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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
makasih ya..
tp gimana cara gabungin filenya, kok pake HJ Split ga bisa..?
Oi?? Nanya ...
harus dibuka dengan program apa ya?
sudah dcuba menggunakan windows media
player dan winamp... apakah extensionnya
harus dganti terlebih dahulu?
dan di sini
Sudah bisa belum? kalo sudah comment yah =P
Centre Point - It's a place where Tong and Donut met for a few times including the one near the end when Tong and Donut were watching Mew singing on the big screen. And also when Tong was running to Mew's concert. Bad news is that this area has been completely demolished to give way for another development. sad1.gif
Scala - A beautiful theater where Tong was waiting for Mew and trying to call him after Sunee told Mew to give up their relationship. This place was also in an additional scene in DC when Mew asked Tong if he was any different from others.
Swensen's Ice-cream - I think you already know it. I want to add that the scene where Tong and June bought cigarettes and paracetamol was actually in front of Swensen's (red wall).
Siam Discovery Plaza - Mew's concert was held at this plaza in between Siam Discovery and Siam Center, just across the road from Siam Square. Tong and Ying was on the footbridge watching Mew.
I Din Klin Krok - An Isan restaurant where Tong met Ying's friend (Joy) who said Ying secretly fell in love with a boy next door (Mew). I was just there with my friends last weekend. biggrin.gif
DJ Siam - A CD store where Tong was looking for August's CD. This is also the same area of the long take shot with 'Eternal Night" song.
Lido - Rows of small shops on the 2nd floor of Lido theater appear many times in LOS. The most important one is the one that sell a wooden doll.
Earrings shop - It's in a small alley opposite Swensen's.
Other than Siam Square, places in LOS that I am able to locate are:
The place by the river where young Tong and Mew hung out together is an old "Bangkok Noi Railway Station". It's a lovely historical site in Thonburi (a district on the west side of Chao Phraya river) and is now a part of the u/c SiME, Siriraj Medical Institute.
The highway that Tong was riding a bus home after spending a night with Mew is called Vibhavadee Rangsit. I use this highway every weekdays to go to and back from office. Oh! it's also the same one that Sunee was driving Tong to school at the begining (Ticket was playing in the car).
St. John School - Tong's school. I also drove pass this school everyday.
Assumption School - Mew's school. One of the most famous boy schools in Bangkok, located on Sathorn rd.
The road that Sunee and June were taking Korn to a hospital is Ratchadapisek rd.
RCA - Bangkok's famous clubbing area where Sunee was desperately searching for Tong.
Chatuchak Northern Bus Terminal - June started her mysterious journey there.
For any LOS fans who are going to visit Bangkok, you should take a chance to visit some of these places. wink.gif
wah ini versi director's cut nya yah???
makasih banyak :oops:
setelah muter2 kemana2 eh dapetnya diforum ini juga :oops:
gw udah nonton versi biasanya, menurut gw bagus banget film ini...
kagak dari segi cerita aja, tapi dari casting2nya juga pas banget, hampir semua pemainnya imut2, gak cowo gak cewenya :oops:
versi director's cut ini ada alternate endingnya gak yah??
soalnya di dvd director's cutnya ada alternate endingnya
gw ketemu transcript alternate endingnya sih
bedanya setelah tong dengerin Mew nyanyi diacara natal, ini transcriptnya...
(Tong) : Mew.
(Mew) : Hey Tong.
(Tong) : The music was great.
(Mew) : After hearing it, what do you say?
(Tong) : Umm.
For right now, I can't be your boyfriend.
I do love you and I hope you can wait for me.
(Mew) : I understand.
Umm. I got to go, they're waiting.
(Tong) : Before you go Mew,
I want to give you this.
(Mew) : What is it?
(Tong) : A symbol of my love for you this Christmas.
(Mew) : I do understand.
(Tong) : Umm. I better go.
I'll miss you.
(Mew) : Miss you, too.
(Dirumah mew)
(Mew) : I can wait.
menurut kalian cocokan alternate endingnya atau ending yg ada di versi biasanya???
kl menurut gw lebih cocokan ending yg diversi biasanya :oops:
dua2nya ceritanya ngak berat,enak buat ditonton.
but dont expect to much about the sex.
Ngarep ada alternate endingnya ya????
tadinya gue juga sempet kaget pas ada tulisan alternate ending.
Itu cuma bisa2an si subtitler doank,
jadi kalo yg blm pernah nonton ni film, pke teks yg alternate ending ajah.
Walaupun sebenernya agak diboong2in dikit jadinya
Uda tau tp belon perna nntn. uda beredar dvd subtitle nya??
please kasi info bg yg tau.
Coz gw penasaran bgt (tentu juga ama pemaennya yg bikin mupeng - prefer to Witwisit Hirunwongkul *walo Mario Maurer juga hot* )
Anyway... ini bener2 a pure gay movie?? ato cm kadarnya g byk??
Makasi buat masukannya.
Uda tau tp belon perna nntn. Donlod dmna yah? Ato uda beredar dvd nya??
please kasi info bg yg tau.
Coz gw penasaran bgt (tentu juga ama pemaennya yg bikin mupeng - prefer to Witwisit Hirunwongkul *walo Mario Maurer juga hot* )
Anyway... ini termasuk murni film gay ato ga sbnrnya? :roll:
Makasi buat masukannya.
Uda tau tp belon perna nntn. Donlod dmna yah? Ato uda beredar dvd nya??
please kasi info bg yg tau.
Coz gw penasaran bgt (tentu juga ama pemaennya yg bikin mupeng - prefer to Witwisit Hirunwongkul *walo Mario Maurer juga hot* )
Anyway... ini termasuk murni film gay ato ga sbnrnya? :roll:
Makasi buat masukannya.
g jg kurang tau ini film bisa disebut film Gay ato bukan.
Director nya sendiri bilang kalo dy ga fokusin film ini ke tema Gay.
Makanya kalo diliat dari poster , wallpaper, trailer, Theme song, Soundtrack video semuanya sama sekali ga ada yang nampilin hubungan antara Tong dan Mew.
Tapi emang menurut gue yang bikin cerita ini bagus justru disananya.
Ga nampilin tema Gay secara vulgar.
Jadi enak buat ditonton.
Film ini emang bagus kok.
Sedikit menyinggung Ending neh (SPOILER ALERT!!!)
waktu Tong bilang ke Mew di adegan terakhir
"I can't be with You as a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean that I don't love you.." kalo disambungin sama Theme Song nya "Just like a verse that's in a poem, As long as you love, you still have hope".
pas banget tuh Love--> Hope --> LOS 2????
Hubungan antara Tong dan Mew masih memiliki harapan karena mereka masih memiliki 'cinta'
(hahahaha ngarep bgt dah :P :P )