BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.




  • noboru26 wrote: »
    arif_jogja wrote: »
    yg ini kok kuning2nya juga hilang?

    Saya memang newbie di forum ini, saya tidak mengerti dengan istilah kuning-kuning...mohon maaf.

    ahaha.. itu bukan pertanyaan buat kamu kok.
    di forum ini OoT adalah hal yg sangat umum.
  • YourSenpai wrote: »
    Whats your biggest pet peeve?

    Biggest pet peeve?
    Hmm,,, maybe I have some. But I always try not to think that annoyance is a big deal. Sometimes we have feel not comfort about something so much then we hate it too much. I let myself to think that everything that happen to me even the biggest pet peeve is the God's way to communicate to me.

    Hm, Saya selalu meyakini bahwa dengan menyerahkan segala sesuatunya kembali kepada Tuhan menjadikan hidup ini tenteram.

  • noboru26 wrote: »
    arif_jogja wrote: »
    ah baru 1800an halaman ini..

    Come on, Arif. I think this 1.8 K pages has made me tired to scroll up and read all of the comments, hahahahaha.
    But for sure, you are an active one indeed. I appreciate it.

    yg ini juga bukan.
  • kok sudah bangun?
    memang biasa bangun jam segini atau..?
  • boyszki wrote: »
    Hoiii kk noboru

    Salam kenal

    Aku nanya ini yah

    1. Asal darimana?
    2. Sekarang menetap dimana?
    3. Umur berapa? Bulan, tanggal dan tahun lahir berapa?
    4. Tinggi badan berapa?
    5. Berat badan berapa?
    6. Bot/top?
    7. Kapan menyadari menjadi gei?
    8. Bisa bahasa asing apa ?
    9. Bisa bahasa daerah apa ?
    10. Kota yang paling jauh dikunjungi apa?
    11. Saat ini pengen ke kota mana?
    12. Kapan bikin album?
    13. 6 kata tentang boyzforum?
    14. Pernah meet up dengan anak bf? Kalau pernah siapa2 aja?
    15. Tau forum ini darimana?
    16. Keinginan kakak saat ini apa?

    17. Id ini punya arti khusus kah?

    Terima kasih kakak


    1 and 2) I was born in Central Jakarta. My family moved to some places in East Jakarta, then finally moved to Depok when I was 10 years old. After I graduated from my highschool, I moved (alone-without my family) to Bekasi to find a job. I have lived there for almost ten years. Just the November of 2014, I went back to my hometown in Depok. Until now, I've been staying here. So if you wanna meet me, you may show up in MUG Cafe Margonda and text me. It's near my house.

    3) I don't count my age. Hahahaha.... but for sure you will know my age when I say that I was born on 26 September 1987.

    4 an 5) My height is 170 cm, and my weight is 68 kg. I think I'm quiet proportional, but still I need to work out to shape my body and to make it stronger and healthier.

    6) Hahahaha. It's too private. I already leave this lifestyle that concern about someone's role. I think we are the only one who can stop the badness of 'gay-lifestyle' which some people think that we always concern about sex only. I wanna ensure myself that we have to think about our future and responsible to whatever we decide of our life, include our sex lifestyle. For me, life is too beautiful to think about someone's role only. I already feel the peace when I build a communication to others based on brotherhood. Live the life and enjoy it.

    7) Since I was very young. I already knew that I have a special orientation when I was in kindergarten. Hehehe.

    8) I think I still need to learn English. I can understand it, but just for maybe intermediate level. I want to learn Japanese, Arabic and French.

    9) I love languages, but unfortunately I was born from a multicultural family that cannot speak local language or vernaculars. So, I just speak Indonesian and English. But understand Javanese and Sundanese. I think I want to learn Batakness.

    10) Tarakan. The farthest city I have been there. Tarakan is a city in a small island nearby Borneo.

    11) I want to go to Medina and Mekkah, hehehe. I wanna have a pilgrim's journey there. And also I wanna go to Riau to meet my friend, and I wanna go to Malang to meet my best student. Hehehe. He's handsome and really kind. He offered to visit his place in Malang and wanna guide me to explore Malang.

    12) Album? Come on. I'm not a singer. I'm a writer. hehehe.

    13) Boys forum. 1/cool 2/random 3/comfortable 4/gayish 5/social 6/media

    14) Yes, I have. But I'm sorry I can't say who they are. Let they speak by themselves.

    15) Searching. Really Mr Google. hahaha

    16) I wanna finish my project. That's it. Finish it well.

    17) At first not. At the beginning I use this ID (noboru) because it's used as a character in a Japanese movie. But now I know the meaning of it, then I love it. Noboru means climb or rise.

    Thank you for your questions. Sorry if my answer not satisfying.

  • Apa hubungan antara kesempatan dan dana umum?

    Hm, hubungannya adalah sama-sama ada di mainan monopoly. Hehehehe....
  • Pacaran paling lama berapa tahun?

    Masihkah sampai saat ini?
  • Kylie or Kendall?
  • Coba es kopi sanger di MUG Cafe, karena penasaran. Ternyata kopi susu khas Aceh yang ditambah es. Hayut.
  • malah ngomongin kopi.
  • Daripada bahas whatsapp yang ga dibalas?
  • @noboru26 aplimasi chatt gay di hapemu ada berapa biji?
  • arif_jogja wrote: »
    kok sudah bangun?
    memang biasa bangun jam segini atau..?

    Biasanya bangun jam 4. Tapi semalam agak spesial, saya bangun jam 2.30 untuk bantu orang menyelesaikan tugas. Hehehe...

  • Pacaran paling lama berapa tahun?

    Masihkah sampai saat ini?

    Paling lama setahun. Yang terakhir baru berjalan 4 bulan, insya Allah masih berjalan sampai sekarang.
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