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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Personality Test : 16 Kepribadian



  • Coba yang mobile version @arif_jogja
  • @hananta alhamdulillah.. Traitsmu udah pas di jalan yang kamu tuju sekarang ya? Good luck :)
    Bener juga tuh suka mbanyol dimana2 :)) :))
  • jawabannya di geser di bar.

    (completely agree)-(point)-(point)-(netral)-(point)-(point)-(completely disagree)

    jawabannya berarti pilih dari 7 opsi di bar merah-hijau itu. @arif_jogja
  • edited February 2014
    jangan diklik, tapi ditiup ke kiri dan atau ke kanan. @exel_badboy


    Sek ta lah. Ini bukane gambar artisnya ISFJ ya? ISFP juga Burritney ya mas @monsieur_gonzo ??

    #edited. Bukan deh. Temen seperjalanannya Frodo Baggins. Ternyata Sam siapa gitu namanya. Lupa
  • rooon rooooon !

    Beuh !
  • @all kayaknya harus di drag-and-drop aka ditarik-lepas klo lewat kompi berdasar pengalamannya mas @monsieur_gonzo :)
  • Ha? Aq artis? Ahahahhahahha.. Ntar deh abis mandi aq cba di kompie..
  • Ah masa

    Masa nggaknya utk dijawab coba diliat deskripsinya dulu mas @exel_badboy . Pas nggak. Klo pas ya.. emang gitu >:D<
  • ISFJ Personality
    "Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you." -- Mother Teresa
    The ISFJ personality type is perhaps the most altruistic and supportive of all types. ISFJs rarely sit idle – there is always a worthy cause awaiting their attention. Most personalities are quite willing to reciprocate when it comes to good deeds; however, ISFJs take that to a higher level, often going above and beyond what is actually expected of them. People belonging to this type thrive in areas that are both traditional (they are SJs, after all) and involve a lot of activities where their input could make a huge positive difference. Many ISFJs seek careers in the academic sector, medicine, social work or counselling; their personality traits also shine in administrative or clerical roles, or even in somewhat unexpected fields such as interior design.

    Samwise Gamgee ISFJOne of the hurdles that ISFJ personalities are likely to encounter in the professional environment is that it is quite difficult for an ISFJ to “advertise” their achievements. People with this personality type are prone to understating them, which leads to lack of recognition, missed promotions and various misunderstandings. ISFJs should not shy away from revealing how much they have done – not only this would prevent stressful situations, but the ISFJ would become more confident in their abilities and personality traits. It is not sufficient to simply know that you have done a great job – ISFJs also need to feel appreciated in order to remain enthusiastic. The fact that this personality type tends to be less visible than others does not help in such situations either.

    ISFJs should also pay more attention to their workload and not hesitate to voice their concerns if it becomes unbearable. ISFJs tend to overload themselves with work, but their kindness is abused just as often as it is respected. As a cynic would say, everyone is secretly an egoist – and the ISFJ personality is the perfect target for those who do not hesitate to use other people for their own gain. ISFJs are extraordinarily loyal, committed and patient – they should make sure that these traits do not expose them to exploitation.

    People with the ISFJ personality type often have very good memory and exceptional imagination. These traits can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. For instance, an ISFJ can easily notice discrepancies in someone’s story when the person repeats it again after a long period of time; ISFJs also find it very easy to choose the right gifts for persons they know well; finally, they may have no difficulties whatsoever making and maintaining personal and professional connections simply because they remember so many details about other people’s lives and habits – a very unusual trait for an introvert.

    I would like to expand on the last point a bit – even though most ISFJ personalities rarely have any difficulties fitting in and making new friends in the professional environment, they are unlikely to use those connections to advance to managerial roles. ISFJs function best when they work in a close-knit team, when there is no tension between the management and the employees. Some ISFJs even go as far as seeing all their colleagues as semi-personal friends and behaving accordingly. For instance, if an old colleague moves to another department, the ISFJ will definitely consider following their example.

