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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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  • yup....hampir semua lagunya bagus hehehe....
    gw suka bgt ama RUN...

    btw....kyknya belum ada tanda2 leona akan menggelar Tournya hehehe

    According to new reports, Simon Cowell feels that Leona isn’t ready just yet to go on a big tour. He says she is still too shy and he wants her to be completely ready and confident before performing in big arenas to thousands of fans.

    A source told The Sun: “Although Simon believes in Leona as a world-class solo singer, he still feels she does not have enough confidence to play to large crowds on her own.

    “There is certainly a real art to getting the audience in the palm of your hand as entertainers as Mariah (Carey), Robbie Williams and Elton John can do. Leona is Simon’s little baby and he is very aware of how shy she is.”

    Ada yg tau agenda Leona selanjutnya gak?
    hey ada yg bisa bantu cariin mp3nya yg
    Myself n Stay gak? rada susah nih cari nya hehehe

    susah? ow cmon..

    makany cek blog gw donk.. hahaha..

    Download link Leona Lewis - Stay

    Download Link Leona Lewis - Myself (ft. Novel)


    Hehehe Thanks yah
    Keren lagunya...
    makin suka nih gw....
    BTW tmn2 sharing info donk ttg Leona

    No worries..
    Glad to share to each other.. lol
  • @ Blizzard-Boy
    @ Sapphire
    @ taa_kun
    @ twinkylittle
    @ richardo
    @ uptown boy
    @ ares_mars

    Thanks yah guys udh ikutan di thread ini....sering2 ngepost yah hehehe n sharing all about Leona

    Sama2. Semoga kalau ada lagu yang baru, bisa di-update di sini. :wink: Gue langsung jatuh cinta pada lagu Bleeding Love setelah dengar sekali saja. Sampai sekarang masih suka banget. :D
  • masih ga rela Leona ga masuk nominasi Best New Artist di Grammy
    seharusnya JoBros yg ga masuk huh
  • Sapphire wrote:
    masih ga rela Leona ga masuk nominasi Best New Artist di Grammy
    seharusnya JoBros yg ga masuk huh

    hehehe Grammy mah emang gitu...gak jelas seleranya...
    MIMI gw aja gak masuk nominasi sama sekali....
    huuuuuuhhhh..... BETE abiiieeessss

    @ taa_kun
    Thanks... yah, gw juga suka bgt bleeding love...(but lbh suka RUN)
  • Sapphire wrote:
    masih ga rela Leona ga masuk nominasi Best New Artist di Grammy
    seharusnya JoBros yg ga masuk huh

    hehehe Grammy mah emang gitu...gak jelas seleranya...
    MIMI gw aja gak masuk nominasi sama sekali....
    huuuuuuhhhh..... BETE abiiieeessss

    @ taa_kun
    Thanks... yah, gw juga suka bgt bleeding love...(but lbh suka RUN)

    Run juga enak banget, slow & mendayu2. Suaranya dia cocok banget dengan tipe lagu seperti Run. :wink:
  • Leona Lewis Says Autobiography Will Be A Picture Book
    Leona Lewis has said that her forthcoming autobiography will mostly feature photographs.
    The book, which is due out in October, will trace Lewis’s life from waitressing in Pizza Hit in London to international pop stardom.
    As well as dialogue about the singer’s life, the memoirs will contain over 100 new photographs taken by Dean Freeman, who has previously worked with David Beckham.

    Speaking to The Sun newspaper, Lewis, 23, said: “I’m doing a picture book. A picture speaks a thousand words and I’m a big fan of photography.

    “I got a photographer to follow me everywhere I went and I’ve got pictures of everything.”

    Lewis is expected to release her as-yet-untitled second album shortly after the book’s release.
  • Jordin Sparks And Leona Lewis Duet? caught up with Jordin Sparks at ESPN the Magazine's NEXT Big Weekend 2009 in Florida to talk about her new album and collaborating with Leona Lewis. Interview by Brian Corsetti.

  • Sapphire wrote:
    masih ga rela Leona ga masuk nominasi Best New Artist di Grammy
    seharusnya JoBros yg ga masuk huh
    iya, harusnya joBrot gak masuk...mungkin biar US gak malu kali ya coz new artist didominasi artist2 UK kek pasukan Adele, Duffy, Leona jg Estelle...
  • hmmm....
    jd overall albumnya doi lagunya enak2? banyakan Ballad nya? (g lbh suka lagu Ballads soalnya)^^
    g suka sama Bleeding Love nya :D
  • ares_mars wrote:
    Sapphire wrote:
    masih ga rela Leona ga masuk nominasi Best New Artist di Grammy
    seharusnya JoBros yg ga masuk huh
    iya, harusnya joBrot gak masuk...mungkin biar US gak malu kali ya coz new artist didominasi artist2 UK kek pasukan Adele, Duffy, Leona jg Estelle...

    Hehehe...masuk akal tuh.... :D
    btw met gabung yeehhh dih thread ini....sering2 mampir
    buat yg lain juga thanks yah udh ramein nih warung...moga bisa selalu update...


    Leona was out and about in Los Angeles at the Verizon & Blackberry Pre-Grammy Launch Party and she looked absolutely flawless!


    Hmm...gimana mnrut kalian...she look pretty?
  • high heels ga cocok ama warna kulit dia dan pakaiannya

    ga suka pink high heels kalo ama baju lain ok deh
  • Sapphire wrote:
    high heels ga cocok ama warna kulit dia dan pakaiannya

    ga suka pink high heels kalo ama baju lain ok deh

    Iya hehehe....agak norak yah.....gak matching bgt....
    klo yang ini gimana?


  • Sapphire wrote:
    high heels ga cocok ama warna kulit dia dan pakaiannya

    ga suka pink high heels kalo ama baju lain ok deh

    Iya hehehe....agak norak yah.....gak matching bgt....
    klo yang ini gimana?


    wow keren....cantik euy, kek dewi laut hehehehe...
  • Nih Gw tambah....hehehe


  • ooh kalo yg ini gue suka
    kan buat gambar di album2nya
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