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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Personality Test : 16 Kepribadian



  • Tipe Kepribadian ESTJ
    (The Guardian)
    ESTJ itu praktis, realistis, dan
    biasa saja, dengan dorongan
    alamiah untuk bisnis atau
    mekanik. Meskipun mereka
    tidak tertarik pada mata
    pelajaran yang menurut mereka
    tidak berguna atau diperlukan.
    Mereka ingin mengatur dan
    menjalankan semua rencana
    dalam sebuah kegiatan. ESTJ
    adalah administrator yang baik
    ESTJ adalah orang yang
    menyenangkan dan tidak ragu
    untuk berkomunikasi
    mengutarakan pendapat dan
    harapan kepada orang lain.
    ESTJ hidup dalam dunia
    fakta dan kebutuhan. Mereka
    hidup di masa sekarang,
    dengan mata mereka terus-
    menerus memindai lingkungan
    pribadi mereka untuk
    memastikan bahwa semuanya
    berjalan lancar dan sistematis.
    Mereka menghormati tradisi
    dan hukum, dan memiliki
    standar dan keyakinan. Mereka
    mengharapkan hal yang sama
    pada orang lain, dan tidak
    memiliki kesabaran pada orang
    yang tidak menghargai sistem
    ini. Mereka menghargai
    kompetensi dan efisiensi, dan
    ingin melihat hasil yang cepat
    untuk usaha mereka.
    ESTJ memiliki sebuah visi
    yang jelas. Mereka percaya diri
    dan agresif. Mereka sangat
    berbakat menyusun sistem dan
    rencana, dan bisa melihat apa
    langkah-langkah yang perlu
    diambil untuk menyelesaikan
    tugas tertentu. Mereka kadang-
    kadang bisa sangat menuntut
    dan kritis, karena mereka
    memiliki keyakinan yang
    dipegang teguh, dan cenderung
    untuk mengekspresikan diri.
    ESTJ ini sangat lurus ke depan
    dan jujur.
    Para ESTJ biasanya
    merupakan contoh dan pilar
    masyarakat. Dia mengambil
    komitmen mereka dengan
    serius, dan mengikuti standar
    mereka sebagai “warga negara
    yang baik”. ESTJ menikmati saat
    berinteraksi dengan orang, dan
    suka bersenang-senang. ESTJ
    bisa sangat riuh dan
    menyenangkan di acara-acara
    sosial, terutama kegiatan yang
    difokuskan pada keluarga,
    masyarakat, atau pekerjaan.
    Para ESTJ perlu diperhatikan
    kecenderungan untuk menjadi
    terlalu kaku, dan menjadi terlalu
    berorientasi pada detail. Karena
    mereka menempatkan banyak
    berat badan dalam kepercayaan
    mereka sendiri, penting bahwa
    mereka ingat untuk
    menghargai masukan orang
    lain dan pendapat. Jika mereka
    mengabaikan sisi Merasa
    mereka, mereka mungkin
    memiliki masalah dengan
    memenuhi kebutuhan lain
    untuk keintiman, dan tanpa
    sadar bisa melukai perasaan
    orang dengan menerapkan
    logika dan alasan untuk situasi
    yang menuntut sensitivitas lebih
    Ringkasan: Praktis, realistis,
    berpegang teguh. Tegas, cepat
    bergerak untuk melaksanakan
    keputusan. Pandai mengatur
    proyek dan berusaha
    mendapatkan sesuatu, fokus
    untuk mendapatkan hasil
    dengan cara yang paling efisien.
    Menyukai rincian dan rutinitas.
    Memiliki standar logis,
    sistematis dan ingin orang lain
    juga mengikutinya. Kuat dalam
    melaksanakan rencana mereka.
    Kata kunci: Mengatur orang,
    analitis, pemecahan masalah di
    tingkat fungsional,
    mengembangkan dan
    menjalankan proses dan
    Karir pekerjaan: Manajemen
    dan administrasi, penegakan
    hukum, manajer bisnis, teknisi,

    Cc : @exel_badboy
    #the guardian mau dong d jagain :3
  • Sini cil @uchirama *siapin kerangkeng* :))
  • Sini cil @uchirama *siapin kerangkeng* :))

    wkwk kampret XD
    halah elu tu extrovet :v
  • @uchirama gua bukan dokter hewan cil #extrovet #vet
  • *menyimak*
    (( oh lebih memilih dia buat jadi penjaganya )) #noted
  • The Guardian wins over The Executive at protecting their loved ones. Habis perkara =))
  • The Guardian wins over The Executive at protecting their loved ones. Habis perkara =))

