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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Personality Test : 16 Kepribadian



  • Pada ngerasa dikulitin ya kayaknya? ;))
  • INTJ!!!! dan aku merasa aku keren bangeet!!! :D :D :D
  • edited February 2014
    @tamaki_syaoran kita sama :)>-
    <img src=""; />

    "The INTJ personality type is one of the rarest and most interesting types – comprising only about 2% of the U.S. population (INTJ females are especially rare – just 0.8%), INTJs are often seen as highly intelligent and perplexingly mysterious. INTJ personalities radiate self-confidence, relying on their huge archive of knowledge spanning many different topics and areas. INTJs usually begin to develop that knowledge in early childhood (the “bookworm” nickname is quite common among INTJs) and keep on doing that later on in life."

    " this personality type can be labelled as the most independent of all types." btw org terkenal INTJ pak Putin ._.
  • Pada ngerasa dikulitin ya kayaknya? ;))

    ga kok, malas copasnya aja =))
  • @awan96: wah kita keren!!!! dan kok pas aku lagi ngomongin itu di topik yg aku lagi pengenbahas di threadku, :D

    berarti kita dapet job the mastermind... hhahahaha xD
  • Yay ENFP :D

    artinya ane apa yak -_-"
  • uchirama wrote: »
    Yay ENFP :D

    artinya ane apa yak -_-"

    ih pas banget #maksa
  • uchirama wrote: »
    Yay ENFP :D

    artinya ane apa yak -_-"

    ih pas banget #maksa

    wkwkw XD
  • uchirama wrote: »
    uchirama wrote: »
    Yay ENFP :D

    artinya ane apa yak -_-"

    ih pas banget #maksa

    wkwkw XD

  • The Inspirer
    ENFP adalah inisiator dalam
    perubahan, tajam dalam
    perseptif adanya kemungkinan.
    Mereka memberi energi dan
    merangsang orang lain melalui
    api antusiasme mereka. Mereka
    tak kenal lelah dalam mengejar
    sesuatu yang baru ditemukan.
    ENFP mampu mengantisipasi
    kebutuhan orang lain, lalu
    menawarkan bantuan. Mereka
    membawa semangat, sukacita,
    keaktifan, dan menyenangkan
    untuk semua aspek kehidupan
    Mereka adalah yang terbaik
    dalam situasi yang
    memungkinkan mereka untuk
    mengekspresikan kreativitas
    mereka dan menggunakan
    karisma mereka. Mereka
    cenderung mengidealkan
    orang, dan bisa kecewa ketika
    realitas gagal memenuhi
    harapan mereka. Mereka
    mudah frustasi jika proyek
    tersebut membutuhkan banyak
    perhatian terhadap “detail”.
    ENFP paling memiliki
    kemampuan besar. Mereka
    benar-benar hangat dan
    tertarik pada orang, dan sangat
    mementingkan hubungan
    antar-pribadi. ENFP hampir
    selalu memiliki kebutuhan yang
    kuat untuk disukai.
    Mereka memiliki kemampuan
    luar biasa untuk memahami
    secara intuitif seseorang
    setelah waktu yang sangat
    singkat, dan menggunakan
    intuisi mereka dan fleksibilitas
    untuk berhubungan dengan
    orang lain.
    ENFP menganggap sebuah
    rincian dalam kehidupan
    sehari-hari merupakan sesuatu
    hal yang sepele dan
    membosankan. Ketika mereka
    dihadapkan dengan tugas yang
    perlu kerincian dan runtutan
    aturan, mareka tidak
    menikmatinya dan bisa
    membuat frustrasi.
    ENFP pada dasarnya orang yang
    bahagia. Mereka mungkin
    menjadi tidak senang ketika
    mereka terbatas karena sebuah
    jadwal yang ketat atau tugas-
    tugas rutin. Akibatnya, ENFP
    dapat bekerja dengan baik
    dalam situasi di mana mereka
    memiliki banyak fleksibilitas,
    dan di mana mereka dapat
    bekerja dengan orang-orang
    yang penuh ide. Banyak dari
    mereka membuat bisnis sendiri.
    Mereka memiliki kemampuan
    cukup produktif, selama
    mereka sangat antusias
    tentang apa yang mereka
    Ringkasan: Hangat, antusias
    dan imajinatif. Melihat hidup
    penuh dengan kemungkinan.
    Membuat hubungan antara
    peristiwa dan informasi, dan
    percaya diri untuk melanjutkan
    sesuatu berdasarkan pola yang
    mereka lihat. Ingin banyak
    penegasan dari orang lain, dan
    siap memberikan apresiasi dan
    dukungan. Spontan dan
    fleksibel, sering mengandalkan
    kemampuan mereka untuk
    berimprovisasi dan kefasihan
    lisan mereka.
    Keywords: Gagasan dan
    kemungkinan, antusiasme,
    energi tinggi, keterampilan,
    beradaptasi, kreatif.
    Karir pekerjaan: Konseling,
    psikolog, guru, agama,
    seniman, hubungan
    masyarakat, musisi, komposer.
  • ESTJ strengths

    - Dedicated. ESTJ personalities take their duties very seriously and do not abandon tasks just because they have become difficult or boring. ESTJs can also spend a lot of time and effort on causes that they care deeply about.

