bisexual. (yg diributin dari tadi).

    so, kesimpulan kamu "ada bisex yg bisa hanya bersama dg satu pasangan" itu meragukan. (kudu penelitian dulu). lebih ke nalar aja, namanya bisex butuh kenti butuh meki. klo gak brarti bukan bisex.
  • 1. teori "komitment" mu itu sifatnya lemah, semisal "ok… gw gay nih… ok ok… tapi gw mau bikin komitmen, mo hidup ma pere, kagak mau ma lekong, kapok cyin…" (a gay guy will seek another guy even he's married, the same way a bisexual in general)

    2. poin 2, ada satu sisi yg lupa dipahami bahwa bisexsual itu sendiri (ternyata) masih ada jenis2nya.

    i found this

    " Myth # 4: "To be bisexual you have to love both genders equally."
    Identifying as bisexual does not set a limit as to how attracted one must feel towards either gender. There is no defined cut off point at which one must cease to identify as bisexual and must identify as gay/lesbian or straight because of a shift in attractions. Most bisexuals do not f eel equally attracted to both genders on a sexual and emotional levels and experience shifts in attraction levels to either genders.* Some bisexuals are not attracted to a gender per se, but are instead attracted to the person's personality or various other attributes and take note of gender afterwards, if at all. In these cases gender does not really come into play."

    on the article i found that there are some kind of bisexual.means, we are talking about different person.

    however, in general, a bisexual has the need to both gender. this is the basic meaning of bisexual. (yg diributin dari tadi).

    so, kesimpulan kamu "ada bisex yg bisa hanya bersama dg satu pasangan" itu meragukan. (kudu penelitian dulu). lebih ke nalar aja, namanya bisex butuh kenti butuh meki. klo gak brarti bukan bisex.
  • Are All Bisexuals Polyamorous?
    I am! My wife is! The men we date are! But, no. No, no no. Not all bisexuals are polyamorous. I wish.

    You see, my wife and I have been dating bi men together, with the intention of finding "a third," a mutual husband. The number of attractive eligible guys who would be interested but who are monogamous and therefore uninterested in a couple is staggering. It's discouraging for us. But for the other monogamous folks out there, it's good news.

    Variety is the spice of life, right? Bi folks come in all shapes and sizes. In monogamous and poly. I have many bi friends who are as true to their monogamous partners as any. If I could turn them to the dark side, I would. BELIEVE ME. ;)

    I'm bisexual and NOT polyamorous. I can't even imagine that kind of lifestyle. When I think of having to split my time as a lover between my husband and someone else, I know I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. I don't want to share my husband, and he definitely doesn't want to share me.

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am bisexual and very much monogamous. I have read tons on the topic of polyamory and I don't personally believe in polyamory or open relationships. I feel that if you are in a "committed" relationship, the focus should be on continuously strengthening that relationship, not adding extra players. "RelationSHIPS sink when there are too many passengers"
    For me, physical monogamy and emotional monogamy go hand in hand.


  • however, in general, a bisexual has the need to both gender. this is the basic meaning of bisexual. (yg diributin dari tadi).

    basic meaning dari pemahaman lo atau basic meaning secara kolektif berterima umum? kalau kolektif, artikelnya mana? @fadlifadlan
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