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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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AltRock,Punk,Rock,Indie, Emo,Electro,Shoegaze MUSIC ONLY



  • huhu jd ngomongin buku..

    smentara gw ga nyari musik baru dl d. nikmatin yg baru2 ini gw download dl. sm nostalgia baby spice nanti... hehe..

    bicara buku dulu aja, toh nih thread dah berasa bener2 private. huhu.

    klo bicara buku gay impor, nich penerbit khusus buku2 LGBT:

    ad juga penulis baru cerita erotis LGBT, pengarang Diplomacy.

    do'i cewe loh, tp nulis cerita erotis gayny mantep bgt. d blogny dy ad post cerita bersambung yg judulny 'snippets of an affair'. bagus d ceritany, gratisss lagii.


    Jack Christensen has everything he ever wanted. He's a rising star in US Diplomacy, the youngest man to have been appointed as an Ambassador of the United States. A career diplomat who's just been sent to a politically interesting Embassy in Europe, he has the perfect wife, speaks five languages and has all the right credentials, yet there's something missing and he doesn't quite know what. Then Lucas Carlton walks into an Embassy reception and introduces himself and his American fiancée. From the first handshake, the young Englishman makes an impression on Jack that leaves him confused and uncharacteristically insecure. Lucas' position as the British liaison to the American Embassy means they are forced to work together closely and they have a hard time denying the attraction between them, despite their current relationships. When their women decide to go on a weekend trip together, Jack and Lucas start a passionate relationship, which continues long after their partners return. Diplomatic circles are notoriously conservative though, and they each know that the right woman by their side makes a very significant contribution to their success. Will they be able to make the right choices in their professional and personal lives? Or will they need to sacrifice one for the other?
  • hm..satu hal yg dipikiran gw...abis baca sinopsis di atas...
    kok mirip sama buku yg gw lagi baca cuma garis besar awalnya si...The Choice nya Nicholas Sparks

    The Choice


    Travis Parker has everything a man could want: a good job, loyal friends, even a waterfront home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life -- boating, swimming, and regular barbecues with his good-natured buddies -- he holds the vague conviction that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style. That is, until Gabby Holland moves in next door. Despite his attempts to be neighborly, the appealing redhead seems to have a chip on her shoulder about him...and the presence of her longtime boyfriend doesn't help. Despite himself, Travis can't stop trying to ingratiate himself with his new neighbor, and his persistent efforts lead them both to the doorstep of a journey that neither could have foreseen. Spanning the eventful years of young love, marriage and family, The Choice ultimately confronts us with the most heartwrenching question of all: how far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?

    hahaha..kalo tadi elo novel gay ini
    tapi kok gw sendiri ga begitu suka yah sama novel gay..secara critanya pasti mirip2...

    ga ada obrolan musik untuk hari ini yah...terasa jadi bukan thread musik.... :roll:
  • bener juga, sinopsisny mirip... :? :? :?

    tp klo dr isinya gw ga tau d. yg pasti mnurut gw diplomacy bagus bgt d. ya gw jg pengalaman baca novel gay belom banyak, jd blm bisa bandingin. makany sebelom beli jg gw baca2 review org2 yg dah beli d amazon. panjang bgt wish list gw...


    Without Reservations (Paperback)
    by J. L. Langley (Creator)

    Product Description
    Sometimes love just catches you by the tail. Chayton Winston is a veterinarian. He is also a werewolf. Much to his Native American parent's chagrin, he has always dreamed of a fair-haired, Caucasian mate. However, he never imagined his mate would be male. As a heterosexual man, he's not quite sure what to do with a male mate, but more than willing to find out. Keaton Reynolds wakes up, in wolf form, and finds himself with a mate. He's instantly attracted, but not so thrilled to find out the man is straight. Having been in a relationship once before where his partner professed to be "Not gay" left a bad taste in his mouth. Keaton wants to make a break for it and pretend he never set eyes on Chay-but Chay is not ready to let him go. Together the two work to solidify their shaky relationship and battle the prejudices against homosexuals. Chay must deal with not only his mother's prejudices against gay men but also her hatred of white people. When a power struggle in Keaton's pack threatens Keaton's life, the two men learn to depend on one another and their relationship to get them through it. Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, violence and hot man-love.

    klo ini sih gw yakin ga mungkin 'begitu2 aja' ceritanya...

    911 (Paperback)
    by Chris Owen (Author)

    Drew is a fireman who loves the rush and is looking for a roommate to share costs. Scott is a doctor looking for somewhere to live that isn’t with his now ex-lover. The match seems more than perfect when Scott moves in and it’s more than just costs that they share. So what happens when along comes EMT Eric with his blond good looks and boyish smile? Will this twosome be able to become a threesome or does it spell disaster for all?

    klo yg ini kayany liar banget d... baca sinopsisny aja horny gw... hahahaha.

