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Heroes 4th seas0n



  • Heroes Season 03 Episode 02 "The Butterfly Effect"

    Mohinder got heightened senses (not super strength, sorry) but he's got some bone growing in his back also.

    Mark got teleported turned out to be Africa, and he met someone who can see the future

    Nathan become congressman, and Linderman only alive in his minds/sight/whatever, basic point is other people can't see him except Nathan.

    Tracy is look like Nikky, but she is the Icewoman (not Iceman mind you).

    Claire now can't feel pain anymore.

    Sylar attack the Company and killed Bob. Now, Miss Pattrelli is in command of Organization.

    Hiro and Ando set up trap for the world's fastest thief and failed

    ANd the big spoiler is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sylar is Patrelli's brother, oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • q_cept wrote:
    Heroes Season 03 Episodes 01 "The Second Coming"

    Guess who shot Nathan? It's his bro from the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylar got Claire's Power, and we now know how he copied powers from others (he's not eating brain you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Peter's Mom can see future.

    Hiro travel to armageddon and to find his best bud betrayed him and have powers as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nicky is alive!!!!!!!! With different personality manifested in her.

    Lindermen is alive, and he saved Nathan.

    Dr. Suresh injected himself with a serum, and now he has super strength ability. Gee, this is some episodes to see!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kyaaaaaaa pengen nonton... huhuhuhuhu... DVDnya kapan yah keluar?
    Ada nih dari episode 00 sampe episode 02nya. Hehehehehe ,keren abis!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • q_cept wrote:
    q_cept wrote:
    Heroes Season 03 Episodes 01 "The Second Coming"

    Guess who shot Nathan? It's his bro from the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylar got Claire's Power, and we now know how he copied powers from others (he's not eating brain you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Peter's Mom can see future.

    Hiro travel to armageddon and to find his best bud betrayed him and have powers as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nicky is alive!!!!!!!! With different personality manifested in her.

    Lindermen is alive, and he saved Nathan.

    Dr. Suresh injected himself with a serum, and now he has super strength ability. Gee, this is some episodes to see!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kyaaaaaaa pengen nonton... huhuhuhuhu... DVDnya kapan yah keluar?
    Ada nih dari episode 00 sampe episode 02nya. Hehehehehe ,keren abis!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Wah wah wah musti nonton... Hmm.. maen ke rumahmu ah... :oops: :oops:
  • Episode 1 ama 2 nya udah bisa d tonton d you tube, komentar gue...penasaran, bingung, ama kereeeen

    di season tiga, si tim kring kayak nyoba masukin karakter spiderman, iceman ama flash hehehehe

    yang binguungin gue yah, apa sih niki, jessica, ama tracy satu orang atau si niki ama tracy sodara kembar, ato si tracy itu the real dari jessica? huahahahah bingung

    tiba tiba suka ama elle nih gueh, after yang dia lakuin d episode 2 biar nggak jadi korban si sylar, and tiba tiba nyokap kandungnya claire muncul!!! waduuuh bakalan ada kejutan apa yah d ceritanya hihihihihi...gak sabar nunggu

    the best scene dari 2 episode season 3 waktu si claire mua ngerekam dia ketrabak kereta api tapi d selamatin si peter canggih, gue kira yang nyelamatin dia tuh cowok yang bisa terbang dari season 2 ternyata si peter
  • d'batax wrote:
    Episode 1 ama 2 nya udah bisa d tonton d you tube, komentar gue...penasaran, bingung, ama kereeeen

    di season tiga, si tim kring kayak nyoba masukin karakter spiderman, iceman ama flash hehehehe

    yang binguungin gue yah, apa sih niki, jessica, ama tracy satu orang atau si niki ama tracy sodara kembar, ato si tracy itu the real dari jessica? huahahahah bingung

    tiba tiba suka ama elle nih gueh, after yang dia lakuin d episode 2 biar nggak jadi korban si sylar, and tiba tiba nyokap kandungnya claire muncul!!! waduuuh bakalan ada kejutan apa yah d ceritanya hihihihihi...gak sabar nunggu

    the best scene dari 2 episode season 3 waktu si claire mua ngerekam dia ketrabak kereta api tapi d selamatin si peter canggih, gue kira yang nyelamatin dia tuh cowok yang bisa terbang dari season 2 ternyata si peter

    cowo yg bisa terbang di season 2 itu cakep juga ya... hahaha :lol:
  • bulan november udah tayang tuh di star world...
    yang punya tv kabel silahkan nonton...
    tpi masih lama bgt ya...
  • cemawie wrote:
    Promotional pics from Heroes season 3

    kasih tau donk om~~ neh kekuatan supernya apa2 aja...

    aku br nonton~~
  • gyaa ando and hiroooo
    hahahaha sekushii
  • kmrn uda beli eps 1 n 2. tp blom ntn. hehehehe :lol:
  • edited October 2008
    Heroes Season 3 Episode 3 "One of Us, One of Them"

    A boring episode........... nothing too great happen here.

