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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
“The name is John. John Stevenson. It's a pleasure to meet you all”.
Aku melirik ke sekeliling ruangan meeting itu, yang nampak hanyalah beberapa wanita berbisik2 dan pria pria dengan wajah tanpa senyum.
"Well THAT went well" kataku dalam hati.
Mr.Gunawan dengan cepat berdiri disampingku dan merangkul pundakku, "John ini lahir di Jakarta, tapi dia kuliah di London dan tinggal disana. Itu salah satu alasan mengapa dia dikirim dari kantor pusat London kesini. Dengan pengalaman kerja di sana dan background Indonesia nya, dia adalah orang yang tepat untuk project ini."
Nothing but silence across the room.
"Setelah sekian lama tinggal di London, tentunya kalian bisa mengerti keterbatasan John dalam bahasa Indonesia dan pengetahuannya tentang Jakarta. Untuk itu saya minta kesediaan kalian untuk membantu John beradaptasi disini."
I know what he's trying to do, but it's not really working.
"Kalian akan mendapatkan waktu untuk mengenal John lebih jauh, tapi untuk sekarang mari kita beri sambutan yang meriah untuk rekan baru kita, John Stevenson."
Tepuk tangan Mr.Gunawan seakan memaksa yang lain untuk ikut serta memberikan sambutan yang hangat.
"Thank you Mr.Gunawan." I smiled as I whispered to him.
"Call me Hardi. And don't you worry, they'll warm up once they get to know you." bisiknya.
"Selanjutnya" Dia kembali melanjutkan briefing pagi.
"Ada beberapa update dari project di Pertamina. Seperti yang kita ketahui, minggu lalu...." His voice faded away into the background as my mind wandered back to the conversation that I had with my boss last week.
"That's a bit racist actually!" I said accusingly. "You are sending me to Jakarta office just because I look asian!"
"Oh com'on John, you know there's more to that. You're half Indonesian for goodness sake." said Chris Fountain as he got up from his big black leather chair. Chris was my boss, and I loved and respected him dearly because he never put himself as the boss. He treated me more like his work partner and also as a friend instead of just an employee. He was just a couple years older than me and we got on really well, in and outside the office.
But this time, I didn't agree with him. Well, I could see his point and I knew that it was not his decision only, but still, I wanted him to know that I wasn't happy with the decision.
"You think I like sending my best man to a country miles away from here? I'm not so thrilled about the idea too John, but you can see why the board thinks it's a good idea." now sitting on the edge of his desk in front of me.
"But still, I know nothing about Indonesia, all my family is here, I practically grew up here, and I barely speak the language." I lied. I did speak Indonesian, a bit rusty maybe, but good enough to sustain casual conversation.
"John, like I said, I'm not actually enjoying this. I'm going to miss you mate, even just for a couple of weeks."
Oh he's good!
Now he's playing the 'friend' card?
He is good.
"And hey, even though they've asked for two weeks visit, you can actually come back after a week. In fact everyone else before you did that."
He walked toward the door but stopped just next to me and gave me a stern look. "And no, I am not using the 'friend' card!"
What? He can read my mind too?
He put his right hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. "I mean it."
Darn it! Why do I have to be so close with my boss, he knows me too well.
He tapped my shoulders a couple of times before walking out to the corridor.
I guess that means this conversation is over.
"Now com'on, if you stop your whining, we can still make it to the sushi bar for lunch and see if the girls we met yesterday are still around. That'll take our minds of this."
I hate him.
Why does he get to be right all the time?
"Who knows, you may even get 'lucky' before your flight next week." His voice was still clear even though he was getting further away into the corridor.
But I was in my own world, battling with my rants inside my head.
Why am I the one who has to go?
Why not him?
Why does he get to have everything?
The brain, the money, the power, the look, the body.
I mean look at him walking.
Even from behind he looks amazing.
Wait, what did I just say?!
"Ok, sekian briefing hari ini, terima kasih semuanya. Oh, jangan lupa hari ini kita ada makan siang bersama untuk menyambut kedatangan John."
Aku tersentak ketika mendengar namaku disebut. Satu persatu mereka melangkah keluar dari ruangan sambil mengangguk kepadaku seakan menyapa ku tanpa suara. Berusaha terlihat ramah, Aku melempar senyum kecil, tapi aku menyesalkan mengapa lamunanku harus buyar dan aku harus kembali ke sini.