    - Enjoy creating order. ESTJs strongly dislike chaos and do their best to define rules, structures and roles in the environment that they see as too chaotic.

    - Excellent organizers. ESTJ personalities know how to manage people and distribute tasks and responsibilities. They are excellent team leaders, especially from the administrative perspective.

    - Loyal, patient and reliable. ESTJs value stability and security, and do their best to be responsible and reliable members of their company, community or family.

    - Strong-willed. People with this personality type have strong beliefs and rarely give them up regardless of the opposition – more likely than not, they will defend their ideas and principles relentlessly.

    - Direct and honest. ESTJs dislike reading between the lines and prefer simple and straightforward answers. They are more interested in facts than ideas or opinions.

    ESTJ weaknesses

    - Often too inflexible and stubborn. ESTJs often focus so much on traditions and their own principles that they may hastily dismiss unconventional ideas or methods that might be more effective than the “old ways”.

    - Judgmental. People with the ESTJ personality type tend to have strong convictions about what is right and socially acceptable, and do not tolerate any deviations. They are likely to comment on or criticize such behavior, believing that it is their duty to make things right.

    - May have difficulties expressing their emotions. ESTJs value facts and rationality, placing them above sensitivity and emotions. Consequently, they may have difficulties understanding other people’s feelings and expressing their own.

    - Find it difficult to relax. ESTJ personalities may focus too much on what is expected of them, forgetting to relax – or worrying what people might think of them if they do.

    - May focus too much on their social status. ESTJs value their social status very highly, and seek to be respected by their friends, colleagues and relatives. Consequently, they may often pay too little attention to their own needs and wishes.

    - Uncomfortable with unconventional solutions. People with this personality type prefer tried and tested solutions – they may be uncomfortable with sudden change or get stressed when there is a need to try something completely new.
  • ESTJ relationships and dating

    Few things are as straightforward and stable as ESTJ relationships. People with this personality type tend to be very reliable and this is reflected in their love life as well – once the ESTJ decides to commit, they will try very hard to make the relationship work. It is unlikely that they will be spontaneous or unpredictable and may even be seen as boring by some other personality types. However, ESTJs tend to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, which translate into unexpected surprises and interesting activities – for example, dating an ESTJ is likely to be quite exciting as they will easily come up with fun things to do.

    ESTJ personalities are very trustworthy and committed partners, able and willing to do everything in their power to ensure that the relationship is strong and stable. However, ESTJs also tend to have strong principles and their determination can often turn into stubbornness, with the ESTJ believing that they are always right. Such an attitude is very dangerous in a romantic relationship, especially during the dating phase, when both individuals are still discovering each other. A strong self-confidence can be very attractive, but it is also equally likely that the ESTJ partner will feel threatened or at least annoyed by it.

    Uma Thurman ESTJPeople with the ESTJ personality type are great at protecting their loved ones and defending their interests. This trait is common among SJ types (they are often called Sentinels for a reason) and it is likely to manifest both during the dating phase and later in the relationship. Most personality types are likely to be grateful for such a “shield” – however, the ESTJ should also make sure that they do not come across as arrogant or condescending. Standing up for your partner is one thing; telling them what to do or not to do is quite another.

    ESTJs are very likely to encourage their partners to participate in various social events and activities, seeing them as fun and exciting. However, ESTJ personalities are far less spontaneous compared to other ES types and they will probably stick to places, activities and people they are familiar with – e.g. family events, nights out with colleagues, community groups etc.

    When it comes to sexuality, ESTJs are likely to prioritize the physical side of intimacy rather than approach it from the spiritual or highly emotional perspective. ESTJ personalities tend to be very energetic, especially where their duties are concerned – this also applies to the sexual side of their relationships. The ESTJ is unlikely to be expressive verbally, but their sensuality will more than compensate for that. That being said, people with this personality type prefer clear structures and traditions, and are likely to seek some degree of predictability in their sexual activities as well.

    No one dating an ESTJ or being in a long-term relationship with them should expect too many touchy-feely moments as feelings and emotions are definitely not their strongest suit. This may cause some difficulties if their partner belongs to one of the Feeling (F) types – the ESTJ may find it quite tricky to understand the language of emotions. Ironically, ESTJs also tend to have a very strong need to feel appreciated and respected by their partners, even though this need is more rational than emotional – i.e. the ESTJ would rather hear that their partner appreciates their advice and support than have their partner express this indirectly by affection, increased attention etc. This usually has a significant impact on the ESTJ’s self-confidence, but no ESTJ would openly acknowledge that. Anyone dating a person belonging to this personality type or being in a relationship with them should be aware of this peculiar trait.

