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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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X Factor Indonesia



  • @yeltz bisa terjemahin gak
    yeltz wrote: »
    @ron89 don't u understand my words? Is that what u call methaphorical statement? Well,improve urself then. I don't buy ur cheap words,as u call 'sarcasm-methaporical' :)) unless u put a better one,i'll appreciate it a bit :) . And obviously,you are the one stupid,silly asshole!. So,STFU :)) I have no rights? I spoke the proven facts,. Btw,ur joke is poorly dry. Learn more. :))

  • walaupun bagus+ryan jumat lusa kemarin pake celana ketat, tapi tetep yang keliatan 'Besar',punyanya c'bagus.
  • Tony_A wrote: »
    yeltz wrote: »
    i really wait for the time Fatin busted out. Sorry for those Fatin's fans,what a fail she is!

    Me too! I dislike her, si Gadis Saritilawah itu.. heran knp bnyk yg suka pdhl suaranya kyk gitu ._.
    Anyway gue dukungnya Novita Dewi & Shena, hope they're in the final 2

  • edited March 2013
    @yeltz i called it metaphorical because i actually know who your idol is, i called it sarcasm because i know, but pretended to not know, in order 2 criticized u. was it that hard 4 u to understand?

    and what kind of facts were you yapping about? subjectively constructed and ill mannered facts? grow up dude...

    and btw tw*t is a very RUDE word to say about some1, i think u need 2 get detention or something from your elementary teacher, oh wait youre NOT even in elementary, is it KINDERGARTEN then? judging from your attitude? lame...
  • ron89 wrote: »
    @yeltz i called it metaphorical because i actually know who your idol is, i called it sarcasm because i know, but pretended to not know, in order 2 criticized u. was it that hard 4 u to understand?

    and what kind of facts were you yapping about? subjectively constructed and ill mannered facts? grow up dude...

    and btw tw*t is a very RUDE word to say about some1, i think u need 2 get detention or something from your elementary teacher, oh wait youre NOT even in elementary, is it KINDERGARTEN than? judging from your attitude? lame...

    he.em bro @ron89 , saya suka gaya kamu.
    berpendapat boleh.
    tapi jgn sampai ngeHINA yg lain.

    heran deh. kenapa suka sirik sih @yeltz ?
  • yeltz wrote: »
    For those who against me, just say it straightly to me. Don't fizzle like a pregnant lady,remember! you are a guy :)) :))

    terus ?
  • yeltz wrote: »
    lagi2 Fatin ngebikin Xfactor jadi eneg! Ga ada specialnya sama sekali astaga -_-
    yeltz wrote: »
    Agus sangat memikat malam ini :) i voted u agus!

    tapi dia dah out.
    faktor lucky dan kharisma itu penting.
  • dukung abang host'nya aja yang kece... <3robbypurba
  • @ron89 *yawn* again,u said something u don't clearly understand. It's over bitch,my words are not ur concern. Beside,i dont know u and i dont need to. So,just shut up douchebag! :))
  • edited March 2013
    @yeltz in hell would i want 2 know u too. well u give up then? how typical of a kindergarten brat... go sulk 2 ur mumsy 4 all i care
  • @lee- u don't understand my words? Hahaha :)) too bad.
  • @ron89 bitch pls,don't get smart. U never understand why i said that one is stupid. Thats the first! Im not loosing my argument with u.
  • @yeltz i dont need 2 know ur reason, just calling anyone stupid is so very low. what? ure missing any of ur toys so u get upset and start calling people names? behave ok brat, then maybe ur mumsy will give u one...
  • yeltz wrote: »
    @lee- u don't understand my words? Hahaha :)) too bad.

    iya ngomong pake pake bhs org ga punya sopan santun.
    km kan katanya smart, pilih bhs yg smart juga deh.
    biar sama2 seru baca nya.
    pilih kata yg tidak nyinggung orang lain.
    ngapain ala2 english tapi ngatain orang.....

    go shena go....

    novita de_winner.....

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