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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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  • s02 eps04

    look who is back to the queen throne? S is back!! lol
    i love this kind of story.. lol
    blair also least not as boring as the summer episode.. :P
  • Just finished the 1st season! Umm.. Mgkn di episod2 awal ni serial looks so shallow yah, tp mkn ke belakang, actually byk pesan moral yg tersirat kok.. Ugh, i hate that georgina girl!

    Cant wait to watch the 2nd season.. Damn now i live in jambi.. Dsini g ada mangdu ato ambas.. Huhuhu..
  • Demetrio wrote:
    k4mis4m4 wrote:
    wah,, asyik banget nie series,, walo awalnya ga terlalu suka,,,
    tp yang main "boleh" semua,,, jadi keterusan nonton n emg bagus koq,,,,,

    kl masalah yg dilebih2in ya wajar lha,, emg dari awal settingnya dah di upside gitu,,, kan cocok ma settingnya aneh kl malah mereka semua miskin tapi tinggal di kawasan upside,,,

    yup,,, dibukunya dan ama chuck tu trakhir jadi gay,, tapi gw berharap ga terjadi di seriesnya,,,, apalgi chyck no way, mending dia ma balir aja dah,,,, XOXO!

    Chuck itu cakep lagi u know???

    yah,, gw tau,,
    cuma jiwa st8nya muncul kalo nonton series,, hahaha
    jadi males kalo liat chuck jadi gay,,,
  • ad yg mw kasih spoiler...
    skrg lg ngikutin GG am Heroes..Trima kasih pada teknologi bernama torrent..
  • huaa,,, saya sudah nonton yang 2C,, lagi menunggu yang 2D...

    serialnya menurut saya sih inspiring yah, apalagi dialog²nya,, keren tuh kalo disimak... hohoho

  • raydric999 wrote:
    season 2 is getting bored and bored... :P the story is way to hard. why they made it like that? i wonder whether they'll make it back as light as the first season or not.. :P i love the first season better.

    really?? i totally love season 2 better! apalagi waktu di yale :D blair and serena rocks!
    RECTORY wrote:
    Bener bgt. Gw juga ngalamin waktu high school di private school disini murid2nya asli borju pisan deh. Cuma b'hub gw sekolahnya cowo semua jadi borjunya bukan ke baju dan aksesoris tapi lebih ke mobil & gadgets nya.
    Gw inget waktu study banding (kayak pejabat Indonesia aja ya) ke Costa Rica beberapa ortu ngirim anak2nya pake private jet, dan mereka nyediain Medevac ( Medical Evacuation) just in case something happenned. Lebay banget!!!!
    woww... untungnya disekolah gue show off nya cuman sampe ke branded hand bags, shoes sama gadget... sekolah gue pake seragam soalnya :?
    Demetrio wrote:
    Gw gak suka sama si Dan...
    Tapi bokapnya, yaolo...Sexy abis....
    Cakep and dewasa banget..
    kyaaaaaaaa rufus humphrey
    :oops: :oops: :oops:
  • Lonestar wrote:
    raydric999 wrote:
    season 2 is getting bored and bored... :P the story is way to hard. why they made it like that? i wonder whether they'll make it back as light as the first season or not.. :P i love the first season better.

    really?? i totally love season 2 better! apalagi waktu di yale :D blair and serena rocks!

    well, I commented this before the yale episode.. i commented it when white party episode was on air.. and i hate those episode.. so boringg
    but these days episodes are were rock!!
  • raydric999 wrote:
    Lonestar wrote:
    raydric999 wrote:
    season 2 is getting bored and bored... :P the story is way to hard. why they made it like that? i wonder whether they'll make it back as light as the first season or not.. :P i love the first season better.

    really?? i totally love season 2 better! apalagi waktu di yale :D blair and serena rocks!

    well, I commented this before the yale episode.. i commented it when white party episode was on air.. and i hate those episode.. so boringg
    but these days episodes are were rock!!

    can't waaiiit episode berikutnya :D
    oh and i love jenny's new look :D
  • gw suka episode delapan..
    pas c chuck ama blair ngomong dari hati ke hati..manis ny..
    daripada liat jenny pake bh aj, mnding liat nate pake cd aj, hehhe, mw ny..
    problems keep rolling.. huhhhu..lagi donlot yg ep9.. gag sabar pngin nontonn..
  • baru selesai nonton episode 10..
    agak kecewa karena birthday party ny blair gitu aj, jenny makin kurang ajarr, aaron makin gombal (but i wish i have a boyfriend like him..)..
  • Lonestar wrote:
    raydric999 wrote:
    Lonestar wrote:
    raydric999 wrote:
    season 2 is getting bored and bored... :P the story is way to hard. why they made it like that? i wonder whether they'll make it back as light as the first season or not.. :P i love the first season better.

    really?? i totally love season 2 better! apalagi waktu di yale :D blair and serena rocks!

    well, I commented this before the yale episode.. i commented it when white party episode was on air.. and i hate those episode.. so boringg
    but these days episodes are were rock!!

    can't waaiiit episode berikutnya :D
    oh and i love jenny's new look :D

    sama juga suka ama haircut jenny. gw suka ama karakter jenny, yang abu-abu. bisa jadi jahat banget dan bisa jadi baiiiik banget.

    eh, kalian semua..emang di season 2 ini, ntarnya mrk masuk ke dunia kampus ya? ??? (gw ga baca bukunya).
    soalnya kalo high school mulu, bete ...!
  • akhir2 ini, ud
    more drama, less hedon
  • gw paling suka sama Nelly Yuki! yay :D

    Blair : "because she's Nelly Yuki"
  • zar wrote:
    Lonestar wrote:
    raydric999 wrote:
    Lonestar wrote:
    raydric999 wrote:
    season 2 is getting bored and bored... :P the story is way to hard. why they made it like that? i wonder whether they'll make it back as light as the first season or not.. :P i love the first season better.

    really?? i totally love season 2 better! apalagi waktu di yale :D blair and serena rocks!

    well, I commented this before the yale episode.. i commented it when white party episode was on air.. and i hate those episode.. so boringg
    but these days episodes are were rock!!

    can't waaiiit episode berikutnya :D
    oh and i love jenny's new look :D

    sama juga suka ama haircut jenny. gw suka ama karakter jenny, yang abu-abu. bisa jadi jahat banget dan bisa jadi baiiiik banget.

    eh, kalian semua..emang di season 2 ini, ntarnya mrk masuk ke dunia kampus ya? ??? (gw ga baca bukunya).
    soalnya kalo high school mulu, bete ...!
    yup gw stuju,, karakter fav gw si jenny hump,, dia karakter yg plg "normal" di GG menurut gw,, hahaha
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