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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
just calm down. the thing you wrote could make those guys go mad you know.
...but yeah, some guys just can't look at the mirror and realize that their face's UGLY.
oh, my favourite hot chocolate is delfi. brew it in a cup, and enjoy it with cadbury chocolate filling cookies. hmmm. drinking hot chocolate is my habit before go to sleep every nite.
hahaha ya smoga aja ga..aku kan ga menghina seseorang, cuma berbicara 'kenyataan-diri-mereka-sesungguhnya-seperti-apa' lol
hm...jarang minum hot chocolate si...biasanya coffee ato teh pepermint...tapi bingung ada kerjaan yg mesti selesai besok.... :roll:
brarti gw termasuk yg ngga tau diri dong d situ... hahahahahahaha.
tp aseli, gw emang sebel bgt sm si albert2. beneran nyebelin. spammer tau ga.
oh yah sampe lupa lo kan salahs atu fansnya Dashboard blom denger si meski udah di donlot.
"goddamn you have japanese girl"
"i ask you to go to the greenday concert, you said you never heard of them, how cool is that...."
gitu d, lucu...
hm..di thread western pic ada thread Jay B*** yang gw bilang tempo hari terus ada posting link albumnya yg aku crita kemarin... levine tau?
wah belom cek tuh. liat dulu akh.
Track List:
1. "Bruised" - Jack's Mannequin
2. "Don't Be So Hard" - theAUDITION
3. "Baby Come On" - +44
4. "Sun" - Daphne Loves Derby
5. "Woe" - Say Anything
6. "Apology" - Alesana
7. "Jasey Rae" - All Time Low
8. "Red Light Pledge" - Silverstein
9. "Night Drive" - The All-American Rejects
10. "Three Cheers for Five Years" - Mayday Parade
11. "Staplegunned" - The Spill Canvas
12. "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" - Relient K
13. "Welcome to 1984" - Anti-Flag
14. "The Only Song" - Sherwood
15. "Echoes" - Set Your Goals
linknya temporary...
d mana si? gw pengen download lagunya... penasaran.
kmaren gw dengerin copeland lagi, beneran d. vokalisny gay ya? cara dy ngelantunin nadany cewek bgt si...
antiflag tuh laguny urakan bgt d... doyan jg gw...
ini linknya
Bukan gay lah...di reviewnya AP di tulis begini nih...
kok urakan emang murni punk lagunya kaya juga suka banget, sering gw dengerin... udah tua personilanya... band lama dianya...
"Topik atau pesan yang Anda cari tidak ditemukan"
lah kok aneh yah...di tempatku bisa kok...
kalo ga cari di western gallery ->Jay Brannan!
btw lo komikus y? boleh dong liat gambarnya?
setelah pamer koleksi CD, gimana klo pamer ilustrasi?
hahaha...dah lama saya tidak menggambar.....
kalo gbr si ada beberapa yg lama di situ kalo yg baru ga ada ...udah ga gbr lagi