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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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  • mana lagi nih kokology-nya? :D
  • Ini trit bagus nih, up
  • Mulai dari awal lagi yuk!!!
    Draw a four figure.
    Stare at the four figure. Now, what shape first comes up in your mind between the four? Be honest with yourself.

    The square represents smart people. You are a rationale thinker, it's important to you to first look at the every angle of the situation before making a decision. Square people works best on doing a project alone tho, they can also work in a group. They are the quite people, or the observer in the group. They don't easily trust people, they tend to know more about someone and when they gain enough knowledge about him its when they only decide whether to trust or not. Square people are the best lover.

    Trianglepeople are the born leader. They can easily gain the trust of the crowd. They are the type of people who loves challenges, and most likely competitive among everything. This type of people most of the time has a footprints in their life, they already have their own organized future plan. Triangle people are a good listners,thats how they make everyone trust them. They tend to bring unity to everyone. Sometimes they can be like dectator but, it can only happens when they think that there is a need of discipline among the group. This people are the best people to be friends with.

    Zigzag. The immature ones they are called the immature ones because they are the type of a person who always act like a child among the groups. Unlike the triangle persons, they are more open to adventure where they always want to be in the place they don't expect. They are more artistic and expressive and they are not afriad of mistakes. Sometimes they get easilly confuse on their goals and become distracted with other things that catches their attention living the work sometimes undone or poorly done. Zigzag persons may be immature when it comes to decisions but when it comes to loving someone, they are the one who understands more than the other...

    Circle.* you may find it goofy but it id based on research and psychological facts* circle people are the norms person. They are the most common type of the bunch. They go where the season goes or whats on trend. Most of the time circle people are the sex thinkers they tend to thinks more about sex than the other three. Circle person also loves doing habitual pattern everyday. They are more on indoor persons and the member of the squad of the new generation where technology is just a norms.
  • lealea
    edited January 2016

    To help the reader understand what kind of personality he/ she wouldn't want to be with the most.

    You are in the middle of the forest on your way to the road. You heard something on your way and you saw this animal. * choose 1 only*
    A. Duck
    B. Dear
    C. Lion
    E. Snake
    F. Rabbit
    G. Pig
    H. Owl
    I. Wolf
    J. Frog
    K. Monkey

    The following animals represents the several characteristic that the persons who answer this question would tend to avoid the most during the time they are trying to make their way to success.

    A. Duckrepresents persons who only knew how to promise without doing what they ought. Duck person can also be the noisy person thats why they are mostly get avoided by others because of their words.

    B. Dear, sometimes people tend to hate someone who are so nice to them. Dear are the most nicest characteristic a person would want to avoid. The reason why those person would want to avoid the this kind of characteristic? Because they dont want to be indebted with gratitude.

    C. Lion, people avoid the characteristic of lion such as exercising his superiority to others. * sometimes called bullying but not most of the time. Most lion persons tend to bully others without even realizing it* some people avoid this kind of persons because of the fear that they might be the one who will be subject to be the lions target of bullying.

    E. Snake, the back fighter. Most of the persons who answer this questions tends to answer the snake as first animals they would think, they would see in the forest. The reason why is that most people hate to be back stab. They tend to avoid if they know someone who has history of it. If you think you saw this animal in the forrest, be careful. You might had it someone among your friends.

    F. Rabbit, the player. someone who plays with peoples feeling is totally the type of person you wouldn't want to get along with. Specially if you are a girl. But it doesn't really matter if the player is a boy or a girl, people will still try to avoid this type of persons. Nobody wants to be played with their feelings right? But the trick is, rabbit persons looks good without any trace of being a real player. They tend to act like innocent in front of everyone.

    G. Pig, the rich kids. She/he can make superman run for his/her money. If you're in the point of having nothing, the you wouldn't want to be with someone who wouldn't care how much she would waste just to get the things they want. Not all rich kids are like that but people who sees' pig would like avoid this type of persons. Its' also in the nature of the pig to be a brat and spoiled.

    H. Owl, the party animals. They are the kids who loves the night life. The kids who loves tequila, wine and vodkas. These kids are always accompanied by trouble.

    I. Wolf, the opportunist. One of the avoidable persons in the list. These type of persons tends to be nice when he/she wants something from you. He/she will sometimes try to stab you from behind by spreading a rumor when you're not around.

    J. Frog,the failure whisperer. They are the one who whispers all the failures you will have and ignores all the success you've achieved. They are everywhere and most likely the persons you want to avoid but you can't because they really are EVERYWHERE.

    K. Monkey, the cozener. Someone who will trick you just to be above you. Your competitor, he is the one who always want to bring competition within your circle. Be careful with this type of person, a little competition is healthy for both of you but sometimes this type of persons tends to cheat on you just to win the game.

    Not all the characteristic will match the type of person you want to avoid please bear with the limited technical skills of the writer. The writer wants to give you more situations that will deeply help you to understand yourselves be patient as she tries to do more research and connects it with situations.. Votes, comments and corrections will be deeply appreciated by the writer...
    Truly yours,
  • pakek basa endonesa aja kak :confused:
  • jeje00 wrote: »
    pakek basa endonesa aja kak :confused:

    Bahasa inggris nya jg bahasa inggris sederhana, mudah dimengerti. Bukan bahasa Inggris Scientists, yg njelimet.
    Sekalian belajar hehe
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