    The Artist coret-coret dinding ruangan The Executive biar tambah puyeng.
  • *menyimak*
    (( oh lebih memilih dia buat jadi penjaganya )) #noted

    ish! Gk la.. Kamu bakal selalu ada d hati :3

    #wkwk XD
  • edited February 2014
    INFJ Personality
    "Every man must decide whether he will
    walk in the light of creative altruism or in
    the darkness of destructive selfishness." --
    Martin Luther King
    The INFJ type is believed to be very rare
    (less than 1 percent of the population)
    and it has an unusual set of traits. Even
    though their presence can be described
    as very quiet, INFJ personalities usually
    have many strong opinions, especially
    when it comes to issues they consider
    really important in life. If an INFJ is
    fighting for something, this is because
    they believe in the idea itself, not
    because of some selfish reasons.
    personalities are drawn towards helping
    those in need – they may rush to the
    place of a major disaster, participate in
    rescue efforts, do charity work etc.
    INFJs see this as their duty and their
    purpose in life – people with this
    personality type firmly believe that
    nothing else would help the world as
    much as getting rid of all the tyrants.
    Karma and similar concepts are very
    attractive to INFJs.
    These tendencies are also strengthened
    by the fact that INFJ personalities have
    a unique combination of idealism and
    decisiveness – this means that their
    creativity and imagination can be
    directed towards a specific goal. Few
    other personality types have this trait
    and this is one of the most important
    reasons why many INFJs are able to
    eventually realize their dreams and
    make a lasting positive impact.
    INFJs are masters of written
    communication, with a distinctively
    smooth and warm language. In addition,
    the sensitivity of INFJs allows them to
    connect to others quite easily. Their
    easy and pleasant communication can
    often mislead bystanders, who might
    think that the INFJ is actually an
    INFJs should be careful to avoid
    “overheating” as their zeal and
    determination can sometimes get out of
    hand. As introverts, INFJs need to have
    some “alone time” every once in a while
    or otherwise their internal energy
    reserves will get depleted really quickly.
    If this happens, the INFJ may surprise
    everybody around them by withdrawing
    from all their activities for a while – and
    since other people usually see INFJs as
    extroverts, this can leave them both
    surprised and concerned.
    INFJs take great care of other people’s
    feelings and expect others to return the
    favor. Unsurprisingly, people with this
    personality type are very sensitive and
    vulnerable to conflicts – even the most
    rational INFJs may find it quite difficult
    to not take criticism personally. This is
    the INFJ’s Achilles’ heel – if someone
    with an INFJ personality cannot escape
    the conflict, they will do their best to
    deal with it head on, but this will result
    in a lot of stress and may also
    potentially lead to health problems or
    highly irrational behavior.

  • edited February 2014
    INFJ Friends

    INFJ friends are likely to be very
    insightful, warm and caring. It will not
    be easy to get to know them well as
    INFJ personalities hide their true
    thoughts deep within their minds –
    however, if their friends are determined
    enough to work on the friendship, its
    strength and depth will be remarkable.
    This personality type is very enigmatic
    and difficult to decipher yet able to see
    through other people’s masks very
    easily. Authenticity and sincerity are
    extremely important if you want to
    become friends with an INFJ.

    INFJs are not really interested in
    friendships which mostly revolve
    around practical, daily matters or
    physical activities. They are quiet yet
    very determined idealists, brimming
    with desire to make the world a better
    place. Therefore, INFJ personalities are
    likely to seek friends who are willing to
    let a bit of idealism into their lives and
    engage in deep, meaningful discussions
    about things that go beyond the daily

    INFJ friends also tend to be relatively
    perfectionistic, which can be both a
    very positive and a very negative trait
    when it comes to relationships. On one
    hand, the INFJ will seek to grow and
    develop together with their close
    friends, seeking out life-enriching
    experiences. On the other hand, this
    tendency to always reach for the ideal
    may exhaust people with different
    personality types, as they may not have
    the same stamina and determination
    that the INFJ possesses. Consequently,
    the INFJ may keep moving from one
    friend to another, hoping that the next
    one will be more similar to them than
    the last.

    INFJs should remember that they have
    an extremely rare personality type and
    not get frustrated if their friends do not
    share 100% of their principles or goals.
    INFJ personalities seek friends that they
    can trust, and who are both willing and
    able to understand their passions and
    ideas. Not many people can cope with
    the depth and richness of the INFJ’s
    imagination, and even fewer can
    support the INFJ in the way that they
    need. INFJs tend to be very loyal and
    supportive friends, and are sought out
    by many other personality types for
    their wisdom, but they need to learn
    how to meet potential new friends

    As INFJs are generally eloquent and
    persuasive, they tend to be quite
    popular and influential. The INFJs
    themselves are often quite bemused by
    this, as they are very private individuals
    who do not really need nor enjoy the
    attention. It is likely that the INFJ will
    only have a few true friends, but those
    friends will value the INFJ’s
    companionship very highly.
  • INFJ Relationships and

    INFJs are warm and caring partners,
    able to love unconditionally and show
    that love to their partners. They tend to
    be perfectionists and this can
    sometimes irritate their partners –
    however, such a tendency also shows
    how sincere and serious INFJs can be.
    INFJ relationships often reach the level
    of depth that most people could only
    dream of.