    Generally, ESTJ personalities are very direct and honest with their partners. They find it easy to express their satisfaction when everything is going smoothly and their dating or long-term partner is meeting all their needs. And vice versa, if something threatens the relationship, the ESTJ will try to deal with the issue by approaching it directly rather than attempting to sweep it under the carpet. Their approach is likely to be highly rational and unemotional, even if the actual issue is quite sensitive – many other personality types will appreciate the level-headedness and calm of the ESTJ.

    Talking of emotions, it is safe to say that they are likely to cause some of the most significant difficulties in ESTJ relationships. Despite being very social, ESTJs are not too good at deciphering the feelings of other people and can often be quite inattentive when it comes to sensing how their dating or a long-term partner feels. This is especially important in conflict situations – for instance, F types tend to be extremely vulnerable to conflicts and the rational approach preferred by most ESTJs is likely to frustrate them even further.

    ESTJs are not naturally emotional and there is nothing wrong with that – however, people with this personality type should not dismiss emotions as pointless and irrational. Different does not mean wrong and being sensitive is often far more important than being right. Learning to recognize and appreciate emotions would go a long way towards making the ESTJ’s personality more well-rounded and less prone to “I am always right” and similar sentiments.

    Preferred partners: ISFP and ISTP types.

  • ENTJ

    Tipe Kepribadian ENTJ
    (The Executive)
    ENTJ fokus pada cara yang
    paling efisien dan terorganisir
    melakukan sebuah tugas.
    Kualitas ini, bersama dengan
    orientasi tujuan mereka. Mereka
    dapat menjadi pemimpin yang
    unggul, baik realistis dan
    visioner dalam melaksanakan
    rencana jangka panjang. ENTJ
    cenderung sangat independen
    dalam pengambilan keputusan
    mereka, memiliki kemauan yang
    kuat yang insulates mereka
    terhadap pengaruh eksternal.
    Umumnya sangat kompeten,
    ENTJ menganalisa dan membuat
    struktur dalam dunia di sekitar
    mereka dengan cara yang logis
    dan rasional. ENTJ cenderung
    memiliki kesulitan terbesar
    dalam menerapkan
    pertimbangan subjektif dan
    nilai-nilai emosional ke dalam
    proses pengambilan keputusan.
    ENTJ sering unggul dalam
    bisnis dan bidang lain yang
    memerlukan analisis sistem,
    pemikiran asli, dan pikiran yang
    cerdas secara ekonomi. Mereka
    adalah pemecah masalah yang
    dinamis dan pragmatis. Mereka
    cenderung memiliki tingkat
    kepercayaan yang tinggi dalam
    kemampuan mereka sendiri,
    membuat mereka tegas dan
    blak-blakan. Dalam
    berhubungan dengan orang
    lain, mereka umumnya keluar,
    karismatik, berpikiran adil, dan
    tidak terpengaruh oleh konflik
    atau kritik. Namun, kualitas ini
    dapat membuat ENTJ tampil
    arogan, tidak sensitif, dan
    konfrontatif. Mereka dapat
    mengalahkan orang lain
    dengan energi dan keinginan
    untuk memaksa. Akibatnya,
    mereka mungkin tampak
    menakutkan, terburu-buru, dan
    penuh dengan pengendalian.
    ENTJ cenderung
    menumbuhkan kekuatan
    pribadi mereka. Mereka sering
    mengambil alih situasi yang
    tampaknya keluar dari kontrol.
    Mereka berusaha untuk belajar
    hal baru, yang membantu
    mereka menjadi solusi pemecah
    masalah. Namun, karena ENTJ
    mengandalkan fakta, mereka
    mungkin menemukan masalah
    dalam menggunakan sisi
    subjektif mereka. ENTJ
    tampaknya mengambil
    pendekatan yang sulit untuk
    masalah emosional atau pribadi,
    dan sebagainya dapat dilihat
    sebagai menyendiri dan tidak
    Ketika berusaha menuju
    tujuan, ENTJ sering
    menempatkan kebutuhan
    pribadi di lain tempat, untuk
    fokus pada pekerjaan dan
    berharap orang lain juga
    melakukan hal yang sama.
    Untuk alasan ini, ENTJ dapat
    dianggap orang yang bersedia
    mengorbankan diri mereka
    tetapi punya sikap “dingin dan
    tidak berperasaan”.
    Ringkasan: Tegas, menganggap
    kepemimpinan adalah hal
    mudah. Cepat melihat prosedur
    yang tidak logis dan tidak
    efisien dalam kebijakan.
    Mengembangkan dan
    menerapkan sistem yang
    komprehensif untuk
    memecahkan masalah
    organisasi. Memperluas
    pengetahuan dan
    menyalurkannya kepada orang
    lain. Kuat dalam menyajikan ide-
    ide mereka.
    Kata kunci: Organisasi,
    pemecahan masalah di tingkat
    sistem, tegas, analitis, visi
    jangka panjang.
    Karir pekerjaan: Eksekutif,
    manajemen, kepemimpinan,
    konsultan, SDM, komputer
    profesional, dokter, pemasaran.
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