    Kirsten Dunst ISFJPeople with this type are known for their meticulousness, patience, reliability and analytical skills. This is quite an unusual combination given that this is a Feeling (F) type, but this is exactly what makes ISFJs so effective. They are unlikely to offer or embrace completely new and radical ideas, or lead a team towards some big goal, but their determination and passion more than make up for it. ISFJs tend to be very traditional and can be expected to defend existing norms and procedures – however, they are not blinded by this and are generally open to change, provided that the new approach does not contradict their inner values and principles.

    Despite their effectiveness in the workplace, ISFJs will always put their family first. They will embrace the idea that family members are the most important people in their environment and act accordingly, paying a lot of attention to their needs and desires, surprising them with gifts and offering emotional or practical support when it is needed.

    That being said, ISFJ personalities should be aware of their tendency to overdo things, especially in the family environment. As ISFJs always try hard to exceed others’ expectations (especially when they are not sure what those expectations might be), their attention can be somewhat overbearing. Many personality types, especially more independent ones, are likely to get annoyed by this after a while. Furthermore, some personalities are naturally less sensitive compared to ISFJs – their reaction to that care and attention may differ from what the ISFJ would expect. This should not be taken personally – every type is unique and what is pleasant for an ISFJ may not feel natural for someone else.

  • (((JUDGING))) @exel_badboy XDDDDDD
  • Panggil koko @vian_oei koko @minions n @9gags ah ke sini..
  • edited February 2014
    Kalo di klik bagian bawah ada tulisan STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSnya. Contohnya punyaku gini

    ISFJ Strengths and Weaknesses
    +) ISFJ Strengths

    1) Very supportive.
    ISFJs are always willing to help other people, sharing their knowledge and experience with their colleagues, classmates or friends. People with this personality type strive for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment wherever possible.

    2) Enthusiastic.
    ISFJ personalities want to make a difference and are willing to spend a lot of time and effort fighting for or contributing to a worthy cause. It does not really matter if that is a simple task or a global initiative, the ISFJ will jump right in if the idea is aligned with their goals.

    3) Loyal and hard-working.
    ISFJs are very loyal and often get emotionally attached to a specific idea or a company. They will work very hard and do everything they can to meet their obligations.
    Imaginative and observant. People with the ISFJ personality type have their feet firmly planted on the ground, but they are also very imaginative, especially if something fascinates and inspires them. Furthermore, ISFJs also tend to be very observant individuals, able to pick up the smallest cues, especially when it comes to someone else’s emotional state.

    4) Reliable and patient.
    ISFJs are meticulous and careful individuals, always making sure that their work is completed to the highest standard and sometimes even going beyond what is required.

    5) Good practical skills.
    ISFJ personalities have no difficulties handling practical tasks. Their sense of beauty and harmony is unmatched, and they do not shy away from mundane, routine tasks – not surprisingly, ISFJs are great family people, always able and willing to take care of their loved ones.

    -) ISFJ Weaknesses

    1) Humble and shy.
    ISFJs are often reluctant to say what they truly think or present their achievements, especially in a competitive environment. This can hinder their career progress and cause frustration and disappointment.

    2) Overload themselves.
    ISFJs’ perfectionism, combined with their strong sense of duty, often pushes them to take on too much work – and as already discussed above, ISFJs always want to make sure that everything is completed perfectly. Not surprisingly, this can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for an ISFJ, especially if other people abuse their good nature.

    3) Take many things too personally.
    ISFJs are very sensitive to conflict and criticism, taking critical comments very personally. They may also have difficulties separating their professional and personal lives, allowing their worries about work affect everything else.

    4) Reluctant to change.
    ISFJ personalities value traditions very highly and may be unwilling to try out new things or change their habits, even when that would make sense from the rational perspective.

    5) Too altruistic.
    ISFJs tend to be very good-natured, warm individuals and they are likely to find it difficult to refuse requests for help. Unfortunately, this often results in the ISFJ getting overloaded with other people’s work or problems.

    6) Repress their feelings.
    People with this personality type are private and even somewhat shy – not surprisingly, they tend to repress their feelings instead of expressing them in a healthy way. This in turn increases their stress levels and can cause a lot of frustration further down the road.
  • aku via hp jg.
    tidak berubah jd biru atau apapun.
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