    The Province of Hope (Paperback)
    by Mark Lee Kirchmeier (Author) 20$

    Johnny Verliebt is a young man with many lives. One is that of a college student from an affluent suburban family; the other is one of sleepless nights and racing thoughts that can only be quieted by alcohol and drugs. Soon after Johnny falls in love with a young medical student named Robert, he suffers a psychotic breakdown and begins life with bipolar affective disorder. Believing that he is unable to care for himself and that his only hope for survival lies with Robert, he abandons Texas for a new life with his mentor in Boston. But Johnny learns that Robert may be unwilling to sacrifice a life of respectability for love, even if it means losing his troubled but alluring protégé. Returning home, Johnny is struggling to understand his existence through writing when he meets Matt, a precocious working class boy about to enter college. As Johnny begins his first novel, The Province of Hope, he embarks on a difficult journey towards trust, love, and the possibility that he can rebuild his broken heart and mind.

    klo yg ini cerita psikologis gitu, bukan roman.

    klo lo minat beli, gw saranin untuk awalny mending beli yg kumpulan cerpen macem 'best gay romance 2008'. ceritany banyak n beda2, penulisny juga otomatis beda2 jadi gaya penulisan jg beda2. fresh banget.
  • levine wrote:
    bener juga, sinopsisny mirip... :? :? :?

    tp klo dr isinya gw ga tau d. yg pasti mnurut gw diplomacy bagus bgt d. ya gw jg pengalaman baca novel gay belom banyak, jd blm bisa bandingin. makany sebelom beli jg gw baca2 review org2 yg dah beli d amazon. panjang bgt wish list gw...


    Without Reservations (Paperback)
    by J. L. Langley (Creator)

    Product Description
    Sometimes love just catches you by the tail. Chayton Winston is a veterinarian. He is also a werewolf. Much to his Native American parent's chagrin, he has always dreamed of a fair-haired, Caucasian mate. However, he never imagined his mate would be male. As a heterosexual man, he's not quite sure what to do with a male mate, but more than willing to find out. Keaton Reynolds wakes up, in wolf form, and finds himself with a mate. He's instantly attracted, but not so thrilled to find out the man is straight. Having been in a relationship once before where his partner professed to be "Not gay" left a bad taste in his mouth. Keaton wants to make a break for it and pretend he never set eyes on Chay-but Chay is not ready to let him go. Together the two work to solidify their shaky relationship and battle the prejudices against homosexuals. Chay must deal with not only his mother's prejudices against gay men but also her hatred of white people. When a power struggle in Keaton's pack threatens Keaton's life, the two men learn to depend on one another and their relationship to get them through it. Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, violence and hot man-love.

    klo ini sih gw yakin ga mungkin 'begitu2 aja' ceritanya...

    911 (Paperback)
    by Chris Owen (Author)

    Drew is a fireman who loves the rush and is looking for a roommate to share costs. Scott is a doctor looking for somewhere to live that isn’t with his now ex-lover. The match seems more than perfect when Scott moves in and it’s more than just costs that they share. So what happens when along comes EMT Eric with his blond good looks and boyish smile? Will this twosome be able to become a threesome or does it spell disaster for all?

    klo yg ini kayany liar banget d... baca sinopsisny aja horny gw... hahahaha.

    The Province of Hope (Paperback)
    by Mark Lee Kirchmeier (Author) 20$

    Johnny Verliebt is a young man with many lives. One is that of a college student from an affluent suburban family; the other is one of sleepless nights and racing thoughts that can only be quieted by alcohol and drugs. Soon after Johnny falls in love with a young medical student named Robert, he suffers a psychotic breakdown and begins life with bipolar affective disorder. Believing that he is unable to care for himself and that his only hope for survival lies with Robert, he abandons Texas for a new life with his mentor in Boston. But Johnny learns that Robert may be unwilling to sacrifice a life of respectability for love, even if it means losing his troubled but alluring protégé. Returning home, Johnny is struggling to understand his existence through writing when he meets Matt, a precocious working class boy about to enter college. As Johnny begins his first novel, The Province of Hope, he embarks on a difficult journey towards trust, love, and the possibility that he can rebuild his broken heart and mind.

    klo yg ini cerita psikologis gitu, bukan roman.

    klo lo minat beli, gw saranin untuk awalny mending beli yg kumpulan cerpen macem 'best gay romance 2008'. ceritany banyak n beda2, penulisny juga otomatis beda2 jadi gaya penulisan jg beda2. fresh banget.

    hm...pilihan lo yg 1&2 itu sempat kepikiran si waktu beberapa hari lalu gw search ...tapi ntar ntar aja aku lebih histeris bli cd/dvd daripada buku...kalo udah baca baru kaish tau bagus apa ga...
    emang dah pesen??
  • thanks emmanya.

    gw mesen d bukabuku cd deluxeny keane sama komik batman, dark victory. buku2 itu setelahny d. tuh 2 item aja totalny dah 502.500....