    INFJs possess the ability to see behind the obvious, to clearly understand the idea behind the process. They are extraordinarily insightful and able to sense other people’s thoughts, desires and emotions very easily – this is an incredible strength in romantic relationships and helps INFJs a lot during the dating phase.

    INFJs can act wisely and spontaneously
    even in the face of unforeseen events,
    in contrast to traditional and less
    flexible S types. INFJs’ dating and
    relationship partners can expect to be
    pleasantly surprised over and over

    It is hard to manipulate an INFJ as they
    evaluate the motives of other people
    very carefully, especially when dating. It
    is very rare that INFJ is tricked or talked
    into something they did not want.

    Nevertheless, the INFJs are friendly and
    full of compassion, even though they
    can be very picky when it comes to
    choosing their dating partners. A
    relationship with an INFJ is a
    connection that simply cannot be
    described in everyday terms.
    From the sexual perspective, INFJs look
    at the intimacy as an excellent
    opportunity to express their love and
    make their partner happy. They enjoy
    becoming one with their partner,
    physically and spiritually, even if just
    for a short while. INFJs’ emotions are
    incredibly powerful and they cherish
    the idea of expressing them in this way
    – people with this personality type are
    likely to be very passionate and
    enthusiastic partners.

    Preferred partners: ENFP and ENTP
    types, as their EP traits compensate the
    introvert and judgemental tendencies of
    INFJs. INTJs are also a very strong
    match as the intuitive connection
    between INFJ and INTJ is likely to be
  • Kaget tiba2 banyak komennya. Hehehe :)
  • arif_jogja wrote: »
    INFJ Relationships and

    INFJs are warm and caring partners,
    able to love unconditionally and show
    that love to their partners. They tend to
    be perfectionists and this can
    sometimes irritate their partners –
    however, such a tendency also shows
    how sincere and serious INFJs can be.
    INFJ relationships often reach the level
    of depth that most people could only
    dream of.

    INFJs possess the ability to see behind the obvious, to clearly understand the idea behind the process. They are extraordinarily insightful and able to sense other people’s thoughts, desires and emotions very easily – this is an incredible strength in romantic relationships and helps INFJs a lot during the dating phase.

    INFJs can act wisely and spontaneously
    even in the face of unforeseen events,
    in contrast to traditional and less
    flexible S types. INFJs’ dating and
    relationship partners can expect to be
    pleasantly surprised over and over

    It is hard to manipulate an INFJ as they
    evaluate the motives of other people
    very carefully, especially when dating. It
    is very rare that INFJ is tricked or talked
    into something they did not want.

    Nevertheless, the INFJs are friendly and
    full of compassion, even though they
    can be very picky when it comes to
    choosing their dating partners. A
    relationship with an INFJ is a
    connection that simply cannot be
    described in everyday terms.
    From the sexual perspective, INFJs look
    at the intimacy as an excellent
    opportunity to express their love and
    make their partner happy. They enjoy
    becoming one with their partner,
    physically and spiritually, even if just
    for a short while. INFJs’ emotions are
    incredibly powerful and they cherish
    the idea of expressing them in this way
    – people with this personality type are
    likely to be very passionate and
    enthusiastic partners.

    Preferred partners: ENFP and ENTP
    types, as their EP traits compensate the
    introvert and judgemental tendencies of
    INFJs. INTJs are also a very strong
    match as the intuitive connection
    between INFJ and INTJ is likely to be

    OMG gw ENFP :O
  • edited February 2014
    Tiep kepribadian punya kelebihannya masing2. Ga ada yang keren melebihi yang lain. Semuanya di tingkat yang sama dan saling melengkapi.

    Juga nggak mutlak unsur2 pasangannya harus yg disarankan. Justru malah yang disarankan itu klo dilihat kontradiktif. Cuma pasangan yang disaranin itu punya beberapa kelebihan di kekurangannya pasangannya. Nggak menutup kemungkinan juga bahwa jodohnya ternyata jauh dari yang diprediksi.

    Kelebihan2 yang ga ada disebutkan disini bisa jadi ada di realitanya. Bisa jadi juga malah ga ada. Suatu studi selalu memandang hasil dari generalisasi pengamatan.

    Ini bukan suatu hal kayak keputusan yang 100% benar dan pasti. This thing was made and researched by men and anything comes from human, will never reach perfection level. Selalu ada flawnya

    Basically, yang penting disini tau masing2 nilai yang ada di diri kita dan mau ngoreksinya. Juga belajar memahami orang per jenis kepribadiannya. To be tolerant

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