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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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  • Liat2 duitnya dulu kalee...hehehehe...

    Di pic itu kok MC keliatan roots nya ya? Agak mengurangi nilai kecantikan nya deh. Tapi body nya super keren ya..and her skin is glowing,Gak sia2 deh dia seminggu sekali disemprot bronzer yang dicampur serbuk gold 24karat. (katanya E Channel, lho).
  • mungkin krn rambutnya ditarik kbelakang gtu kalii..
    tpi kan roots lg lumayan happening jg.. hhe

    iyaa,, dia tanning pake gold powder 24 karat..
    manteb bet dahh ahh.. hhe
  • Enaknya ya dia..sementara gw disemprot tiap hari, tapi disemprot asap knalpot, bukan gold powder kyk MC! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  • beyoncemariah4.jpg



    beyonce say.... PUSING CAPE DEH...
  • MC body nya keliatan jadi keren bgt disebelahnya Beyonce...hehehehe. Mark Jacobs kok di pic itu keliatan aneh bgt ya? Dan Ingrid Casares jadi kayak waria...hehehehehe
  • yaa ampuun..

    gw cintaaa MARC JACOBS..

    the sexiest designer in the world dah pokoknyaaa..
    okeeh bgt..
  • riChi-riCh wrote:
    yaa ampuun..

    gw cintaaa MARC JACOBS..

    the sexiest designer in the world dah pokoknyaaa..
    okeeh bgt..

    Indeed!!! Asistennya dia utk Louis Vuitton itu designer dari Surabaya lho.
  • Oh ya? wah oke juga ya. Berarti secara gak langsung tas2 Louis Vuitton hasil Surabaya ya..hehehehehe
  • Hmm...keliatannYa MC n Beyonce tuh akrab bgt yah...Mudah2An ajA mereKa bisa dueT yaH....penGen deh NgeliatNya...pasti dahsyat...
    duH senenG bgt MC bisa Kurus Lagi hehehe....kemariN sempeT nduT lagi kan...

    klo NgoMOngin soal Designer gw palIng suKa D&G ama CK....gak pernah MangecewaKan...hehehe

    Btw MC gak Kalah CantiK yah ama Beyonce walopUn udH 38Th hehehe....
    mariahdaily Kok Gakl bisa diBuka yah.....
    AArrrGGGGGhhh........mati aku...
  • MARIAH REtake VOCAL Lagu HERO untuk promosi the ballads dan juga bikin videon nya... check the video:

  • romire wrote:
    MARIAH REtake VOCAL Lagu HERO untuk promosi the ballads dan juga bikin videon nya... check the video:


    make's me goin gaga..

    love it.. kereeen..

    thx yaa bang romire.. hhe
  • romire wrote:
    MARIAH REtake VOCAL Lagu HERO untuk promosi the ballads dan juga bikin videon nya... check the video:

    waw.. masih tetep bagus ya...
    gw seneng dengernya...
    udah beredar gtu album the ballads di indonesia?
  • Belum beredar kykny album nyaa,,

    Tapi d taiwan uwdaa tuhh...

    semoga album ny sukses dan film nya g di hina lagi kyk jaman glitter and wise girl.......
  • Belum beredar kykny album nyaa,,

    Tapi d taiwan uwdaa tuhh...

    semoga album ny sukses dan film nya g di hina lagi kyk jaman glitter and wise girl.......
  • romire wrote:
    MARIAH REtake VOCAL Lagu HERO untuk promosi the ballads dan juga bikin videon nya... check the video:


    wooww keren abisss....speechless gw, amazing bgt deh...dia emg udh membuktikan betapa dahyatnya seorang Mariah Carey hehehe...

    gw juga seneng bgt nih liat berita terbaru di mariahdaily

    Mariah is Top-Selling Female Artist of SoundScan Era
    The Nielsen Company has announced its 2008 U.S. year-end sales and performance monitoring data for the 52-week period December 31, 2007 through December 28, 2008.

    Nielsen SoundScan (the entertainment industry's data information system that tracks point-of-purchase sales of recorded music product): Mariah remains the top-selling female artist of the SoundScan era.


    Artist - Units Sold
    1. Garth Brooks - 68,143,000
    2. Beatles - 57,088,000
    3. Mariah Carey - 51,569,000
    4. Metallica - 51,136,000
    5. Celine Dion - 50,571,000
    6. George Strait - 40,619,000
    7. Tim McGraw - 37,591,000
    8. Alan Jackson - 36,520,000
    9. Pink Floyd - 35,213,000
    10. Shania Twain - 33,707,000

    And according to Nielsen Broadcast Data Systems (Nielsen BDS), the music industry's leading music performance monitoring service, Mariah's "Touch My Body" was #1 in Music Video Internet Streams with 7,399,000 streams; and #8 in Internet Streamed Songs with 8,675,000 streams.

    In this week's Chart Beat Chat with Fred Bronson at, Mariah was mentioned in the Hot 100 updates for 2008: "No. 1: 'We Belong Together': Mariah Carey (14 Weeks) - untouched since 2005!"


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