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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Personality Test : 16 Kepribadian



  • arif_jogja wrote: »
    apaan? mau balikan?

    ish! DX
    #sumpal mulutnya
  • tuh kan
    dibilangin gapercaya
  • Diriku ISFJ qaqa @andyrysky bukan ISFP :p
  • @RifqiAdinagoro oiya kelilipan saya kak *ngeles* hahahaha :D
  • edited April 2014
    Wah mana mana, cb kutiup matanya
    *kecup matanya @andyrysky
  • Kok gw nyoba 2 kali hasilny beda ya? Antara ISFP atao INFP. Klo gw nyoba lagi beda lagi kah?
  • wah gue sama kayak TSnya..ISFJ juga..
  • @Giovan wrote: »
    Kok gw nyoba 2 kali hasilny beda ya? Antara ISFP atao INFP. Klo gw nyoba lagi beda lagi kah?

    Ngerjainnya pas bener2 mood n konsen. Klo ngga mood n konsen sama reflecting ke belakang biasanya emang suka berubah. Aku setaun berubah jg. Tapi karena emang ada turning event jd wajar klo berubah n emang ngerasa cocok ISFJ utk skrg dan masih. Aku dulu ENFP. Yg perlu diketahui trait kepribadian tiep2 orang itu punya semua kok. Cuma masalah dominansi sama event occurance aja. Jadi nggak mutlak. Cuma biasanya kayak hasil tipe test ini yg biasa di sehari2
  • hananta wrote: »
    ENTP Personality

    "Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crack-pot' than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost." -- Thomas J. Watson

    People with the ENTP personality type are often called devil’s advocates, and for a good reason. ENTPs absolutely love to argue and they do not really care that much what the argument is about, as long as it is fun. They may not actually support the idea they are arguing for, but may decide to go against the prevailing opinion, seeing this as a mental exercise. ENTPs are very quick-witted and original, which gives them a great advantage in debates, academia and politics – however, they also tend to do very well in many other areas that require willingness to challenge the existing ideas and juggle multiple arguments.

    One of the reasons why ENTPs are able to hold their ground in nearly every debate is their impressive knowledge and ability to jump from one idea to another, making unorthodox connections in the process. They do this with amazing speed and without much effort – the onslaught of arguments coming from the ENTP may easily confuse their opponent. This can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on who the ENTP is arguing with – they can easily shred their opponent’s arguments in a debate about politics, but cause immense stress in a romantic relationship if they try to do that to their partner.

    As always, there is no trait that is universally positive – in this case, ENTPs need to be careful to keep that love of arguments in check as the actual process is often more important than the truth. People with this personality type know this very well, but they also need to understand that what they see as fun can be very hurtful to another person.

    ENTP personalities tend to use their mind in a very specific way and this is especially noticeable in the professional environment – they enjoy brainstorming and outlining all the options, but do their best to stay away from actual implementation. Again, such a trait can be very valuable in certain situations, but cause tension in the workplace as the ENTP may be perceived as having fingers in many pies, but not willing to work hard to implement their ideas. ENTPs also tend to be non-conformists and love challenging existing rules and routines, which makes them irreplaceable where there is a need to rip up the existing models and come up with new, original plans.

    It is also worth mentioning that ENTPs usually prefer dealing with complex ideas and difficult challenges rather than day-to-day concerns. They enjoy thinking big and are good at it – it may take a while for an ENTP to reach the position that would allow them to fully utilize such a trait, but once they do, the flow of ideas will become unstoppable. However, the ENTP will still need to rely on other people to put them in place.

    ENTPs are usually very direct and honest. They do not really care about being seen as sensitive or compassionate, so their honesty may be quite brutal sometimes. ENTPs say what they think and do not mince their words – furthermore, they dislike people who try to beat around the bush, especially if they are about to ask the ENTP for a favour. Consequently, ENTPs tend to be respected, but not necessarily liked – many people not only tolerate being lied to, they actually hope for and need to hear a lie in certain situations. The society tends to put feelings, sensitivities and comfort above the unpleasant truth – this is likely to frustrate many ENTPs.

    In general, ENTP personalities are very rational and do not see much value in emotions or emotional arguments. Consequently, they are great when it comes to logical thinking, but likely to have difficulties in the emotional area – ENTPs’ confidence and keen sense of humor are usually very attractive, but they can easily (and often inadvertently) hurt an individual belonging to a different personality type. F types are especially vulnerable in such situations as they strongly dislike criticism and arguing, while ENTPs thrive on this.

    sama kayak agan @hananta
  • Nggih mas gonzo. monggo n matur suwun :D
  • edited July 2015
  • tandai dulu
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