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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
anw gue sempet kepikiran juga gimana kalo si Big Mom tiba tiba join sama Aliansi SHP buat jatohin si Kaidou. then gue juga pernah kepikiran kalo si Shanks juga tiba tiba dateng pas Aliansi SHP vs Kaidou.
btw menurut gue suku Mink ini kuat bgt ya mereka bisa nahan pasukan Jack gitu. pas di anime episode 753, waktu kemunculan Pedro pertama kali, itu suku Mink udah ngepung Luffy dan pas mereka disuruh mundur sama Wanda, gils lah pada kenceng bgt pergerakan mereka. wkwkwkwek
penasaran juga apakah nanti aliansi SHP yg kebentuk pasca ngalahin doffy yg jumlahnya 5600 itu bakalan ikut tempur juga apa enggak lawan Kaidou.
penasaran juga sama sisa aliansi Shirohige yang bakal dijemput sama Nekomamushi.
bakal rame bgt ini mah ya. Peperangan terbesar abad ini. wwkwkwkke
Cover story is about a wedding in the deserted island. Shanks reads a newspaper in front of a church.
This is the final cover story about "500 million berry guy" series.
Cracker stands up slowly.
Luffy gives him Kong Gun again, which crushes Cracker, but from inside his body,the true Cracker appears.
Cracker praises Luffy for destroying his armor. He ate Bis Bis DF (Biscuit Biscuit). He can produces infinite biscuits and manipulates them.
He made his fake face from biscuits. Even the face on his bounty poster is just an armor, not himself.
Cracker produces many Biscuit soldiers, which is the same as Luffy was fighting.
Actually the soldier Luffy defeated turns out to be just a single soldier that Cracker can produces infinitely.
He asks Luffy if he understands why Cracker told him that he can no longer meet Sanji. But Luffy denies.
In the meantime, Nami shows Vivre card and asks Homies who they are afraid of more between Cracker and Big Mom.
Homies answer they are afraid of Nami most. lol
Meanwhile in the world of mirror,
Chopper tells Carrot to call him "Big brother Chopper" since he comes up with a great idea to take advantage of Brulee's devil fruit power. He says the world of mirror is connected with the mirrors in Whole Cake Island.
[In the next morning]
Big Mom asks if the wedding cake has arrived or not. Her subordinate answers that it will arrive tomorrow.
Ichiji and Niji appears at the port in Whole Cake Island.
Niji (Thunderbolt Blue) complains that Sanji doesn't welcome him at the port. Ichiji (Sparking Red) tells him not to complain.
Break next week.
Nah kan bener si Cracker belom kalah!!
Males translate.
Ga bisa bahasa Inggris, salahmu dhewe
Gorosei pernah negor akainu tentang Kuzan yang gabung Kurohige....
#nimbrung xD
Menteri biskuit ya?
Tapi apa sih yang ga bisa dari pemeran utama. Di seri sebelumnya, Luffy udah teler aja bangkit lagi wkwkwkwkw Jangan2 emang Luffy ngalahin cracker biar cepet episodenya. kan anak mama kan banyak
Btw, yang ngalahin Jack Mammoth itu siapa ya? Tsuru, Fujitora apa si Budha? Jangan2 nenek Tsuru, soalnya Doflamingo aja takut bener
ya kali ah, Jack bisa ngalahin petinggi angkatan laut. Jack sih menurutku nekat menghadang angkatan laut yang membawa mingo. akhirnya ya kalah/mundur.
Tapi Banana dan Hiruma san, Jack the mamoth kan nekad cegat Kapal angkatan laut yg bawa minggo sebelum balik ke Zou, terus kalah. baru dia serang Zou lagi, terus tenggelam dan selamat lagi.
Bener tuh kata Sinjai san, akhirnya kalah/mundur. tapi yg ngalahin siapa? soalnya kapal jack kan tenggelem tuh. Apa mungkin itu kekuatan Tsuru? Atau Budha? atau Fujitora? Gila aja lawan orang tiga itu...