Back to reality.
Back to Jakarta...
@ambigu: Jadi nulis kok, cuma tadi salah masuk kategori, he he he. I'm still not used of being called "om", but I guess that is appropriate. Kemarin2 sibuk kerja and travelling nih, ths is my first free weekend since :-)
"Oh joy!" Desahku sambil menjatuhkan diriku ke ranjang besar di kamar hotelku. It's been a very long first day. Between the jetlag, switching my brain from English to Indonesia, getting to know the work here and absorbing all too much information, I was exhausted.
Kulirik jam di tanganku, jam tujuh lewat sembilan belas. Sejenak ku lemparkan pandanganku ke luar jendela, langit gelap dihiasi cahaya dari gedung2 tinggi disekeliling hotel. Berjalan mendekati jendela aku melihat lampu lampu dari kendaraan dibawah mengiringi sebuah kolam air besar dengan sebuah tugu berdiri tegar ditengahnya. Lampu warna warni bergerak searah seperti tarian kumbang-kumbang malam, mengelilingi sekuntum bunga mekar.
Bundaran HI.
I must try to remember that name.
Handphone ku bergetar dikantung celanaku. Ada sms masuk. "Hey mate, how was your first day in the office? Scored any local girl yet? lol. CC." I smiled. CC stood for Cool Chris. If Chris didn't look like he should be the current James Bond instead of Daniel Craig, typing "Cool Chris" at the end of all his texts would be considered a pathetic attempt to look cool. But the truth was he was cool. Tampan, gagah dan mempesona, dia memang layak untuk memainkan peran seorang agent rahasia dari negara Inggris yang berkharisma tinggi. Dikagumi banyak wanita dan dicemburui oleh banyak pria. Give him a tux and a gun, he'd be the perfect James Bond. Aku tersenyum sendiri.
Aku membalas sms nya. "It was SO good that I can't decide that on my first day back in London whether I should kill you and then hug you, or hug you AND THEN kill you. Humbly awaits for your decision, boss! John"
I missed being witty and playful with words. Disini jangankan untuk bercanda, untuk berbasa basi dengan orang orang dikantor saja aku masih terbata bata.
I hated being stuck here in Jakarta. I preferred London anytime.
I looked at my watch again and realised that it was still 2.35 in the afternoon in London. Tidak heran otakku masih aktif bekerja walaupun badanku terasa lelah.
Handphone ku bergetar sekali lagi. Another text from Chris.
"WHAT? You'd be away for a week and all I'd get is a hug? Mate, when you get off that plane back to London, get ready for a big sloppy kiss from me. Notting Hill style! CC"
He's playing "gay chicken" game again, I smirked.
A running joke that we both played all too well.
Notting Hill style huh?
Aku sudah sering mendengar dia meluluhkan hati para wanita di London dengan jurus yang satu ini.
Dasar playboy kampungan!
Actually, dasar playboy Notting Hill!
Aku tertawa sendiri.
Sekarang kesepianku terasa lebih reda. His texts warmed my heart.
Aku melemparkan diriku kembali ke tumpukan bantal-bantal yang masih terlihat tersusun rapi diatas ranjang.
"I can't afford to fall asleep now. I must wait for a little longer." I reminded myself.
Kalau aku mau menghilangkan jetlag ini, aku harus bisa bertahan beberapa jam lagi untuk tidak tidur.
I mumbled while enjoying the fact that the bed was so soft. It was nice and comfortable that I couldn't help but to feel relax. Badanku serasa dimanjakan oleh kesejukan bantal bantal dan ranjang ini, aku merasa seperti melayang di awan-awan, sama seperti pikiranku saat ini. Terbawa angan angan, bermimpi terbang kembali ke London, kembali ke apartemenku. menghabiskan waktuku di pub favouriteku, minum bir bersama Chris and teman temanku.
Chris,.... Funny and witty as always... With one hand holding a pint and the other arm curled across my shoulder as he often did, he was telling jokes and making people laugh. Time seemed to slow down as I secretly watched his face next to mine. He looked happy. It was obvious that he got a lot of pleasure in making people laugh, and people enjoyed him too. He had always been the center of attention.
Well can you blame him?
His laughter sounded so care-free and infectious. His smile was so warm it could melt any girl's heart in the room, anyone's heart actually. It certainly warmed my heart. I smiled.
