OK Gua pacaran ama pacar gua yang sekarang udah satu tahun. He's American. Dia ngajak gua nikah dan tinggal di US. sounds fun and all except gua bukan tipe orang yang percaya dengan pernikahan. dan since gua introvert akut sebenernya gua lebih nyaman sendiri tapi like... mau ampe kapan sendiri terus and he makes me happy so if I were to marry him it's ok lah ya. yang bikin gua pusing adalah masalah administrasinnya. kan kalau nikah kan harus pisah KK, bikin green card, dll nya. nah gua pengen nanya hal hal macem itu nya. kita kan gay marriage dimana itu pernikahan ga diakui di Indonesia. terus jadinya gimana dong?
gua sih ga mau ketauan kalau gua nikah ama cowo jadi hopefully ga perlu pisah KK dll ya. tapi tolong bantu dong yang tau tentang masalah ini. yang udah nikah mungkin bisa bantu gue (nikah ama cewe atau cowo doesn't matter). tell me all you know about dokumen dokumen segala macamnya itu. thanks yaa!
kebiasaan, sosial budaya, makanan dll
tapi, dg cinta biasanya hal itu bkn masalah.
@boyszki wow om @Adrian69 tolong bantu sayaa >,<
oot bnget
klo di indonesia mah g ada yg perlu d urus jg
klo gorengan mah bisa bikin berdua hohoho lol
@johntravors tapi kalau gitu berarti di catatan sipil kita masih dalam naungan orang tua dong karena masih satu KK? sebenernya kalau orang straight nikah terus ga ngurus pisah KK, surat nikah dll itu masalah ga sih?
@fundanshiMocca ketemunya sih ga romantis. selayaknya para gay kebanyakan, kita discover each other online. kebetulan klik dan pas jadi ya alhamdulillah yah~
tapi bedaa gorengan Indo tuh penuh bakteri dan kuman, itu bumbu X nya masa gua bikin gorengan harus celupin dulu ke WC biar berbakteri dan berkuman kan ga kece yak
Yes, you can marry anyone you like, unless it happens to violate local laws. Some U.S. states, for example, don't recognize a marriage between close family members or people under a certain age. But such situations are rare. The person's immigration status - legal or not - has no bearing on whether your marriage will be recognized as legal.
Can I Marry My Gay or Lesbian Partner (of the Same Sex)?
Yes, as of 2013, when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a piece of federal law called the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), same-sex marriages are treated like any other marriage for federal immigration law purposes. But you will still need to make sure that gay marriage is legally recognized in the state or country where it took place. This should not be a problem, since the supreme court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that no state may ban same-sex marriage. You will need to present a government-issued certificate of your marriage as part of the immigrant's application for U.S. lawful permanent residence (a green card).
Will My Immigrant Spouse Become a U.S. Citizen Automatically?
Sorry, but no . An immigrant who marries a U.S. citizen must apply for a green card (U.S. permanent residence) . This is a long process involving many forms and documents. The immigrant can be refused entry if he or she is found inadmissible, perhaps because of a medical problem, criminal history, past immigration violations, or the U.S. immigration authorities' belief that your marriage is a fraud to get a green card .
After successfully obtaining a green card, the immigrant spouse can, after three years as a permanent resident , apply for U.S. citizenship. (This assumes that you're still married and living together when the immigrant applies. If not, the waiting period changes to five years.)
Tapi ini kan nikah sma bulenong d luar negeri, sma cowok jga, jdi tinggal abang mau pindah k amrik ato nikah ilegal d sana, kawin lari mungkin.
But klo abang ragu, nggak usah aj deh. Secara situnya nggk mau ketahuan nikah ama cowok jga. Mnrt aku, dahulukanlah keluarga dibanding apapun. Ya nggak?
Sekian n terima kasih.
Straight ga ngurus surat nikah dll artinya pernikahannya belum diakui negara, biasanya disebut nikah sirih.
kak @boyszki kapan lamar akyuh huhu
kalo mau nikah diluar negri kayakny gak perlu pindah kk deh, paling butuhny paspor. Kecuali mau nikah resmi (sm cewek), baru perlu ktp sm kk sm foto, beli mas kawin, beli hantaran, bayar penghulu, nikah deh lol (pengalaman ngurusin nikahny adek gyaaaa)