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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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edited May 2012 in International
Kakak2 teman2 semua. Ada saran2 gak atau info2 menarik tmpt2 menarik yg perlu dikunjungi saat di Thai, gw ma temen2 rencananya menjelang akhir tahun mau ke Thai, ke Phuket ma Bangkok. FYI, I will go with my close-straight-friends, so I need a 'normal' place, hahaa. Arigaotou, minna-san!


  • @hekian i do not know, actually i really wanna go there. but no partner n right time :'(
  • @daviez_alfarizy wow, yeah this is my first time going there. Buta bgt daerah sana. I've got a discount ticket ahhaa. If you wanna go to Thai, don't be alone, because Thai is like our country *my friend suggest me*, so it's more safe have holiday with your friends. Gw jg bgng mau ke mana aja ke sana, T-T
  • wow.. when do u wanna go there? who will u go with??? @hekian
  • @daviez_alfarizy okt late, with my friends. That's why I ask here, whether there's somebody who fully understand abt the condition and have a suggestion place to go. T-T. kalau singapore mah bisa ngebolang sendiri, kalo di thai bahasanya udah beda, kgk tahu dah, moga lancar aja di sana hahaahhaa
  • @hekian u can speak english there i suppose. why not? and, there are plenty of gay people there. if u want, u can hunt :D but take care ur self there... do not forget.. u have to turn on ur gaydar :D
  • @daviez_alfarizy: how come?? hahaha I'll going with my straight friends haaha. So I can't do whatever I like ahahaa. Btw, about gaydar, I think my gaydar doesn't work at all. T-T, can't differentiate between gay or normal person, except for obvious person, such as *sorry* transexual or ngondek
  • haha. based on ur words.. u'r bot i suppose :) is it right??? hehe. once more take care ur self, when u'r there, someone can rape u. hehehe. but if u do not mind it's ok. actually i really wanna go there as we can see lots of naked gay bears there :'( huh. im eager to go there.
  • @daviez_alfarizy: you're words cut me like a sword. haha. Sorry, but I'm 'shattterproof' wkwk. yeah, daddy, I can take myself care. I bet you're a master-gaydar-reader LOL
  • @hekian hehehe. that's right. but , i do not know... :D actually i can know that based one their appearance, n way to speak. so, it's very easy to guess that they're gay n T/B. ya anyhow, i also love man, haha. that's why i can distinguish between T n B.
  • ok, you impress me. i still don't get it why some gay people can use their gaydar effectively. I feel like a hick who doesnt really understand abt this matter thoroughly, eventhough I've been from 5 years ago getting involved in this world T.T
  • @hekian so, what to do? :D ok, i feel like questioning something about u. may i?
  • @daviez_alfarizy: ok, you can ask me haaha. yah intinya sih kagum aja ma org2 dengan gaydar alami. mpe mata gw gede2in jg kgk bakal bisa dah gw bedain. kecuali yg udah jelas2 hahaa
  • u ngerti english w??? hehe. itu kan aaneh... tp correct lhooo.

    hmmmm. have u ever made love?
  • @daviez_alfarizy: tahu gak prinsip komunikasi. Yg ptg diantara kedua belah pihak terjalin kesinambungan dan kesepahaman dlm berbicara. hahahaa. jd ya kalo inggrislu atau inggris gw grammar ancur dsb asal slg paham itu udah bagus. drpd banyak ngomong tp ga paham. Sabar2 aja ya kalo inggris gw grammar error, krn gw bukan native :p Yeah, I've made so much love until today LOL.
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