He looked back to me, while sipping his lager. His eyes were trying to read what was in my mind. And there it was, his smile. A full picture of his smile in front of me. His green eyes locked in mine as if he was successful in reading my mind. That sharp light green eyes that you could be lost every time you look into them.
But then his smile started to fade into a more serious look. His eyes were still on mine for a couple more seconds, before he slowly started to lean forward. His face looked serious now and was getting closer and closer. I could see his eyes switched back and forth from looking deeply into my eyes and glancing to my lips.
I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. I could smell a bit of alcohol when it hit my nose.
But I couldn't close my eyes nor move my face away. I didn't want to lose a second of looking that beautiful face. His eyes that shined that emeralds. His rosy cheeks. His strong jaws covers with little stubbles that made you want to caress it. His perfectly shaped nose breathed warm air into my mouth. He was getting closer and closer. I didn't know what to do. Inside I started to panic. But his eyes looked deeply into mine.
They comforted me, as if they were telling me to relax and to trust him.
It's going to be ok, just let it happen.
"let what happen?" I asked back with my eyes.
What is he thinking? What's getting into him?
He was getting too close. I could feel the warmth of his face. The smell of his perfume blended nicely with his body odour. I felt intoxicated inhaling all of it. My breath became shorter and shorter, and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.
But hang on, this is not the time or the place to play that stupid gay chicken game. People are watching for goodness sake!
his lips moved, slightly parted.
No, wait, this is not happening, no, no...,I need to back off.
I need to move away and not lean in.
am I leaning in?
I AM leaning in!
No, no, hang on, I've got to stop this, no, this can't be happening.
His lips was about touch mine .
His soft pink lips.
Those lips looked so sweet and soft, like pink marshmallows inviting you to have a bite.
I could see the tip of his tongue peeking from the set of white teeth.
It was getting too close.
Anytime now we would be... this would be.... I would be...
My eyes were slowly closing. everything got slightly blurred and it slowly turned dark. It went darker and darker.
"No, wait, hang on, don't end this here, not yet, I want to see, I... I want to feel, I... I .... I WANT that kiss!"
Aku terbangun, pucat dan kaget. Kepalaku terasa sakit dan pandanganku sedikit kabur. "Arrgh" I groaned while trying to get up. Dengan satu tangan aku memegang kepalaku yang berdenyut, dan satu tangan lagi menyanggah badanku untuk bangun dari ranjang. Perlahan lahan aku mulai bisa melihat dan menyadari kalau aku berada di hotel kamarku.
Hotel Indonesia.
I'm in Jakarta.
"I'm in Jakarta for heaven's sake!" I said slightly annoyed.
I was struggling with the pain in my head.
But something else annoyed me even more.
What THE HELL was that about??
nggak apa apa kan kalo dipanggil om...? ato sir aja nih ...???hihihi
enaknya travelling.... 8->
oiya btw welcome back...
mau komen ceritanya.... astajim bahasanya ampe rada2 g ngerti om...hihihihi
gw biasanya ngelatih english dari manga2 gitu ....tapi pas baca cerita ini...banyak yg miss... T-T hahahaha
tapi suka kok sama ceritanya...hehe n jadi tantangan juga nih gara2 bahasanya, biar bisa lebih terbiasa sama bahasa kayak gini...hehehe
contohnya kayak ini "Notting Hill style!" ...????bingung....hihihihi
n karakter si CC menarik...hehe
oiya tapi agak aneh pas om pake bhs indo....-,-a bagus pas english...lebih ngalir kesannya...hehe
Btw, is that based on a real story? Gak banyak kan EPC yg HQnya di UK dan buka cabang di Indonesia. Is it Am*c B*rca? Or p*tr*fac (meskipun yg satu ini lbh banyak India-nya). Atau EPC lain yg blm gw tau?
Anyway, good story sir. Looking forward for future updates!
salam kenal juga...
sir @captenastro nya mana ya ... ???maaf beliau lagi ada meeting kayaknya..???hihihi
And look what you'v done. Everybody is calling me sir/om, oh my gosh, it's not like I need a reminder of how ancient I am, lol..
@end: salam kenal juga. It's "inspired" by real story :-). Maaf, mau tanya balik, Am*c B*rca dan p*tr*fac itu apa yah ? enggak ngerti nih. Sama EPC itu apa yah?
@coolmon: Makasih buat commentnya. chapter 3 is coming soon.
