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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Cerita kamu tentang GAY App (Grindr, Jack'd, BoyAhoy dll)



  • instalin lagi cintamu dihatikuwh maz ~
  • Masih pada pake app begituan? Insyaf nak. :)
  • edited February 2017
    kira-kira ekspektasi jawaban dari orang-orang macem gini, tuh, apa, ya?

    ye kalo nggak tau alamat ngapa tanya begituan? /_-
  • Ekspektasinya jawabannya "Kos" bukan "Sukolilo"
  • kira-kira ekspektasi jawaban dari orang-orang macem gini, tuh, apa, ya?

    ye kalo nggak tau alamat ngapa tanya begituan? /_-

    Ini appnya namanya apa sih jeung?
    Kok seperti bukan "terbirukan" ataupun "kitab kuning"
  • Lu ga cape jan? Wkwk
  • so far stlh bertahun2 tinggal di Singapore, belom pernah pake yg namanya gay apps. Baru aja install Grindr bulan lalu, surprisingly, lumayan banyak MB org Indo yg nawarin jasa massage ++, dan mrk stay lumayan lama loh.. just curious, how come mrk bisa do such thing in Singapore ?

    I know that they must be tempted by the Sing Dollar, but don't they afraid of illegal works in foreign land ?
    Mostly they will stay on certain area and certain hotel, which will be obvious and recognizable.
  • personally I prefer Tinder than Grindr, as most of the time, di Grindr mrk akan lgsg tanya looking for fun, T/B, can host ?

    kl Tinder, mrk lbh appreciate your profile, of course your physical appearance as well. But in Tinder, mrk gak cuman talk about sex and have fun doang. Bisa start dr karier, hobby, and other personal interest. Even we can meet up just for a good conversation and coffee or dessert. Trus, kl cocok, kita bisa invite ke rumah kita just for movie or anything and cuddling each other.
  • belum, kok. kan, ceritanya mengedukasi
  • nipple 1 wrote: »
    personally I prefer Tinder than Grindr, as most of the time, di Grindr mrk akan lgsg tanya looking for fun, T/B, can host ?

    kl Tinder, mrk lbh appreciate your profile, of course your physical appearance as well. But in Tinder, mrk gak cuman talk about sex and have fun doang. Bisa start dr karier, hobby, and other personal interest. Even we can meet up just for a good conversation and coffee or dessert. Trus, kl cocok, kita bisa invite ke rumah kita just for movie or anything and cuddling each other.

    @nipple 1 iyakah? Dapet pengalaman apa aja kak di tinder?
  • Hiruma wrote: »
    nipple 1 wrote: »
    personally I prefer Tinder than Grindr, as most of the time, di Grindr mrk akan lgsg tanya looking for fun, T/B, can host ?

    kl Tinder, mrk lbh appreciate your profile, of course your physical appearance as well. But in Tinder, mrk gak cuman talk about sex and have fun doang. Bisa start dr karier, hobby, and other personal interest. Even we can meet up just for a good conversation and coffee or dessert. Trus, kl cocok, kita bisa invite ke rumah kita just for movie or anything and cuddling each other.

    @nipple 1 iyakah? Dapet pengalaman apa aja kak di tinder?

    @Hiruma mungkin agak subyektif ya... tp profile di Tinder lbh "real", kita bisa lihat mutual friend kita di facebook, jd kita bisa make sure or at least big picture of who they are. Then, they also mention your education, work, and common interest yg bisa nge direct kita untuk lbh spesifik lg mengetahui mrk.

    So far, after the profile were matches, we started with chatting on their apps platform, and exchanged our whatsapp number, to have better conversation. Then, we arranged for a meet up just for a coffee companion, and talk about our work, our hobbies, and our next holiday plan (if both are into travelling). If we have the chemistry, we can do travel together, just over the weekend will do. like to Bangkok, Phuket, Bintan, Penang, or KL.

    Beda dgn Grindr, dkk, dimana IMO, byk yg copas foto org with a fake account.
  • Hmm iya sih di tinder bisa lebih dapat orang-orang yang mungkin lebih berkualitas hahaha. Etapi aku juga pernah dapet kenalan orang rese sih di tinder. :T pasti tetep ada lah.
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