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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Final Miss World 2013 (Lanjut Miss Universe 2013 page 18)



  • Bukan In My Homo Opinion ya mas @ron89 ?? :))
  • Hmpft, itu mah jij mas @andhi90 hha.
  • Well, Let's just enjoy the show,right?
    Si pembuat acara juga ga minta apa2 kan dari pemirsa buat bikin acara ini toh? Take it simple. But for sure, those bunch of fake religious ppl are so not eligible to abort this event with their their little-minded opinions.
  • edited September 2013
    1. Bikini contest is removed as Indonesia is the host.
    2. If people consider that picture as porn then that's what i call little-minded, normal? Ofc! But this is not pornstar parade.
    3. I myself describe them as perfectly beautiful. Their physically beautiful, smart, behaved and dedicated for their countries.
    4. How far have you given or sacrificed for this country btw? :)) @marybloodyhell
  • Emmm... Miss World ini yang katanya tuan rumah punya jatah jadi pemenang yah? :D
  • @all: emang benar jg, yg harus d utamain itu 3B, Beauty, Brain, & Behavior, emang udh d sepakati klo d adain d Indonesia, tdk akan ada kontes bikini, d ganti sm busana khas indonesia... Boleh debat, tp jgn smpe pd berantem ya... Hargain perbedaan, keep calm, cool & peace... ;)
  • Iyalah, debat yg sehat aja. jgn bawa2 agama tertentu. lagian ga ada yg berargumen ttg pornografi. dan masalah berkorban utk negara sama mewakili negara itu 2 hal yg berbeda ya.

    Gw sih personally tertarik liat keberjalanan acaranya ntar, denger2 memang bikini d hapus tapi beach contest tetep ada, pake beachwear yg lebih modest. Well, d liat aja respons ny nanti seperti apa.
  • Well answered, well explained :) those pictures explain more there's always a fail or mistake in process. If anyone judge them just because of their body and think it's the bad part then poor them! They don't know what they don't know. So,the point is i see more benefits rather than losses here. Mother Theresa, Angela Merkel, Suu Kyi or Lady Di or Oprah Winfrey are undoubtedly princess and queens but they aren't come out of this kind of competition as the great ones. This is purely competition, that's what makes them different in views, level and values regardless of any opinions out there but for me, they're all specials in different ways.
  • ron89 wrote: »
    Win win solution nya, mgkn bikini contest nya bisa diganti jadi hijab/mukena/sarong/pashmina contest.

    Pada Miss World 2013 nanti, swimsuit contest emg ga diadain, diganti dgn peragaan pakaian adat tradisional Indonesia. Itu menurut berita yg saya dengar :)
  • edited September 2013
  • Haha, jawabannya sederhana sebenernya. MU itu kan yg ngadain yayasan nya Donald Trump, businessman ulung. Profit, profit, and profit. Ya tujuannya apalagi kalo bukan cari rating share kan? Sama juga MW seperti itu. Hence, byk opini beredar ada jatah utk tuan rumah, biar audience yg terserap makin byk.

    Pernah merasa aneh ga kenapa ada 2 kontes kecantikan dgn taraf dunia MU dan MW? Jadi terkesan redundan kan.

    Dan FYI, daya tarik utama dari acara ini itu swimsuit contest nya. Bukan rahasia lagi kalo yg nonton acara ni pasti yg d tunggu2 ya bagian itu, sama kayak binan nungguin acara Mr Universe ya yg d tunggu2 juga itunya, ato sesi catwalk topless LOTY deh, nafas acaranya d situ.

    Pernah gw baca artikel penyelenggara MW yg menghapus swimsuit contest tahun ini, dia blg utk menghargai tuan rumah. Toh, d penyelenggaraan berikutnya bisa tetep d adakan, jadi utk long run ga terlalu bermasalah utk profit acara. *karena profit/rating share tahun ini d khawatirkan turun gara2 banned swimsuit contest*

    Jgn sampe isu sepele gini memecah belah masyarakat. Enjoy aja.
  • And then, Let's just see and watch,shall we? :) why would it be so busy about honors and appreciation for those who eligible? They all had each proportional portions already. It's a dynamic world. You have the balls, you nail it. Donald Trumps maybe. :D
  • i guess sometimes people take it the wrong way, that wearing a revealing dress and embracing your sexiness instantly makes you an open minded person. thats not how the things going on.

    it's not that way. This country has already adjusted this event to be fit to held here by removing a risky contest,swimsuit. Another place another culture another tradition. Or some people are just too conservative.
  • Kadang2 tidak perlu menggunakan bahasa asing kalo dgn bahasa lokal saja bisa jadi lebih mudah d pahami maknanya oleh para pembaca.

    Sama kayak kontestan beauty pageant yg maksa pake bahasa asing tapi malah mengundang tawa.
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