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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Heroes 4th seas0n



  • eh ngmng" pacarnya si claire itu siapa namanya? cakep juga tuh cowo... :lol:
  • uda nntn LOL
  • abxis wrote:
    uda nntn LOL

    uda ntn yg mana? S3? :D
  • abxis wrote:
    uda nntn LOL

    uda ntn yg mana? S3? :D
    ho oh
  • abxis wrote:
    abxis wrote:
    uda nntn LOL

    uda ntn yg mana? S3? :D
    ho oh

    tai kebo, di tv kabel aja blom ada! :lol:
  • abxis wrote:
    abxis wrote:
    uda nntn LOL

    uda ntn yg mana? S3? :D
    ho oh

    kotoran kebo, di tv kabel aja blom ada! :lol:
    idih makana nntn tipi jgn pake kabel :lol: :lol:
  • abxis wrote:
    abxis wrote:
    abxis wrote:
    uda nntn LOL

    uda ntn yg mana? S3? :D
    ho oh

    kotoran kebo, di tv kabel aja blom ada! :lol:
    idih makana nntn tipi jgn pake kabel :lol: :lol:

    mang uda tayang ya? prasaan blom deh. lo ngibul ya??? :twisted:
  • Mulai tayang tar tanggal 20an. sekarang itu ada sneakpeek 15 minutes dari episode pertamanya di ComicTV ato apalah. Kayaknya itu dah yang udah ditonton.
  • hoho.. iya nii gw juga uda ga sabar.. btw,

    niki jadi mati ga seh ama se nathan..


    pdhl gw ngfans bngd tu ama niuki..

    kheren bokzz...

  • wah heroes,,,, dah ga sabar mo nonton,,,, season 2 kemaren terlalu pendek jadi kurang puas,,,,

    moga2 si niki ga mati dia salah satu karakter fav,,,,,,
  • has it come out already? my friends said she has just watched it (just now) but when I searched it in youtube, I cant find it.. :(
    I just found the red carpet interview with a lil of sneak a peek..
    any idea where can I find it? :( :( :(
  • i'm watching it.. season 3: eps 01 and eps 02..
  • Heroes Season 03 Episodes 01 "The Second Coming"

    Guess who shot Nathan? It's his bro from the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylar got Claire's Power, and we now know how he copied powers from others (he's not eating brain you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Peter's Mom can see future.

    Hiro travel to armageddon and to find his best bud betrayed him and have powers as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nicky is alive!!!!!!!! With different personality manifested in her.

    Lindermen is alive, and he saved Nathan.

    Dr. Suresh injected himself with a serum, and now he has super strength ability. Gee, this is some episodes to see!!!!!!!!!!!
  • q_cept wrote:
    Heroes Season 03 Episodes 01 "The Second Coming"

    Guess who shot Nathan? It's his bro from the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylar got Claire's Power, and we now know how he copied powers from others (he's not eating brain you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Peter's Mom can see future.

    Hiro travel to armageddon and to find his best bud betrayed him and have powers as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nicky is alive!!!!!!!! With different personality manifested in her.

    Lindermen is alive, and he saved Nathan.

    Dr. Suresh injected himself with a serum, and now he has super strength ability. Gee, this is some episodes to see!!!!!!!!!!!

    well, actually I am still wondering, how did he copy the power?? :P
    although I've watched it, I still don't get it! :(
  • q_cept wrote:
    Heroes Season 03 Episodes 01 "The Second Coming"

    Guess who shot Nathan? It's his bro from the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylar got Claire's Power, and we now know how he copied powers from others (he's not eating brain you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Peter's Mom can see future.

    Hiro travel to armageddon and to find his best bud betrayed him and have powers as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nicky is alive!!!!!!!! With different personality manifested in her.

    Lindermen is alive, and he saved Nathan.

    Dr. Suresh injected himself with a serum, and now he has super strength ability. Gee, this is some episodes to see!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kyaaaaaaa pengen nonton... huhuhuhuhu... DVDnya kapan yah keluar?
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