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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Heroes 4th seas0n



  • Wew!
    Epsd 11 dunk!
  • Keluar juga belon disananya.
  • Oh iy.
    Eh kra", d psar atw mall udh ad blm, vcd/dvd heroes season 3?
  • kangataz wrote:
    edyalr07 wrote:
    aname2001 wrote:
    edyalr07 wrote:
    lawliet wrote:
    future peter ga bisa regen karena ada haitian


    tapi napa past peter bisa nge-belah kepala-na future nathan make power-na si sylar/gabriel????

    jadi binun.....

    8th episode dunkzzz.....

    @d0me ===> thanx atas link-na yak....

    kan peter udah nyerap power sylar. lapar power itu kan efek dari kekuatan sylar

    baca komen di-atas gw baru loe ngerti ke-binun-an gw

    klo masalah dia nyerap power-na sylar gw juga taok....

    jadi bukan cuman haitian, juga otaknya keblock sama peluru gitu, jadi mesti dicabut baru bisa bangun...
    oo geto, ntar gw liat lage dan gw perhati-in apa benar peluru yank di-tembak-an oleh future claire me-ngena-i otak-na future peter... thinking.gif
  • dhidhi wrote:
    Oh iy.
    Eh kra", d psar atw mall udh ad blm, vcd/dvd heroes season 3?

    coba loe tanya-in ke pasar ikan ato pasar tradisional di-jamin kaga' ada... hehehehe.....
  • Sudah ada eps 9-10 di mal2 or ITc2 ko..
    gw harap nanti bakal sad ending :P
  • Heroes Season 03 Episode 11 : the Eclipse Part 2

    Elli got shot by Noah, and Sylar got killed.
    Claire is dead, since she never sick, so her injury is killing her.
    Nathan got caught.
    The Haitian and Peter goes Rambo, hehehehehe.
    Suresh escaped from Pinehearts to meet Maya.
    Hiro learned about his past action through 9th Wonder and decided not to grow up.
    Mark and Daphne got along fine.

    And then the eclipse gone, and the powers back........

    Sylar and Claire ressurected from dead.
    Nathan, Peter, and the Haitian took care of the warlord.
    Nathan decided to side with his father, believing about his idea will help to make the world safer.
    Suresh curse is back, so he's back to Pineheart to research more.
    Hiro come to term with the help from comic nerds, and has to travel back in time.
    Noah almost got killed by Sylar, but rescued by Hiro, and then Hiro took Claire to travel back in time.
    Sylar back to his usual self, and killed Elle (looked like it anyway).
  • q_cept wrote:
    Heroes Season 03 Episode 11 : the Eclipse Part 2

    Elli got shot by Noah, and Sylar got killed.
    Claire is dead, since she never sick, so her injury is killing her.
    Nathan got caught.
    The Haitian and Peter goes Rambo, hehehehehe.
    Suresh escaped from Pinehearts to meet Maya.
    Hiro learned about his past action through 9th Wonder and decided not to grow up.
    Mark and Daphne got along fine.

    And then the eclipse gone, and the powers back........

    Sylar and Claire ressurected from dead.
    Nathan, Peter, and the Haitian took care of the warlord.
    Nathan decided to side with his father, believing about his idea will help to make the world safer.
    Suresh curse is back, so he's back to Pineheart to research more.
    Hiro come to term with the help from comic nerds, and has to travel back in time.
    Noah almost got killed by Sylar, but rescued by Hiro, and then Hiro took Claire to travel back in time.
    Sylar back to his usual self, and killed Elle (looked like it anyway).

    seems great.. blom nonton.. huhhhuhu..
  • next spoiler plase....
  • Wow.
    Anyway, next episode, please.
    I want to know, what happen next.
  • Heroes Season 03 Episode 12 : Our Father

    Hiro met his mother at past, who is a healer.
    Claire met past Noah.
    Hiro memory returned with help of her mother, and taken the catalyst.
    Arthur Petrelli took the catalyst from Hiro along with his power, threw Hiro from the building and send Claire back ( How the hell has he got the power to time travel anyway?)

    Elle IS dead.
    Nathan become the head of Pinhearth operation with the help of Ice Queen (sorry, forget her name)
    Matt, Daphne, and Ando found the sketch, to learn about past story (Hiro lost in time is the title).
    Peter was asked to kill Arthur with the help of Haitian.
    Sylar took abiliy as a human lie detector in order to learn the truth about him.
    The formula is perfected and tested to a marine (quite a cutie, lolz) which got a super strength ability.
    Arthur is dead, killed by bullet after Sylar learned the truth. (that he's not true parents).
  • q_cept wrote:
    Heroes Season 03 Episode 12 : Our Father

    Arthur Petrelli took the catalyst from Hiro along with his power, threw Hiro from the building and send Claire back ( How the hell has he got the power to time travel anyway?)

    dapet-na waktu dia nyerap power-na si Peter...
  • Iya ya. Berarti tuh Arthur hebat, tau semua power yang si Peter dapet.
  • Whoa.
    Didi mw tnya nh, 12 orng pmbntk Company it (yg ad ayah n ibu ny peter, ayah ny matt,dll), kkuatan mrka ap aj sh?
    Yg bru didi tw, cma ayah n ibu ny peter, ayah ny matt, sma ayah ny elle. Yg lain ny blm tw.
    Ksh tw dunk.
  • dhidhi wrote:
    Didi mw tnya nh, 12 orng pmbntk Company it (yg ad ayah n ibu ny peter, ayah ny matt,dll), kkuatan mrka ap aj sh?
    Yg bru didi tw, cma ayah n ibu ny peter, ayah ny matt, sma ayah ny elle. Yg lain ny blm tw.
    Ksh tw dunk.

    iya nih penasaran bokapnya hiro bisa apa ya?
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