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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Well maybe I am a consevartive gay.



  • Nice point of view.. I've been thinking about it too anyway.. But allow me to give you another point of view.. What do you think of someone who falls of and end up marrying a person who not belong to Christ? sometimes we tend think that they might lack of faith that they can fall in love with someone who's not supposed to be fall in love with.. So what is the different with us? I kinda believe that what is happening to us now is a kind of temptation.. Well, of course satan won't tempt u with something that u don't like.. Anyway, maybe its an extreme point of view.. Same as you, right now I'm currently try to find a peace for myself.. But as far as I know, we're just trying to find an excuse to fulfill our desire and we're not moving at all.. We always get back to the same question 'is it a sin to have desire for other man?'
    anyway, if u finally find a peace with your heart for being a gay, please kindly share to me how you do that.. God bless
  • @gray_side eh senior, kalau komen dikutip doang itu gak masu notif ya -.-'' utg gw baca, yah ngenutup hati lama2 jg gak sih, jd apatis nanti hahha, yg ptg seimbang, gak berlebihan itu baru ok.
  • edited June 2012
    Being single can be good and bad, the same goes with being in a relationship too!
    We all have phases where we may want to be left alone or long for a relationship. Personally, I often feel the former, probably due to my introverted personality.

    As for the conservative thing, I used to be one, well, I had not much choice in that time, my environment is full of conservatives after all.
    But both my parents and I are both freethinkers and very, very open minded which helped me to not be so 'conservative'. That's not to say that conservatives are close minded though...

    As for the bible, sorry I can't help much since I'm not a religious person. I can give you advice though. Don't think right and wrong as 'absolutes', it's relative to the person's morals (and bible if the person is religious). Just do what makes you COMFORTABLE (conditions do apply of course, like you shouldn't do things which harm others in any way :p).

  • what can u do with "gay" character in you, dude! Being gay is not mistaken but its not a"gift" also. That thing you will carry along ur live, so be lived with it, but dont try to change anything else "normal" arround you to be "gay" thing.
    youl find the way, sorroundings will guide you next : become real gay or False gay
  • I don't have any big heart , not for coming out ,but for accepting that they will ignore me and treat me strange , my family is a conservative muslim , so am I , I'm just afraid of judgement day ,Lifeafter , but inside of my heart I note God "Why me" , but I'm afraid God will answer "Why Not" , I want to have a husband , and serve him ,but when I look into mirror ,I'm a man \(˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩)/
  • hei sephicious. i tottaly get u, coz im having similar situation here...
    and im already pm u about it. :)
  • wah abang ini bahasa Inggrisnya capcus! Mau dong bang jadi partner-ngomong-english ? Kebetulan lagi cari partner nih buat komunikasi english! ^^
  • hi there! :) firstly,i have the same belief with u but not that religious. Im a conservative but not in a max rate. As u know,gays are grey. Not to be naive,im one of them who put physical looking as my main point whatever u gonna call me.. :-)
  • It's hard to be a christian and gay, for whatever reason it is, Both christian and gay can't go hand in hand. No man can serve two master! Being a christian is a totall commitment. u can't be a lukewarm! Since I wasn't the man who can fully commit, and I don't think being a lukewarm is such a gud idea, so I had to choose. I choose to deny my faith, and took the consequences at my own. At least I'm not blaming anyone here.
  • Hi all i also a conservative person in my stands of gay marriage which i oppose it. I'm a catholic eventhough i'm a liberal person for doing sexual activity with my BF but i agree with catholic teaching about homosexualty . In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful, while homosexual desires are considered "disordered" but not themselves sinful. The Catholic Church considers human sexual behavior to be sacred, when properly expressed. The Church considers homosexual behavior to be sinful[1][2] because sexual acts, by their nature, are divinely intended to be both unitive and procreative (mirroring God's inner Trinitarian life).[3] The Church also believes the complementarity of the sexes to be part of God's plan.[4] The Church holds same-gender sexual activities to be incompatible with this framework:

    [H]omosexual acts are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. .. The Church has stated that homosexual desires or attractions themselves are not necessarily sinful. They are said to be "disordered" in the sense that they tempt one to do something that is sinful (i.e., the homosexual act), but temptations beyond one's control are not considered sinful in and of themselves. For this reason, while the Church does oppose attempts to legitimize same-gender sexual acts, it also urges respect and love for those who do experience same-sex attractions; thus the Catholic Church is also opposed to persecutions and violence against persons with same-sex attractions, and the 1997 edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that:

    The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

    The first edition, promulgated by John Paul II in 1992 with the apostolic constitution Fidei Depositum, contained the line "They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial" instead of "This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial".