Intinya kaya makanan, ada yang ala italia, nah ini itu ciuman ala notting hill.
Kalo ada yg enggak ngerti lagi, jangan sungkan2 tanya yah, soalnya gue jadi belajar lagi bahasa indo nih kalo gini.
wkwkwkwwkwk maaf.... hehe
kalo gitu pake english aja...g usah dipaksain juga kali om...hehe
ohhh Notting Hill style itu gitu...ya ya ya...hehehe
pasti om... hihihi
mudah2an om jg g enek sama gw kalo kebanyakan nanya... hehe
ceritanya bagus om,
penulisannya kyk di novel yg biasa gw baca...
btw yg ane bayangin dr sosok bos u si Bradley Cooper, bwakakkakka
gagah sekaleee 8->
chapter 3 om di tunggu
@gray_side: makasih buat commentnya. And let's go with your idea of thinking Chris fauntain as Bradley cooper :-).
chapter 3 will be ready in 5 mins, it's going to be a bit of a drag, but bear with me :-)
Second day in the office wasn't too bad.
I spent most of the morning sitting in front of my laptop.
Aku mencoba merangkum informasi-informasi penting yang aku peroleh dan mencoba menguraikan analisa sementaraku untuk dilaporkan ke kantor di London.
I took some paracetamol this morning, so the headache was gone.
But it didn't take away the confusion in my mind.
What's going on with me?
I'm straight. I am straight, right?
I mean I'm going to be 28 this year, I think it's a bit too old to suddenly develop a new sexual preference.
I would lying if I say I had never wondered how it'd feel with a guy , but I'm still straight.
I said it as if I was trying to convince myself.
I wasn't scared of being gay, and I'm quite sure I wasn't homophobic either.
I never felt repulsed with the idea of two guys having sex.
So that wasn't the problem.
What is$$ it then?
Maybe it was just the jetlag, and "the fun" from the first day at work.
My brains were just playing games at me.
Yeah, that's it, that's the reason why.
It just happened that I had got the text from Chris just before I dozed off.
And can you really blame me? Did you not read his text?
He said he was going to kiss me, that silly Chris.
That why I had that weird dream.
It's all his fault.
Exactly! This is all HIS fault!
If he didn't agree with the boards so easily, I wouldn't be stuck in a hotel in Jakarta with this annoying jetlag.
If he didn't text me with his stupid joke, then I wouldn't be having weird dreams like that.
Chris and his stupid jokes, his stupid face, and his...his deep green eyes, and...and his smile..
Aaah.. the smile, the
"Knock knock...."
I jumped a bit.
"Hey tiger, how's it goin?" Mr.Gunawan walked in without noticing the shocked look on my face.
Tiger? Really?? Do I look like a american teenager to you? I said it quietly in my mind.
"Hi, Mr. Gunawan, good morning." I tried to hide the fact that I was in turmoil inside.
"Dude, I asked you to call me Hardy yesterday, didn't I?" He said without noticing that I wasn't in the mood for any conversation with anyone.
And what's with the tiger, and the dude? where are we? 1980 american sitcom?
I took a deep breath, trying to keep the sarcastic comments inside.
"Right, Pak Hardi." I though I needed to call him 'pak' as he looked slightly older than me.
"Are you busy?" He asked.
"No, oh no, not at all..."
I lied, I wanted to say 'yes, I am very busy, so get lost!'
" I was just trying to finish my report. I thought if I could send it before lunch, then the guys in London office will get it first thing in the morning their time. It's not really..."
I stopped after realising that I was speaking in english out loud again.
"ehem. Maaf." I said while preparing myself to repeat what I just said in bahasa.
"Maksud saya, saya sedang mengerjakan laporan untuk kantor di Lon.."
"Ha ha ha" Tawa Pak Hardi membuatku berhenti.
"Don't be silly. You can speak english to me anytime you want. In fact, I think you should do that to the others too, I'm sure they'd appreciate the opportunity to improve their english."
Aku tersenyum kecut.
Yeah right. They all probably think I'm just another pretentious snub.
"Well, pak Hardi," aku mencoba membiasakan diri memanggilnya dengan nama itu.
"I look Indonesian enough, so people will automatically speak Indonesian to me. I could see how it'd feel weird for them if I spoke english."
That's a good cover up.
I didn't want him to know that I've been getting a lot of judging looks from people in the office.