    tp gw paling penasaran sm yg province of hope, coverny keren bgt. tp bukuny dah out of stock...m147.gif
  • levine wrote:
    thanks emmanya.

    gw mesen d bukabuku cd deluxeny keane sama komik batman, dark victory. buku2 itu setelahny d. tuh 2 item aja totalny dah 502.500....

    tp gw paling penasaran sm yg province of hope, coverny keren bgt. tp bukuny dah out of stock...m147.gif

    haha gila abis banyak... gw juga mo pesen ntar aja kalo urasan gw kelasr...abis pengeluaran bulan kemarin gila banyak banget...
    soalnya yg mo gw pesen kebanyakan cd yg limited... :roll:
  • nowaytosay wrote:
    levine wrote:
    thanks emmanya.

    gw mesen d bukabuku cd deluxeny keane sama komik batman, dark victory. buku2 itu setelahny d. tuh 2 item aja totalny dah 502.500....

    tp gw paling penasaran sm yg province of hope, coverny keren bgt. tp bukuny dah out of stock...m147.gif

    haha gila abis banyak... gw juga mo pesen ntar aja kalo urasan gw kelasr...abis pengeluaran bulan kemarin gila banyak banget...
    soalnya yg mo gw pesen kebanyakan cd yg limited... :roll:

    gw si smentara itu dulu d. masalahny klo nunggu2 lagi bs gawat, rupiah lg ga stabil, n gw sm skali ga mau ambil resiko nunnguin ampe rupiah stabil, yg ada malah nilainy turun terus, harga buku2 n cdny jd loncat tinggi. untuk skrg si itu dulu yg mang gw dah ngebet. klo buku2 gay n cd2 laenny tar aja d.

    makan dulu ya, lg makan siang niy d kantor. tar slesai makan gw msti nyetorin duit k BCA, rekeningny bukabuku.
  • levine wrote:
    nowaytosay wrote:
    levine wrote:
    thanks emmanya.

    gw mesen d bukabuku cd deluxeny keane sama komik batman, dark victory. buku2 itu setelahny d. tuh 2 item aja totalny dah 502.500....

    tp gw paling penasaran sm yg province of hope, coverny keren bgt. tp bukuny dah out of stock...m147.gif

    haha gila abis banyak... gw juga mo pesen ntar aja kalo urasan gw kelasr...abis pengeluaran bulan kemarin gila banyak banget...
    soalnya yg mo gw pesen kebanyakan cd yg limited... :roll:

    gw si smentara itu dulu d. masalahny klo nunggu2 lagi bs gawat, rupiah lg ga stabil, n gw sm skali ga mau ambil resiko nunnguin ampe rupiah stabil, yg ada malah nilainy turun terus, harga buku2 n cdny jd loncat tinggi. untuk skrg si itu dulu yg mang gw dah ngebet. klo buku2 gay n cd2 laenny tar aja d.

    makan dulu ya, lg makan siang niy d kantor. tar slesai makan gw msti nyetorin duit k BCA, rekeningny bukabuku.

    makanya rasanya nunggu stabil dulu...kalo emang lama stabilnya yah beli waktu rupiah termurah.....hore menghabiskan duit lagi.... :roll:
  • duit itu emang gunanya ya buat d foya2in.... huaahahahahahahahahahah

    ....hhhhh... now what... i'm out of topic...
  • levine wrote:
    duit itu emang gunanya ya buat d foya2in.... huaahahahahahahahahahah

    ....hhhhh... now what... i'm out of topic...

    iyah nih udah 2 halaman out of gbr gbr aja ...
  • setelah membaca topik 'cara menghadapi krisis ekonomi 2008', gw merasa keputusan gw untuk beli buku n cd impor sekarang adalah tepat.

    ...tepat ga sih?...


  • levine wrote:
    setelah membaca topik 'cara menghadapi krisis ekonomi 2008', gw merasa keputusan gw untuk beli buku n cd impor sekarang adalah tepat.

    ...tepat ga sih?...



    selama itu menyengkan diri dan duit masih ada...
    kenapa tidak...... :D
  • edited October 2008
    niy koleksi gw:

    Linkin Park, Minutes To Midnight Special Limited Edition CD+DVD


    Across The Universe DVD & OST






    Dashboard Confessional


    Mocca & Pure Saturday


    Queers!! Rufus Wainwright n gay books


    Yellowcard, Garbage, 30 Seconds To Mars, NIN


    Linkin Park


    Jane Monheit

  • wah itu linkin parknya yg pertama dvd ato booklet? bagus si secara gw ga seberapa suka linkin park...

    oh maksud lo di tata kek gitu toh fotonya ...

    heh dvd sama ostnya accross the universe? emang bagus? waktu aku liat dvdnya kok ngantuk ya akhirnya cuma sempat nonton di awal2 terus ga di terusin...emang bagus??

    keane yg dvdnya bukan kluaran indo ya? ga pernah liat.... :D
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