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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Well maybe I am a consevartive gay.

edited June 2012 in BoyzLove

I know I'm gay, but I do believe in God and I do stand for my Christianity values. The thing is, when I read the bible, there's a chapter which told me about Sodom and Gomorrah, I don't find that it refers to being gay. Yeah, may be it refers to homosexuality act, but the thing written was kinda nasty, don't you thing? And here I am still searching about gay in Bible point of view. The only question remain is why?

Yeah, tons of us maybe asking why there is gays when it is such sins? And here we are talking about being gay, not about being a thief, or a murderer, or any nasty shit that we know that is wrong. But being gay? What so wrong about it? Why a man can't [or some peeps would say shouldn't] love other man?

Why is something wrong can feel so right?

Call me conservative.
But I am looking in Bible point of view. I long for the day that I can enjoy a fine Sunday service at church with my boyfriend, I longed for the day that we can share the joy in life through church. Yeah, I'm a church's activist and I actually love doing something positive in my twenties. But why can't it get a long with me being gay.
No peeps, my friend at church didn't [and maybe wouldn't] judge me for being gay, though they not support it, but they trying to accept it. But I do longed for the day that it all can come together.

Call me conservative.
But I long for a lover/couple/partner/whatever you wanna call it who share the same believe with me. Hey, remember! I AM AN ACTIVIST, NOT A RACIST!!! I longed for a long time. Is it too much to ask?

Call me conservative.
But I long for a lover or whatever that puts and have a high value about sex, yes I've done them. But whats the point of meaningless sex than satisfied yourself, while you can have an amazing sex with love and romance and don't have to be insecure about yourself.

Call me conservative.
But I long to find a guy who have a large interest in many thing than a large penis. No, scratch that. Large penis is a downsized, its a sweet bonus. But I long for amazing, deep, and meaningful conversation than an amazing and deep meaningless sex(es).

Yeah I am conservative, but that doesn't mean that I'm still in my closet. Well I do actually, but some of the time I'd like to come out of it to enjoy the life outside of it, and it feels good. Here me out, I'm not out completely, there's the time that I have to stay in my closet for a while, but I still can get out of it whenever I feel love to. And hey, OF COURSE US GAYS DRESS WELL. COZ WE DON'T SPEND ALL THAT TIME IN CLOSET DOING NOTHING, right?

Maybe the thing is, I am not ready to proudly coming out of my closet. After all, I'm conservative remember?

So... Are you a conservative one? Share us your story.


  • hiks sedih..
  • aahhh~~~....baca ini jadi galau to the max :(( :(( :((
  • :(( :(( , jdi ikut sedih
  • @vendi74 @xchoco_monsterx @AkselEE Wah, baru sadar pas baca ulang tulisan gw sendiri. Damn, ini galau to the MAX. Lucunya adalah, kemaren gw nulisnya pas lagi di gereja.

    @nip_eel ....
  • aku sedih karena gak bisa bacanya : (
  • @vendi74, Ahahahahahaha (bukan ngejek tapi beneran ngakak). Dan dsini gw pikir sedih kenapa. Ahahahahaha.
  • aduh nohok. ahaa, gw dah open ma satu temen cewek gw, lega rasanya sih, utg dia asik2 aja. malah adanya gw digodain mulu skrg. Teman memang keluarga yg kita pilih sendiri :). now, I put a value on her so much, she's one of my best friends
  • @dewaa91 Waduh jangan bilang gw kudu tranlate k Indo. Hahahaha. Tapi kita liat kalo permintaan pasar banyak berarti sebagai produsen gw harus menyanggupi. Hahahaha.

    @hekian yes dear, friends are the most amazing people who walked into our life, other than family of course. Still, if family is the most amazing of all, why can't I coming out to my mom, dad, and my oldest sister. At least I've made such progress by coming out to my other sister, my younger brother, several of my cousins and my cousin in law. Have you?
  • @sephicious: no, i still don't want to take any single of risk. I know that I will never marry a girl, but I'm the only child, yeah, that's the main problem. Although my mom already passed away, but I still have dad, so I don't want to break his heart, I'll wait until that 'day'. I'm so envy, you can coming out to several family T-T
  • @hekian, It is always the hardest to coming out to a family. But someday, I believe that you'd be brave enough to finally told your dad about you are. But at least you're brave enough to tell you girl-friend (not girlfriend) about who you are. I'm hoping that she won't ever betrayed your trust.
  • Yeah nice trit nongol lagi \m/

    I dreamed the day when i could marry my bf in church... =D
  • @gray_side, I love your nickname so much, coz my friends told me that I'm living in such side (I mean grey). A dream about marrying my couple in church? I never think of it actually, but it does sound..... I can't describe it. But here is hoping for it happen for you someday . ~O)
  • @sephicious: yeah, I hope too. Thank for your praying! haha, I hope someday, I can find a good place to start my family. I hope you can be happy with your bf too
  • @sephicious: yeah, I hope too. Thank for your praying! haha, I hope someday, I can find a good place to start my family. I hope you can be happy with your bf too
  • edited June 2012
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