Darn it. I did it again!
"ehem, maksud saya..,"
"Selain itu, saya justru melihat ini kesempatan yang baik untuk saya belajar mengenal kembali Indonesia, bahasa dan budayanya. I'm here anyway, sayang sekali kalau disia-siakan."
"Lagipula, kalau saya bisa lebih lancar berbahasa indonesia, dikemudian hari pasti akan membawa dampak baik dalam meningkatkan hubungan kerja antara kantor di London dan kantor di Jakarta."
That should do it.
"You're smart! And you think ahead! I like that." His index finger pointed at me.
"Ada yang bisa bantu pak?" I wonder if he could sense my subtle way of saying 'get lost'.
"Oh no, I just wanted to let you know that we ..."
A knock on the door.
"Excuse me sir, you called me just now?"
Terlihat sebuat wajah yang tidak ku kenal muncul dari balik pintu.
"Aah, Danny, of course, come in" Pak Hardi said inviting him to join the conversation.
What's going on? Who is he? I've never seem him before in this office.
"John, I want you to meet Danny. Danny, this is Mr. John Stevenson."
"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." Danny masuk ke kantor sambil mengulurkan tangan.
Aku menjabat tangannya.
"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you too" I said politely while trying to get the first impression of him. He looked young, mungkin dua atau tiga tahun dibawahku.
"John, Danny saya tugaskan untuk menjadi asisten sementara kamu. Saya yakin kamu butuh bantuan seorang asisten yang bisa take care kamu selama kamu di Jakarta."
"Oh, wow... well..." I'm speechless.
"I don't know what to say, that's not really necessa.."
"I'm sorry I wasn't in the office yesterday to welcome you, but I heard so much about you sir." Danny said with a warm smile.
"That's.... hm...great!" I don't know what else to say.
"It's such a privilege to be working under you sir." Danny berkata dengan sopan namun dengan tatapan yang tajam.
I couldn't read what he was trying to say with his look.
"Oh, saya yang justru harus berterima kasih atas kesedia..." Tiba tiba aku menyadari kalau aku masih menjabat tangannya.
"John, you can totally speak english with him. Just like me, he studied in the States, so his english is good." Kata pak Hardi sambil menepuk pundakku dan pundak Danny.
We were still holding each other's hand. I looked at Danny and he was still staring at me.
Awkward silence...
"Well, Danny will officially start tomorrow." suara pak Hardi memecahkan keheningan.
"I'm sure you two will get along well. You guys have a lot in common and...."
"Knock knock."
The knock on my door finally broke my handshake with Danny.
Again, another head was sticking out from behind the door, only this time I recognised the face.
Flippin 'eck, what is it today with people coming into my office?
"Eh... eh... maap...permisi mister..." A familiar face trying to see if it was ok for him to interrupt. He's the guy from one of the cubicles in front of my office.
"Ya, ada apa?" Pak Hardi bertanya dengan tegas.
"Maaf pak Hardi, barusan ada email urgent dari kantor London, dari mister Chris. Katanya dia minta mister John untuk online di Sykpe."
"Oh yah, udah, makasih" Pak Hardi kembali menjawab, kali ini malah lebih terkesan ketus, seakan dia merasa terganggu.
"John, kalau begitu saya dan Danny permisi dulu." Kata Pak Hardi.
Danny masih terus menatapku dengan tajam. I feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Danny, kamu ikut saya dulu kalau begitu, saya mau kamu pindah ke meja didepan sini. Kita perlu atur komputer dan telepon untuk.." Pak Hardi berbicara sambil berjalan keluar dari kantorku. Danny pun berjalan mengikuti pak Hardi keluar ruangan, namun dia masih belum melepaskan tatapan tajamnya kearahku.
Do I have something of my face?
Dia perlahan lahan menutup pintu ruanganku, his eyes were finally gone behind the door.
Seriously, what's wrong with him?
lucu....n menarik banget...hehe
gara2 cerita ini jadi keinget pas om waktu itu dibilang sama user lain agak gimana gitu ya karena kebanyakan pake english...hihihi
maklum om kebanyakan orang emang mudah men judging orang lain...padahal dia nggak tau latar belakangnya orang itu...atau mungkin emang nggak mau tau...? dunno...hehe
kalo bhs indo nya masih keliatan kaku dan ada yg kurang tuh om... but overall.... I like it ... :-bd