    The church has also issued a statement that "urges States to do away with criminal penalties against [homosexual persons],"calling it "grave violations of human rights." It opposes all forms of violence against homosexual people and believes it should be confronted at all levels, but especially at the state level.

    For those who do experience same-sex attractions and identify themselves with a homosexual orientation, the Catholic Church offers the following counsel:

    Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection. Catholic church nowadays is very open and understanding about homosexuality I remember last year in my church @St Theresia church had opened a public discussion about catholic faith and homosexuality and the conclusion was along with the Catholic teaching underlined that being a Gay is not a sin because we're all the image of God but homosexual act (sodomy etc) is a sin because sex relation is only can be done by marriage couple (husband and wife) so I agree to have a partner to share my Love because Love is universal but no lust. And I hope that I can find someone to share my life with love and compassion. God bless us
  • @varia13
    wow...excellent and profound explanation on Catholic Church position on gay issues...I myself is a charismatic christian so pardon me if I didnt have much knowledge on Catholic views...

    but one thing i wanna share with you and @sephicious (and the rest of the readers) is that i believe christianity is about having a relationship with Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior. this relationship, nurtured by daily dependencies upon Jesus, will enable us to understand our self-being, purpose, and role towards others. yes, the church has a very critical and centric role in guiding believers in their faith development. but the church, as an institution, doesnot obtain the right to determine one's perception of faith that might just be the result of close relationship between the person and God. that is why the church can not and will not condemn gay people again. the church can, however, refrain from blessing the union of gay couple for it is not biblical (in a sense that it is not stated in bible). but what is not found on the bible, we found by the relationship with God, thru the Holy Spirit.

    i myself would like to offer my personal testimony: i met my boyfriend @bisexpotter last year. from what at first started as a fling, it developed into love. i bring this feelings and ask God in my prayers. early in the mornings and late at nights, i confessed to God about my love and my desire to be united with him, everytime with tears flowing down. God soon answered my prayers, and now @bisexpotter and I have been living together. so, in my personal opinion, which I have derived from my personal relationship with God, being gay is not a sin, and loving another man is not a sinful act. what happened in sodom-gomorah, again personally, was God condemned their act of lustfulness (they go around having sex with anybody they met).

    my testimony doesnot serve a guaranteed standard to measure your personal battle (or some might say confussions), but as a gentle reminder that one has to have a relationship with God in order to answers the questions going on in your minds. for it is only God's right to determine your decisions and options.

    God bless us, each and everyone of us.
  • @varya13
    maaf...salah tulis nama anda...skali lg maaf ya....
  • Mr. @sephicious lanjut lagi sharenya ~ :)>-
  • aku tak mau membahas antara yang konservatif dan tak, mungkin setiap orang dari kita tak mau terlahir seperti ini, namun untuk apa kita selalu menyalahkan diri, dan terkadang tak jarang mengkambing hitamkan, entah siapa itu,,,, aku? dulu di suatu masa pernahbegitu meenyalahkan diri, namun tak lama aku menyadari buat apa terus2 menyalahkan toh tak merubah suatu apapun. dan memang sulit posisi seperti ini, karena kita tak bebas untuk mencintai seseorang, ntah itu terbentur masalah dimana kita tinggal sekarang (budaya timur sangat menabukan percintaan semcam ini), agama, bahkan keluarga, banyak yang tak menermanya, well frustasi lah, hahahahahahaha aku, aku merasa seperti ini sudah lama sekali, jauh jauh kali sebelom aku mampu mengenal dunia ini, uhm,, sebelom aku masuk di kindergarden. dan seiring berjalan nya waktu aku menerima diri ku, aku berdamai dengan diri ku, menikmati hidup, dan beraktivitas seperti orang umumnya, well, memang berbeda, aku memang berbeda dengan kebanyakan, orientasi ku kah? yup memang toh itu bukanlah suatu masalah besar bagiku, menjadi berbeda itu tak lantas membuatku terkucilkan di dunia yang besar ini, justru menjadi beda itu memacu semangat ku untuk lebih dari mereka, lebih baik, lebih mampu memahami mereka, lebih peduli, daaan yah,, terkadang memang sech aku sedikit error, hahahahahahaha, well, im unique, not like u, or other, just me, well, dunia ku akan selalu berwarna tak selalu putih tak juga gelap yang menguasai, namun penuh dengan kombinasi warna.
  • i love ur story.. Honest and real.. I felt you, i have the same condition that u have.. And to me, i'd rather stay single than being wit sum1 who loves only my body, not my heart.. I can give amazing sex, but i won't give that like free stuff in the market.. ^^
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