    Sylar is now working with Company, with Noah as partner.
    Hiro chases Daphne to France, only to meet the Jamaican and be held captive in Company.
    Peter now out of Jessy's Body, and taken to see the future by the future Peter.
    Mikah meet Tracy and help her trace her similarity with Nicky (they both born at the same day, same hospital, same doctor, coincidence?)
    Matt is embarking on spirit journey, after meeting the Future-seeing African. He has the same as painter in Season 1, painting the future.
    Claire seems to be leaving her house and embark on journey to "Hurt Bad Guy"
  • Mark?? I think u mean Matt Parkman... The mind reader guy right??
  • heroespromo2.jpg
    peter can learn abilities by just being near people with powers, after that he has the power permanently....
    power paling bullshit sih gue bilang, ngga perlu ngapa2in bisa ngisep trus yg diisep pun powernya ngga berkurang

    sylar musuh bebuyutan, actually ngga punya abilities, tapi karena dia haus kekuatan, dia bunuh dan curi powers dengan doing something dengan otak org yg punya powers sehingga dia bisa koleksi.... mirip peter, tapi dia sadis....

    claire : powersnya self healing, regeneration, ngga bisa mati, tapi ada kelemahan bisa ngerasa sakit dan ngga bakal regen kalo otaknya ketusuk, dan kalo pingsan pun ya pingsan... bisa aja diiket ato gimana gitu, pokoknya lemah dech ni power ngga guna....belakangan dia udah ngga berasa sakit lagi sih, jadi gue rasa dari sini bisa lebih berani kali ni org. Ada karakter lain yg tenaganya kaya di si Adam udah hidup ratusan taun, jadi intinya kita ngga tau si claire bakal mati apa ngga....

    hiro : bisa control waktu, termasuk bisa teleport, karena teorinya controlling time and space....

    noah : ngga ada powers, anggota organisasi yg nangkepin org yg punya abilities, claire itu anak angkatnya...

    nathan : bisa terbang

    tracy: kontrol es, season 1 dan 2 dia itu nikki, tenaganya superstrength, tapi si nikki mati tuch ceritanya dan ini mungkin kembarannya ato clonennya
    cape ah entaran lagi
  • q_cept wrote:
    Heroes Season 3 Episode 3 "One of Us, One of Them"

    A boring episode........... nothing too great happen here.

    Sylar is now working with Company, with Noah as partner.
    Hiro chases Daphne to France, only to meet the Jamaican and be held captive in Company.
    Peter now out of Jessy's Body, and taken to see the future by the future Peter.
    Mikah meet Tracy and help her trace her similarity with Nicky (they both born at the same day, same hospital, same doctor, coincidence?)
    Mark is embarking on spirit journey, after meeting the Future-seeing African. He has the same as painter in Season 1, painting the future.
    Claire seems to be leaving her house and embark on journey to "Hurt Bad Guy" maen dong ke rumah km. Pengen bgt nonton nih.
  • So far sih season 3 ini lebih oke dr season 2 yg juga bagus cuma kurang greget!!

    TOP BGT deh buat creatornya yg bisa aja bikin ceritanya

    anyway, setau gue Niki Sanders itu kekuatannya adalah Multiple Personality, jadi dia bisa ciptain personality baru saat dia terdesak
    Season 1 dan 2 kan udah ada dua tuh personalitynya si jessica sama satu lagi siapa.. lupa gue, masing2 personality kekuatannya beda2
    Nah di season 3 ini kayaknya dia ciptain personality yg punya kemampuan membekukan...ingat kan di season 2 dia terjebak di kebakaran, kalo menurut gue pas kebakaran itu dia bikin personality baru ini

    Paling cool nih si Niki Sanders, kalo bs ciptain personality dgn kekuatan beda2 berarti powernya di unlimited, kelemahannya personality aslinya menghilang barengan dgn munculnya personality baru
  • freshmocca wrote:
    So far sih season 3 ini lebih oke dr season 2 yg juga bagus cuma kurang greget!!

    TOP BGT deh buat creatornya yg bisa aja bikin ceritanya

    anyway, setau gue Niki Sanders itu kekuatannya adalah Multiple Personality, jadi dia bisa ciptain personality baru saat dia terdesak
    Season 1 dan 2 kan udah ada dua tuh personalitynya si jessica sama satu lagi siapa.. lupa gue, masing2 personality kekuatannya beda2
    Nah di season 3 ini kayaknya dia ciptain personality yg punya kemampuan membekukan...ingat kan di season 2 dia terjebak di kebakaran, kalo menurut gue pas kebakaran itu dia bikin personality baru ini

    Paling cool nih si Niki Sanders, kalo bs ciptain personality dgn kekuatan beda2 berarti powernya di unlimited, kelemahannya personality aslinya menghilang barengan dgn munculnya personality baru

    pertama gue kira juga begitu... tapi di episode 3 season 3 kita dikasih liat mayatnya si niki tuch.... dengan tracy yg buka peti mayatnya jadi kayanya ada bbrp versi niki/tracy ini dech yg dibikin. Soalnya dokter yang ngelahirin mrk bilang kalo he "created" them. ni dokter berhasil dibongkar dengan powersnya si micah dari computer....
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